Friday, October 31, 2008

it seems all of these words couldn't be further from the truth

how did i get here? what did i do?


eat that, unicorns (tm especially) !!!
i was cheeeering like a retarded mad-ass. all the netballers were hahaha
and we played the "johny johny johny johny who's johny who's johny" thing and after quite a while, everyone except for kristal got it.
she's like the most tardy person ever
quite an enjoyable sports day even though my throat's hoarse and very worn from all that screaming and shoutinggg
my fav cheer is the peel banana one its damn gay dont you all agree
um i ran (4x100m relay)
we didnt win anything and it wasn't exactly glamorous either, but at least my hair wasn't centre-parted when i was going against the wind hahaha
was the last runnerrrrrrr. thanks for the encouragement :)

anyw, we were released three hours after the scheduled time
had a short bully gang outing after it!
went to watch

at the cathay and it was awfully disenchanting :(
the only reason why i'd advocate this movie - you get to see zac efron on a damn big screeen

oh i do like this song though.
can i have this dance

hanged around at gramophone.
wrote on a post-it at the "to-do" board.

spot our little note :)

whrvr we are, the one person who's always in our hearts.
oh its not self-delusion btw, it's absolutely true that MC loves BG hohoho

then we separated.
then i went to meet joong at marina bay then he sent me back to yew teee. slept all the way hahha sorry i was such great company

will be going out to have supper (instead of dinner as we originally intended cos i'm way too tired right now) with alfred and joong ltr on.

will be on a word-blogging hiatus till everything feels fine agn.

till then,

p.s. we will never ever give up on you.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

hello my friend

went out to eat with rafflesia agn! this time at queenstown market.
awesome awesome awesome.
laugh laugh laugh.
too much food makes me/us drunk.

tired tired tired.

sports day tmr. go minos :D
and to everyone else who's running, alll theee wayyyyyy

k bye

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

tell me why, ain't nothing but a heartache

tell me why, ain't nothing but a mistake.

now i can see that we're falling apart
from the way that we used to be.
no matter the distance, i want you to know
that deep down inside of me:
you are my fire, the one desire.


i dont have much to post abt tdy but blogging has become a habit/routine

SC investiture.
and it's aftermath we were burdened with (um carrying chairs up to the gallery).

training/four quarters with each other.
think all-blacks (seven of us :D) managed pretty well as a team/group considering that we didnt have any substitutes etc.
i wasnt well-conditioned to play though. leeyin performed great tdy !!! :D
weights and after that, unglam abs exercises on the track

cabbed back with huey.
she can be quite a show-off at times.
when we drove past ethel and gang, she made the driver honk hahaha


outside KNC sometime back.


do you ever think about me?
do you ever cry yourself to sleep?
in the middle of the night when you're awake,
are you calling out for me?
do you ever reminisce?
i cant believe i'm acting like this
i know it's crazy
how i still can feel your kiss

do you ever ask about me?
do your friends still tell you what to do?
every time the phone rings,
do you wish it was me calling you?
do you still feel the same?
or has time put out the flame?
i miss you,
is everything okay?

it's hard enough just passing the time
when i cant seem to get you off my mind
and where is the good in goodbye?
tell me why, tell me why

answer, answer all my qtns

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

you made me believe that there was nothing in this world i couldnt be

i still dont know what you see,
but there was something in the way you looked at me, darling

i have been reaching sch on the dot the past one week or so.
i braved through lots of near escape from yellow slip (latecomer's form)

slept for an hour during CID.
cos it was reallyyyyy dark and LT's air-conditioned.
plus i slept kinda late last night.
along with the exams, my discipline, rigour, urgency and ability to stay awake in lessons have gone too.

got back almost all the papers.
what a feat, i got my first ever A1 for chinese (paper 2) since i stepped into RV hahah hurry congratulate me !!!
trik too, so well done :D

the netballers who ran the 4x100m and 4x400m events totallyyy owneddddddddddd !!!
hahaha gay runners, you guys are cool the max
RVNB ftw :D
training was okay i guess. sort of productive cos i got to work my runs/passes quite a bit.
i have so much to work on though, really hope its not too late to start working hard.
that's what i always say but i dont usually put it to actions.
that wont be the case this time, for i will be doing passes and stuff with clau tmr morning hohoho :)

and helloooo! i heard it, i drank it.
was srsly encouraged (no sarcasm intended).
sknaht :D :D :D

oh and btw, i oh so carelessly left my phone under my desk so please dont get mad if i dont reply your messages hahahha

i'm happy yet empty

i'll wait till kingdom comes

Monday, October 27, 2008

you got me hypnotised, so mesmerised

i just got to know.

i'm currently at candice's house.
waiting for them to finish their game of risk.
so we can play monopoly (its my old fav :D)

anyw, went out with ian and yunhao (is that how you spell his name?) this afternoon.
we met at commonwealth (abt 1.15PM) and we were intending to fill ourselves with black pepper udon.. BUT. upon arrival we realised that it was freakinggg closeedddd cos its deepavali tdy !!!
anyw, the place is just a five mins walk away from RV. and i didnt know such a place existed, myyy am i brilliant

so we ended up eating at dhoby ghaut's acia and i have to say that the food isnt as good as what joong (or was it alfred?) made it out to be.
he was full of praises for it but i think it's just plain okay. the only thing commendable is the reasonably cheap price

then we arcaded! hahaha they're jokerrrrrrs luh, played bullet at one of the spoilt basketball machines. attracted quite some attention eh tssssssssssk
oh oh oh i owned ian in daytona :D :D :D
saw quite a few rvians (like irene, yujie, basically RVTT members who were also in the arcade; a girl from 2H who was at the MRT station).

went to cathay after that cos we (or rather i) wanted to catch the house bunny! been trying to watch it but i always go to the box office when the showtimes are horridly hours away :(
this time was no exception :(
i hope it continues screening for a while
walked around a bit before going back to plaza sing to shopppppp.
bought two bucks worth of stuff at the paper shop. i like that place, it's like point, just that they sell more papers than notebooks thr
afterrrr everythingggg, we grabbed a bite at pasta mania (i got a very gratifying banana dessert pizzza) and by the time we finished it was near 7PM.

here's two thousand words to sum up the day:

zomg i look so petite !!!

btr, a lot btr :D



Sunday, October 26, 2008

when will the rosies grow again the rivers flow again

not till you come back to me.


UPDATE @ 11.39PM
going out with joong totally perked me up :D

he's sick. likes to take close-up pics

they ran out of chicago cheesecake! but mudpie was good too.
and the way to my heart is through my mouth

thanks for the treat, and for making tdy worthwhile :)


so i'm feeling quite emotional right now. not the emoistic lock-myself-in-a-room-and-cut-wrist kind, but the reminiscing/a-walk-done-memory-lane kind.

was randomly bloghopping from a churchmate's blog and i chanced upon an awfully sad blog.
i dont know if i shd post the link here because i dont think she needs anymore publicity, but i'll just share her side of the story.

she's 22 this year, and her boyf/partner (an NSman) passed away quite recently.
in her little web space she posted about the days she wished he was still around,
"to hug the bad feelings away";
so they could catch the newly released movie tgt;
to listen to her insane rants abt whtvr nots;
so she could dissolve into his arms and feel that kiss on the crown of her head;
so they could spend the rainy days reading, snuggling up against each other.
the saddest post of all was the birthday one (i read almost all her archives btw), whr she reccounted that went to the columnbariam equipped with a chocolate cake, a card, her love and her pressence, to celebrate the day god delivered him to earth.
i hope i will never have to experience anything like this for i can alr feel her pain, infinite and boundless like impending thorns growing in her heart, ridding her of all mortal love she once felt, just by reading all those words.
it's more than hard to live when that one special person is gone forever.

like you can cry every night, you can cry till every part of your body hurts, you can cry till your heart literally aches, you can cry till the lights in all the apartments around yours get turned off, you can cry till dawn breaks,
but nothing will change.

so move on.

"every night i miss you i can just look up
and know the stars are holding you,
holding you,
holding you tonight."

- FM Static's Tonight

remember to cherish. always

Saturday, October 25, 2008

when the visions around you bring tears to your eyes

and all that surround you are secrets and lies,
i'll be your strength, i'll give you hope,
keeping your faith when its gone,
the one you should call was standing here all along.

got up ten minutes ltr than i shd have awoken this morning, so by the time i met the netballers at bukit batok, it was alr 8.45AM.
sorry to have kept you guys waiting!
bus-ed to ms loo's condo.
i was hoping that it'd be an absolutely leisure kinda recovery swim but it was nothing like that!
warm up was 8 laps in the pool.
then we did 30seconds of running (in the water) while keeping afloat (meaning we were not supposed to touch the floor/thread water) x 10 reps x 3 sets.
it was hell tiring and my shin was hurting mad-ass cos the muscles were so tighttttt.
then had a 10mins water race. grrr i cant run in water for nuts
after that we played a slightly modified version of duck duck goose and their expressions were all very funny hahahaha
ended off with stretching exercises.
quite fun, but when i reccounted the training to trik she was like, "ms loo is quite lame yar."

met up with trik ltr in the afternoon and goodness gracious me.
i dont mean to sound like a mom or anyth but one day tricia kok yin tong will give me a heart attack.
at abt 1.20pm we were discussing movie plans/meeting venues and stuff like that and everyth hadnt been finalised. i was still lying comfortably on my bed in my super long spongebob tee. i had screwed hair. and i had no idea what to wear.
she didnt reply my message for like, half an hour.
and when she finally did, she told me she was like, gna reach plaza sing !!!
so i tied my hair at lightning speed without mirror and comb and i picked a random clothes combination and i rushed outta my house.
and i chased after the bus !!! just so i could get to her asap
then she called me and told me to meet her at sembawang so i said okayi.
i texted her just before i reached sembawang mrt station and i'm awfully glad i did because the sembawang she was referring to was the CD shop at plaza !!!
after a grueling journey on the red line, i reached dhoby ghaut! she must have walked a thousand rounds before i came.
hahahaha my oh my.

after walking a bit and snacking at MOS with her, i left to meet my aunts.
am very happy with tdy's shoppingggg i bought:
  • a dress for candice's party
  • a pair of flats
  • a belt
  • some weird bangle (it's a gift)
and i ate a lot. we had dinner at this casual jap's diner

went to sanjay's no-reason party after that.
thr was lots of booze. and nicotine
no offence but his house was wrecked and i dont think he was being a very good host since i didnt even see him in that fifteen minutes i was thr.

i'm quite worn now and my knees are starting to hurtt so im gna get myself some ice.

although i'm giving up a little more hope with each passing day,
i would like you to know that the way i feel about you hasnt changed.

Friday, October 24, 2008

that's just the way we roll

minus the fact that i got back my chem results, tdy was awesome :)
spent the whole day with rafflesia (considering that i do sit beside her in class afterall) and we parted near 8PM.
were stuffing ourselves silly, but damn, it was insane fun.

i didnt go for training, but i didnt go get my muscles rubbed/massaged either.
went out with rafflesia instead and our first stop was island creamery at serene centre!
that seven days of (trying to abstain/) abstaining from all that sweet sugary and oily stuff (the dieting, basically) was in vain after all the the ice-cream we ate:
(arranged in order)
  • 1 mudpie
  • 1 scoop of apple pie ice-cream
  • 1 scoop of reverseo ice-cream
  • 1 scoop of cookies and cream ice-cream
  • 1 scoop of strawberry sorbet
  • 1 scoop of teh tarik ice-cream
  • 1 scoop of yoghurt ice-cream
that's quite a lot of calories

then we got sick of all that creamy cold stuff so we walked (and laughed the whole way, "BLINK! BLINK! HAHHAHAHA") two roads across to adam's food centre whr we shared a bowl of the acclaimed prawn noodles.
just, freakingg good hahahha.

had a drink. it was non-alcoholic btw hahahah sparkling ribena juice.

then we damn randomly headed to cold storage whr we walked many x 100000 rounds.
we asked the "fresh new person" (yknow colds storage, the fresh new people hhahaha) if they sold lubricant and i think that lady thought we were looking for that thing so it was rly embarrassing. blister lubricant luh! for the foot, not genitals
and we carried 2litre bottles of washing detergent around in a bid to toughen up our muscles. i dont know how to pen the experience across in words, because it was too damn hilarious

walked out empty handed.

frolicked (not exactly but anyw,) to another mini shopping centre (crown's if i'm noy wrong). explored the place a little (bookshop, toyshop, sweet shop) then we went to NTUC!
supermarkets are like our favourite place to be.
then got hungry (again) so we stopped by at one of the cafes/food stalls one level up and got ourselves a popiah to share.
i must say that they have rly delicious stuff thr (bukit timah/adam's road area/near ccab) !!!

last stop was 7-11! camwhored (i mean, we tried to) outside the place because they had an amazing sliding door that was very unlike all the other 7-11 outlet entrances we've seen thus far. took like one million pictures but i wasnt satisfied with a single one though i deleted them all hahahah.
the sky was still bright then.
after that we went in and camwhored (tried to) again! this time in a secluded corner without the disturbance of others interrupting our smile moments
i saved two pictures :)
out of twenty. hahahaha

couldnt go out without buying anything cos we made lots of noise and all, so we got a mash potato.

took bus 67 from a nearby bus stop. went on separate ways at CCK.

aaaaaaaaah all that food! plus tmr's run has been changed to a swim so everyone will like see my paunch/atrociously big thighs zomg
but well come to think of it, at least everything was shared :)

to end this post which does no justice of the fabulous times we spent tdy, yay tablemate!

btw, for a more exhaustive list of things i eat daily you may click here.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

silence breaks the heart and bends the will

defense is guilty passions out of control.


UPDATE @ 8.30PM has awesome stuff.


zomg LOMO cameras are the bomb.
its a must to check them out.


i overslept this morning. reached school slightly before 8AM even though i cabbed all the way from home.

thr is something i have to clarify. we were watching frankenstein during art lesson and someone screaaaaaaaaaamed rly rly loudly during one of the scarier scenes.
whoever that person was, it wasnt me !!!
i'm maligned
own up now whoever the heck is trying to tarnish my poise reputation.

had to stay back to talk to ms yu after classes. thank goodness it was no big deal/nothing much.
anticipation almost killed me.
teachers petrify me at times.

then i went off to meet kristal lois and trik at vivo's subway.
saw yeyun with another friend too!
stayed thr for a while to discuss MK's farewell party/netball camp stuff
before going to build-a-bear workshop.
hahahha a few months back kristal and i made a pact to buy a bear for each other during christmas!
its my all-time fav festival and i cant wait! though i'll prolly miss out on all the seasonal parties cos i'll be celebrating it in melbourne sigh
anyw, it was a blithe yet intoxicating hangout :)

after they left i spent about ten minutes in the mall "buying encouragement."
hahahah go figure!

i found a stash of two-dollar bills in my wadrobe (um actually its only twenty six bucks)! so weird cos i dont rmb hiding any money anywhr. plus i dont have that kinda habit.
anyw, shall make up a list of people whose money i havent returned.

people whom i havent repaid monetarily
  1. tanya - a few dollars.
  2. alfred - i dont know how much, i think i'll be eternally indebted to him oh no.
  3. matthew - my fabulous angel (from the angel-mortal game) who, like alfred, is always "paying first." he says i'll owe him like a few hundred dollars each year.
  4. yeyun - a few bucks. she lent me money to force me to eat, i havent forgotten.
  5. weijie - four bucks. hamster cage hahaha
  6. kristal - ten bucks. hueychyi's brazillian flip flops
  7. ian - five bucks from a pretty long time ago.
  8. rachel - i'm not quite sure. but i think i do.
  9. tse yin - hahaha a few dollars from first class outing, a few bucks here and thr and three dollars and fifty cents for ytd's cab fare!
  10. joong - fifty five cents! hahahaha
my oh my.
what a freaking longgggggg list.
hahhaha at least my brother owes me eighty bucks :)
i promise to return in full amount every single cent (to those who study in RV) by the end of school term hohoho.

take me home.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

wise men say only fools rush in

i say, wise men have never been in love.

multiply it by infinity, take it to the depths of forever, and you will only catch a glimpse of how much i love you.


ytd was happening:

had sports heat (100m individual event).

had weights training.
realised how weak i am physically :(

had court with speed7 at 7.30PM
so i reached home at about 11.30PM last night and i slept after the midnight clock struck.
training was very much productive! i think my performance was a-okayi considering that i havent been on court for bloody six weeks.
maybe its because i felt less pressured plus i had an extra boost of confidence :)
oh and KNC has blue courts now (1 and 2 if i'm not wrong)
i like x 100000000
i think its best to train at night cos my body feels a whole lot less tired.

my body is aching all over though.


tdy started badly cos i got jabbed in the eye/nose-bridge by some asshole behind me while we were at the LT watching Narnia. hahahah guilty not?

wore my green contacts cos i dont have any regular ones left.
glad i wore them cos thr were lots of video/movie-viewing.
i dont think any teachers besides ms loo (pro vision hahah) noticed, anyw.

wasnt involved in tdy's (RV) training other than the first half hour (which was warm-up) cos of my strained quarts.
i hate doing sprints against the wind.

oh yes. trainings and class chalet do not clash! :D
which means i'm staying overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hello 2B do you read this

am looking forward to training camp
although ms loo said someth abt it being a platform to choose the players for bdiv team. up till now i'm not sure if i want to be in the main 12.
i dont even know if i'm cut out to undergo all that stress, or if i'm good enough.
sometimes i'd rather not be commited, but other times it feels as if RVNB is not just part, but my whole life.

have been looking for honeydew flavoured sweets (to no avail).

perhaps, its rly just a matter of getting used to it.
hope i do soon.

Monday, October 20, 2008

静静看你走, 一点都不像我


just came back. i smell revolting hahahaha

at 9.40 i left house for the basketball court at boon lay area. balled (with claire suzanne wenting tseyin jerome weijie junyuan) and it was fun. very tiring. played full court too so i was running/sprinting up and down and up and down and up and down. i was in the mood to play :)
sort of vented out all my unhappiness on court. relax luh i didnt hurt anybody hahaha
oh this is impt - i think i burned a lot of calories

JunYuan --- 사랑해요... says:
rmb to say that im pro

okayi. junyuan is pro !!!

had (cup noodles) lunch then we went to watch 梁祝 at jp.
it's a tremendously tragical tale (yay alliteration). like romeo and juliet, except that it's in chinese. and it's set in that era where martial arts was the bomb, when parents had their daughters betrothed against their wishes. basically the 爹 and the 娘 time.
i teared once hohoho. but we were laughing damn sadistically at some rly sad scenes walaoeh

it reminded me of MC(hew).

i'm aching all over now, my thighs and calves especially.
screw the sports heat tmr!
minos you might as well boot me out of it. wont make any difference if i run for it or not.
anyw if there is training also, i'd have to rush for speed7's training at KNC right after sch's training.
quite exuberant about it because ... i dont know actually. hahaha
my heart stops everytime i read your name.
writer's block.
writer's block.
writer's block.

damn. my heart has stopped.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

hello, i am sarah considerate responsible goh hui xian

what a long name, i know. hahaha jiarui's pm is "considerate is our middle name (:"
it reminds me of perth and ms puva.

(last night) reached kris' house at about 9.30PM (lois was alr there) then we did stuff and watched goong until 11.20PM+/-
she's insane; she's watched it ten times already !!!
then i text-messaged till i fell asleep hahaha
didnt take any pictures of them snoring away though i was damn tempted to because kris said that doing that will capture the person's soul and indirectly kill her or smth. hahaha
couldnt wake up at 5AM the next morning like we intended, although we set like five alarms. in the end kris' dad had to knock on the door to wake us up.

then... 10km! hahaha my timing was ridiculous.
but i hope you like the shirt :)
and esteeeee, get well soon! hohoho

anyw, the real fun began when we took the charter bus from changi exhibition centre (whr the event was held) to pasir ris.

lois kristal rae yeyun trik and i ate at the foodcourt in white sands first.
rae had to leave after that, um the rest of us went to downtown east cos there's a NUM outlet and kris wanted to buy her havainas.
she didnt get her flip flops though. instead, we surprised hueychyi with her belated birthday present - a pair of brazillian smth shared by the five of us :D

yy and lois then went off, so the three of us went to have mouthwatering chocolate fondue! :D x 10000000

we were like, cackling/laughing non-stop. must have been the noisiest customers in a thousand years.
and, we are central committee (co-founders + secretary of) MCFC, afterall :)

anyw, we finished the delight in godspeed as soon as we knew that yy lois and hueychyi were coming back to look for us! it was rly funny.
from this:

to this:

just look at the awful mess we made hahaha

so hueychyi got her gift and she was grinning so hard, it literally had a life of its own.

we sang her a birthday song! and she made a wish. hahaha and see what i told you abt her smile !!!

what birthday celebration (however last min and mini it may be) is complete without the blowing of candles?
we lifted up the porcelein bowl of choc and got this

self-timer pictures :D

oh walked around eHub. its an exciting place manzxc
thr's this indoor playground that's awesomely cool. resembles a humongous hamster cage cos it has lots of colourful tubes (the kind made for crawling through luh. do you have a childhood?!)
such a pity we're over-aged :(
next time we're gna bring all our little siblings and "act" as guardians in thr hahahah

our final stop was a board-game cafe! like settlers'
played ugly doll and had a whale of a time :D

trik's quite photogenic, if you havent noticed.

after trik left we played cluedo. hueychyi has no common sense.

and jenga. walao i made the tower fall (into chilli/tomato sauce for our potato wedges)

a whole freaking hour of fun :)

trained back and talked to hueychyi the whole wayyyyy.

(in no particular order) bully gang + RVNB, jamsters/the ellas, 2B-pencil, K08, PPCOC (and maybe speed7 a few months down the road).
you guys make my life complete.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

every time you leave, i'm inconsolable

so. i am feeling apathetic now. much of it has to do with the sudden downpour i guess

i am stuck here at home instead of being out thr at fish and co. with my beloved jamsters because ytd night i accepted my mom's offer to tutor my brothers for fifty bucks :(
am regretting my decision very much because my younger older bro is atrociously stubborn! he is so adamant of his answers even though they are wrong/make no sense.
like, he insists that this is how an animal cell is supposed to be drawn:

he's eleven btw, and i dont think he is quite that intelligent as his report card comments make him out to be.
like, walaoeh. kanasai hahahah
well i cant be a good teacher because i get frustrated very, very easily. esp when i cant get my point across even though my explanation is moronic clear
esp at this time of the month

the 10km real run is tmr !!!
it's gna be the longest distance i've ever covered :O
i hope i wont faint midway or someth cos only those who complete the run get their goody bags, or so i heard, hahahaha
will be staying over at kristal's house along with lois and yeyun :)

oh and i managed to get my camera cable to work! so here's the a picture of the sentosa class outing eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeons ago!

and, i need you.

Friday, October 17, 2008

this post has no title hahaha

credits to photographer teehuixian! :D tseyin damn heavy luh. hahaha its the only picture i have to remember this day.


the incredulous drama happened just last night, but now it seems like such a long time ago.
it was a narrow escape from the clutches of death which i would have rather been held by.

there was no planning prior to it.

i was lying on my bed, my tear-stained face buried in a pillow. i covered my ears with both hands, trying to muffle the sound of your laughter, your voice, those sweet words which were now hollow with truth. but i couldnt stifle those sounds, because they were coming from within me. a million beautiful pictures of you and i in the past flashed through my spinning head and god, at that moment i knew just what i had to do.
there was no other way.
"um, dont have a choice."
that, was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

i missed you in a way so unhinged, i was going deranged.

it was ludicrous. i washed up hurriedly before amassing as much money as i could, and even though i digged through all my coin banks and wallets and the corners i used to throw my spare change in a fit of laziness, all i gathered was a meagre sum of eight dollars.

then, i dashed out of the house, ignoring the questions which were shot at me like poisoned arrows; each word of concern penetrated through my heart, making it ache so badly, for at that moment i thought i wasnt going to see them ever again.

i found my way to the mart blocks away. i felt unusually calm.
masking on a sterner face, i grabbed a bacardi and a pack of six panadols. at the checkout counter, i was gently reminded to not take the two together. i shrugged and unloaded all my money on the table. then i brisked off, without my change, my conscience, my humanity.

i found a deserted corner not that far away from a basketball court where i built my childhood.
emptiness and desolation seeped into me. the beat sound produced by the ball bouncing was like a countdown to my end.

the howling wind caressed my face gently, like a final embrace, a last goodbye.
i tucked my legs close to my body.
i took the first pill. "for you," i said. "for 25 december 2007."
tears welled up, threatening to fall.
i took the second pill. "for you," i said. "for 25 march 2008."
they trickled down my cheeks.
i took the third pill. "for you," i said, louder this time. "for 23 april 2008."
at that point, i was sobbing uncontrollably.
then i popped the rest of the pills, and downed the whole bottle of liqour in a bid to, perhaps, fill myself.
i swear i wasn't drunk.
i swear i was totally conscious.
i swear i meant to kill myself.


(but i never did succeed.)

- haras hog,
17 october 2008 6.45PM


fact or fiction?
please do not think too much into the story above written by yours truly :)
and comment luh.

cabbed to sch tdy even though i was kinda early (um i left house at 6AM) cos i felt like it hahaha.
gleeeeful cos the parental department gave me money for my fare and i got to keep the change !!! every cent counts now cos i'm awfullyyy broke (thanks to our dearest tanya who broke that vase in the end we split cost to pay for it two hundred bucks each walao)

its the end of end of year exams but i've got a hunch i've done rather badly so i am not entirely happy now :S
chinese paper was so-so.

anyw, (instead of training, i) caught another movie at vivo with the class tdy!
20th century
quite cool and a tad scary, though there were barely any pretty boys, unlike what alicia said.
but its a trilogy and i hate stuff like that cos i like proper endings. all the more if they are happy ones :)

after that huey and i went to meet kristal yeyun and lois at harbourfront's KFC.
went straight home after that.

tsk. i've contacted four tattoo parlours and so far the minimum age is sixteeen
they refuse to work on minors like me.
legally or illegally, by hook or by crook, i will get a tattoo this holiday.
hahaha but first i'll have to lose all my fats so in time to come the skin wont sag.

oh. and i listened to live "river flows in you" tdy morning before assembly :)
sknaht tseyin (and suzanne)!

tanya wants me to accompany her when she goes to meet her online maple BF under a hdb blockkkkkkkkk. i say, that guy, whoever he is has ill intentions hahahaha


Thursday, October 16, 2008

why dont we make a little bit of heaven

just talk to my heart,
say the words that i want to hear.

or say the words you wish to speak.

i will get pwned for lang arts this time. i had to read the passage like three times before i could comprehend it enough to even embark on the comprehension questions. i didnt know what the main points of the paragraphs were, so my summary's a screwed up piece of shitzxc.
and i had "writers' block" (hahahaha) so i couldnt start with a good nice sentence for reader's response so the essay had no flow either
all your fault!
went straight home after the paper to clean up a bit before heading to town to meet leeyin and hueychyi. ate brunch (?) and after a bit of walking here and thr we caught 2.45pm's max payne at cathay.
it was violently scary (well, sort of) and totally action-packed. i reckon that a person was killed every ten-fifteen minutes in the movie.

if the two people are willing to put in effort, there wont be apple crumble.

i'm in a freaking delinma. i dont knowwwwwwwww if i shd go for tmr's training or the class outing !!!
i really x 10000000 wna have fun with you guys,
but i know i need to work hard for netball !!!

and, as long as you are happy :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

a place of hope and no pain, perfect skies with no rain

can leave this place but refrain, cos we've been waiting for you.
i don't belong here, we gotta move on dear
escape from this afterlife.

trik and hueychyi just left my place.
this feels like post-exam :)

were discussing our incohate idea on the way here.
HQ/roles/secret file/mission/cases/confidential stuff etc.
suggested going to the supposedly haunted mansion near botanic gardens but hahhaha trik the timorous was damn against it.
i've been wanting to go on an adventure like this. k fine, maybe not.
but, hohoho is anyone game?

so we found a couple of mystery books/detective guidebooks of which existence i had totally forgotten about.
anyw, i was once a feeble nancy drew wannabe

then we watched ten minutes of CSI + a part of an autopsy documentry on youtube. gross, bloody organs.
then my bros made us watch this series of "how to be a ninja/nerd/emo/gangster" videos and they were outlandishly lame. if you are in need of brainless laughing, you may click here.

hohoho consequently we went to play basketball though it was drizzling.
my brothers are quite entertaining actually, if you eliminate their annoying side
full court was quite a killer but i feel as if i've burnt some fats off its been hell long (like six bloody weeks) since i did any intensive exercise so my performance in tmr's friendly will be disastrous and btw i am okayi with training on friday just that i'd have to miss out on my class' k-box outing and that's kinda sad, really.

7-11ed and they went off soon after.

it really feels like the exams are over and done with.

the moon was so big and bright and near tdy morning. i was hoping it'd crash into earth so we wouldn have to sit for the freaking maths papers.
sigh, wasnt in the mood for anything to with numbers tdy so im a goner
i barely did half of paper 2 (and i didnt know how to use shaun's calculator)
oh and thr were gahzillions of careless mistakes in the first paper.
if i pass i'll treat the whole of 2B to a cup of milo (or whtvr you'd rather that has the same value hahaha) each.

eh weiren you're quite a good tutor :)
but i still cant do trigo/algebra/coordinate geom for nuts

went to commonwealth's shengsiong and i realised that the booze thr is dirt cheap.
like bacardi's only 3.90 and kep's 12.50 !!!
hahhaha and san zha is a dollar for four packs luh !!!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

if all the raindrops were lemon-drops and gum-drops

oh what a rain that would be.

if you know me well enough, you'll know that i've this um habit of sticking my tongue out to taste rain (but that's only when my fringe's clipped up). usually i dont "collect" enough water to do so
but it was deluging so heavily tdy i managed to and guess what - it was sweet

that was awfully random.

let's all be fake scene kids. let's form a club
fall in love with a sweet, bad boy.
time check: 6.38PM
and i havent started mugging for maths.
i dont know how i'm supposed to cramp like, the topics we've been learning the past ten months into my fking small brain in (a lot) less than twelve hours.

science was terrifying. horrendous. ghastly. dreadful. appalling. unpropitious. putrid. lewd. profligating. diabolic. pernicious. rancid. poor. awful. bad.
fk i cant think of anymore adjectives.
but you get my drift

whoa. cramps are killing me

dinner time !!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

you, you turned and walked away

I didn't know what to say
I close my eyes to hide
The pain I felt inside
I could never understand
How love went out of hand
And now, there's nothing I can do

Though the feeling hasn't passed
Sad to say our love didn't last
Please don't ask me to pretend
Cause I know it's over

by kyla - it's over now.

i chanced upon matt's girlf's blog and found this song playing. love it :)

and chance crawford is quite pretty. check him out:

i am trying very hard to resist the temptation of watching movies online! the prob with me coming home so early is that i keep having the notion that i've got like a zillion more hours to waste so i can start ltr. and when i finally do start mugging i realise i have like a hundred pages of notes to study so i start messaging a friend to complain/sigh to and then the we'll prolly digress and move on to other way interesting topics. at 9pm at night i'll still be stuck on the third page of the notes.
that happened to me ytd.

anyw, i rly rly rly want to pierce another pair of earholes. maybe on the cartilige, but i'm too much of a wimp to break the news to the parental department. and even if i do i might back out at the last min cos my threshold of pain is approximately scale 0.

even that doesnt surprise me anymore.

p.s. my exams are not over unlike you fortunate souls so just spare me, please, and stop, just stop rejoicing in my face. or i'll whack you.
nah, just kidding hahha i'll just kick your ass or someth.


p.p.p.s saw derek (from pp) at my house bus stop earlier on. or was it his brother?


Sunday, October 12, 2008

i'd choose you over the world, anytime

but i dont have a choice.

went empty handed to cousin cleon's birthday party !!! so im gna have to save up to get him someth awfully belated.
ate so much of his cake anyw. couldnt help myself it was both aesthetically appealing as well as mouth watering.
i took a million pictures but i cant get my USB cable to work so i cant transfer pics from my camera D:
got this off the net just so you guys could see it too :)

it was 3kg for $180+/- bucks. not very expensive for a cake like that, i must say.
if you're cake-fetish or are interested in ordering one, there are many more interesting ones at Creative Floral & Cake Design (clickable).

i still have... 7 world leaders and china revolution to study !!! (as kristal would say,) i'm a dead duck.

this is really lengthy, but READ! (unless you are yong huey chyi charine) :

[trik as:] yes, it is says:

[i am:] (i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

yes, it is says:

yes, it is says:

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

yes, it is says:

yes, it is says:

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says: seven eleven

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

yes, it is says:
7 11 SO EX!

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:
got NTUC

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:
but must walk

yes, it is says:
cannot cannot

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:
like 1.4km

yes, it is says:

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:
why hwy why?

yes, it is says:

yes, it is says:

yes, it is says:
cos i want you to help me buy oreo

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:
what the hell is wrong with you hahahhaha

yes, it is says:

yes, it is says:
ahyo hahahhaha

yes, it is says:
must at least give her smth right!!

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

yes, it is says:
and the ultimate choice is oreo

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

yes, it is says:

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

(i'll choose you over the world, anytime) says:

yes, it is says:
i just thought if it in the toilet haha
(p.s. dont worry abt this part i dont get it too)

yes, it is says:
oreo also want to share.

yes, it is says:

yes, it is says:

do you get it? hahahha

and one more treat for you readers who still loyally read my blog!

credits to trik's sister who introduced to trik who introduced to me this.. this.. this.. song.
the lead is a woman.
and she dresses up like a vampire in this MV.
she sings without tune/melody.
it's really awful/gross (to me at least, but i'll be shocked if you have opposing views).
yes, it is says:
how can anybody listen to shit like that!

k bye mugging time

Saturday, October 11, 2008

the forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest


zac efron?

tom welling?

jonathan bennet?

or jesse mccartney?

hahah i spent the morning watching kids central and i saw tanya (she was hilarious) and rachel (lim, if i'm not wrong, from pp) in the oktoberfest advertisement.
and i think those short clips air daily !!!
i've only been on TV like, twice.

after that i my bro's friends came over agn so i locked myself in my room. didnt bring raffles in here cos my mom wouldnt allow me to. bad choice.
i hope it isnt like, dead or anywh near that condition

so i watched mean girls for the ... third (?) time and i got crazyyyy over jonathan bennett all over again..
i know i shd have been studying.

i've got a party ltr on but before that, i'm gna have to drop by trik's to return her her bio notes.

ytd, 6C mass convo-ed on MSN !!! i wasnt very active cos i was watching hotshot too.
anyw i miss you guys and i hope there'll be a gathering soon :)

k i gtg bathe and get dressed and tie up my hair bye!

Friday, October 10, 2008

for all of you, i will

river flows in you

i'll melt so long as you play me this song.

okayi fine. emma watson is pretty.

geog paper wasnt too bad, i finished it right on the dot but i think my scribbles were barely legible. for the first time ever, i was under time constraaaaaaaainnnnnn
also cos i was taking my own sweet time to do section A (map reading) can you believe that i took forty minutes to do those twelve measly questions ?! hahaha

bball-ed with joshua, another yr2 guy and two sec one bballers after that. i couldnt shoot for nuts hahaha
but i rly did sweat it out and its been a long time since i last did that. this is quite sick, really, but i think i like to be drenched in my own pespiration !!!
but thats only when my fringe is clipped up cos wet hair that sticks to your forehead/whvr's totally grosteque.

my phone was stolen by a cleaner and the police came.
i got it back alr :)
dont know what sort of trouble she'll land into though.
it was reaaaallyyy damn dramamama if you ask i might tell hahah plus i got to chat with an awesomely friendly policeman who told me lots of police stuff.
i sort of enjoyed the part whr they were interrogating me because i got to ask qtns too.
the investigating process is rly CSI in reality. though it was so cool, damn
anyw have to rly thank ms tan wan tze for her eagle sharp eyes and big mama for her detective instincts hohoho



aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar kill me manzxc, someone


P.S. miss kang i am not retarded thanks


Thursday, October 9, 2008


come on, my star is fading.
and i swerve out of control.

alright (miss twt style), while the whole world (by that i really mean RVians) is on a msn/blogging/gaming hiatus because its exam period, i have been posting insubstantial rants and all that on a daily basis.


first two papers (lang arts and chinese papers 1) tdy. felt extremely jittery so would like to thank you all who made me calm down so so so much. would have totally hyperventilated. k not rly hahah :)
thaaaaank god i was in a writing mood. its a very very very important factor

after the paper, hueychyi and i pushed/dragged trik to queensway hahah she was rly unwilling so we had to use brute strength.
ate protein and lipids (did i get that right?)
then we went to the (relatively) huge sports shop at the highest level and trik lost her adidas water bottle thr! didnt realise till like half an hour ltr. so when we went back up, she found it among the other adidas bottles that were for sale.
she was like, "eh this is my bottle!"
btw, she was joking.
but then she opened it and realised that thr was water inside (and no price tag on it) so hohoho we brought it to the salesperson to explain and he was eyeing us so suspiciously.
walaoeh hahaha.

sometimes, its the littlest things that speak the loudest.
touched, rly touched.
you're my warrior :)
and i love you.
go mug. go figure

planets are moving at the speed of light

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

running in circles, coming up tails

heads on a science apart.

god, i love coldplay. so alternative

tdy was simply horrid. thank goodness for all the texted/IMed/phoned words of concern, brightened up my day quite a bit :)

first, i had fever in the morning and the parental unit berated me for falling ill. so i cried first thing in the morning. and the downcast mood seemingly draped itself on me like a piece of wet cloth from then

second, was typing information wholesale from trik's bio notes cos i ran out of paper and thus couldnt photocopy at home. my freaking computer hanged on me like a thousand times so i had to keep retyping. i got so damn fed up i threw the mouse on the floor and it fking died on me.
so i had to put a paper bag over my head and borrow my neighbour's mouse.
goodness gracious me.

third, my bro brought two of his unruly classmates home. and they were so rowdy they actually broke:
  1. my cup
  2. my glass bottle filled with stars

the whole world is against me tdy.

fourth, had made a plan with my most trustest aunt tdy. i was gna runaway from home. so i met her at dhoby ghaut. and we sat at a super crowded MOS for i think an hour with nothing but a cup of drink while everyone else just looked at us impatiently. after she talked (sense) into me for such a lonngggg time i had no choice but to go home. she notified my dad anyw.
离家出走 plan failed horribly terribly vegetably.

fifth, hangover.

hopefully tmr will be a beautiful day.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

i need a little more help than a little bit

like the perfect one word no one's heard yet.
cos everytime that i try i get tongue tied.
i'll need a little good luck to get me by
i just need you around to get me by this time.
so i got my fangs yesterday.
its a little misfitting cos i'm supposed to customise both teeth by applying on semi-solid plaster and pushing them up my teeth so they'll fit just tightly according to the shape of my real premolars.
but i was so excited the moment i got it so i tore the packaging and started fitting them on, just skimming through the instructions. and it was rly late so i was tired and sort of in a daze.
um so i readjusted the fangs while the plaster was drying, which was someth i was not supposed to do. so they arent perfect now :(

i wore it to school tdy and i bared them selectively :)

accompanied engting and trik to sheng siong @ commonwealth to get their ingredients for home-econs test tmr!
hahaha all the best :D
then i went along with trik to her house whr we attempted to study. didnt get much outta it.
talked and ate rubbish. asked her if she was sure abraham lincoln was american. asked her to spell mohata gandhi's name. asked her a few other sensible qtns. then that was it i had to go home !!! hahahhah

on a serious note - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar i'm gna yield to the overmounting pressure :S

was twenty minutes away from home when my bro called to tell me that mosa was in my house playing PS2. thought it was a terribleeeeeeeeeee joke.. until jerald put him on the phone!
hahahah the rest is history.
you shd have seen the way he and my bros were playing the PS2/(dining) tabletennis. walaoeh kids hahahah

oh and i spent half an hour cleaning out raffle's cage without complains :)
yknow, i can be responsible.

k off to my abs excercises.

i'm gna stay up till 1AM (to mug) and im not gna fall aslp this time! :D

Monday, October 6, 2008

painful realisation that all has gone wrong


have just finished reading picture perfect and goddamnit the tears are threatening to fall.
love. compassion. fear. hatred. remorse. guilt. passion. abuse.
will you leave the person you love the most, when staying on just brings you more hurt?
when there are multiple sides to that one person, will you wait and struggle through the tough times just for rare, short moments of having his/her true self be given selflessly to you?
you just dont know, that i love you so fking much it literally kills. but what can i do?

a side stepping has come to be a brilliant dance.
.. and breathing is a foreign task,
and thinking's just too much to ask.
and you're measuring your minutes
by a clock that's blinking eights.


["The moment they came together, Cassie understood why they belonged to each other. He filled her, and she took away his scars.
Cassie wrapped her arms around Alex's neck, surprised by the tears that leaked from the edges of her eyes. She turned her face to the open window, breathing in the sweet mix of herself and Alex and endless ocean.
She was drifting off to sleep when Alex's voice slipped over her.
"You dont have to get your memory back, Cass. I know who you are."
"Oh?" she said, smiling.
She drew Alex's arms around her. "Who am i?"
She felt Alex' peace curl against her like a benediction. He pulled her back against his front, into the place where she just fit.
"You're my other half," he said.]

[I tried to watch them but people miled between us, pumping my hand up and down and speaking platitudes that could have been a foreign language.
I lost my view of Alex in a sea of suntanned faces. I thought i might actually faint, although i'd never done that in my entirely life, and then out of nowhere Alex stood at my side once again and i realised i hadn'e been ill at all;
it was just that half of me had been missing.]

- Jodi Picoult, Picture Perfect

tanya needed some hamster food.
so i gave her a set of instructions to get to my place. that was at 6.15pm.
it's been almost an hour and she's still not here yet.
hahaha apparently she got lost because she cant discern right from left.
i have really queer friends :)

anyw, came back not very long ago. was doing work with trik and kristal at west mall's subway.
well, at least i was. productive :D
though i think i took in more food than facts.
then we went to popular and bought like loads of stationery.
i spent like thirteen bucks (+ trik's pen which costs 1.35bucks). so gna claim it from the parental unit or i'd have to join the duo's plan of not eating during break for like, three days.
was at risk of being complained abt cos we were freaking noisy.
"hahaha what to do? first time in popular what."

raffles is not the same tiny ball of fur anymore :)
she's getting reaaaally big. and round. fat.
am afraid she might just not fit into the slide or the excercising wheel anymore.
hahaha but definitely still damn adorable.
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

zac efron was on the cover of lime! didnt rly like the photoshoot picture though, didnt buy the magazine

gna cont reading picture perfect.
then i'm gna study.
then i'm gna do my sit-ups/crunches/abs excercises for im determined to rid myself of this newly aquired paunch (goodness gracious :O) and restore my neat little ab line hahahha


Sunday, October 5, 2008

one and only

hey, evol.

in case you never get to see my PM on 5 october 2008, here it is:
i love you more than my heart can take.

study rly rly rly hard cos at the end of it all, its gna be worth it.
if you're mugging, i'm half mugging :)

if you ever feel down, stressed, crushed, demoralised, whatever it may be, you know who you can always turn to. you know the monkey will always be behind you, breaking your fall, saying stupid things to brighten up your day.

i might have been a terrible other half throughout this whole time, but things are gna change from now on.
trust, faith, love.

jiayou! :D


wise men say only fools rush in

but i cant help falling in love with you.
shall I stay?
would it be a sin
if I cant help falling in love with you.
like a river flows surely to the sea,
darling so it goes - some things are meant to be.

had my breakfast at the railway mall and went to church after that. bible class was a combined sermon instead of the normal classroom stuff. and i feel a sense of .. i dont know, overwhelming satisfaction (?) cos i actually savedddd enough to give 5bucks during giving tdy :)
(esp to chen hua kai) i am proud to be a (not so full) christian !!!
and.. ... ... i'm gna get baptised after the exams.
faith, faith, faith, love, love, love.
i know i still owe like, you guys some money but hahah fret not i will pay you back. i'm not like... someone.. yknow.. hahah joking luh :D

and yay joanmak !!! :D x 10000000000
she bluetoothed me the lullaby edward cullen played on the piano for bella!
its gna be in the movie (i think)
heh if you please me i might consider sending it to you hahah

went to JE lib with matt thereafter.
borrowed picture perfect by jodi picoult and i'm so damn sure its gna be a major distraction &#%@)
plus i havent been mugging as hard as i shd to claim my 3.3 :(
aye can someone like kick me in the ass or someth. like force me to revise. or at least make me hand in my homeworkkkkk
aaaaaaaaaaaaaar i suck big time i'm such a fabulous student. so teachers' favourite

witnessed a fight at bugis just now. cant believe xurong was involved :S
he got whacked/slashed (by a freaking knife).
get well pretty damn soon k i promise to go to homeclub with you hahah.
dont get me worried all the time.

p.s. mosa, i rmb the art-oven-toast-thingy
but to be truthful, i have no idea whr i've misplaced it. i'll turn my house upside down to find it though :)

dash, dot, gone
SFF, too

Saturday, October 4, 2008

can you stand the rain

cos i need somebody to stand by me

i watched hot shot (and chatted with R) till pretty late last night.
and coach talked to me this morning.
manzxc i feel my passion burning up once again. the spark's reigniting.
accurate passes, strong drives, a little speed, support, intensity, confidence - i'm gna have to work towards possessing all these. i rly x 1000000000 wna get back my focus and my gameplay. i have nothing to lose if i put in 100%
all or nothing.

went to cut my hair earlier on. tsk
its like, screwed. and i'm gna have an almighty tough time tying my hair every morning.
and and, my ponytail's now a piggtail so small and stumpy i dont think it can swat flies anymore hahaha.
nonetheless, still btr than tanya's.. asymmetrical bangs! :D

you never know if you never try

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

which organism has cells containing DNA not enclosed within a nuclear membrane?

A) Virus
B) Mushroom
C) Lactobacillus
D) Mimosa plant

heh, was planning to dedicate the whole of tdy to hardcore mugging/revising/studying but i was distracted big time.
one, raffles! :D
it's such an attention-seeker, rly. it made freaking lot of noise to get me to pick her up. when i put my hand in the little tank she was previously in, she scurried into my little scoop hahah. and i think she likes it when i hand-feed her seeds.
its just been a day and she's so damn tame alr i think i'm cut out to be a zookeeper!

two, you-know-who-you-are-luh <3
was like, stuck at the question mentioned above, but i gave up and started amusing myself by asking you those "shoot, shag and marry" questions. hahhaah i ROFLMAO luh! hhahaha. not rly luh. my ass still intact

three, .. .. .. what ar? i forgot

anyw, hardly revised any shitzxc cos at about 12 noon the whole family went to bugis area.
if we can like, spend this much money so very easily every shopping trip, i dont see why the parental unit refuses to increase my weekly allowance.
raffles has depleted two weeks of pocket money liao. grrrr.
i know that kristal will be shrieking "SARAH! ITS ONLY A MOUSE!" if she reads this. hahha. btw, its a hamster okayi. my hamster somemore :)

the parental units have assumed that raffles is sorta my class pet. and since they havent asked, i wont clarify. thing is, i'll prolly have to lug the so damn big (hahaha) new cage to sch everydayyy.
*peels petals* i shd tell, i shd not tell, i shd tell, i shd not tell, is shd tell...
see how.
