Tuesday, September 30, 2008

such great joy

i am peeling the shells off the sunflower seeds.
raffles is taking the shell-ed seeds off my fingers.
he is nibbling them.
this is bliss.

maybe we're trying, trying to hard

maybe we're torn apart.

and i'm very very very surprised you look right through my false pretense :O

hahahah someone from 1K brought a hamster to sch ytd and she showed it to us (2B)!
i was like "zomg i want a hamster too!"
and i got one tdy.
its damn cute its like 1.5 times of your thumb. i think its 3-4weeks old. my beloved fe(r)n shen gave it to me yay i love you :D

and i need 24dollars.

dont hesitate to PM/IM me if you are feeling generous

Sunday, September 28, 2008

i proclaim.

much to your disdain.

and hello, mcfc :D
thr's a reason why i am your secretary

Saturday, September 27, 2008

so hold me close and say three words like you used to do

its rly all about you.

"Failure is an event, never a person."
- Beerbohm Max

at 9AM, i was walking around in JP with weijie. to look for claire's birthday gift
but all the stores were closed except for mac/subway/kfc etc
hahahaha silly of us. spent half the time in the arcade trying to win damn cute soft toys inside scam machines.
we didnt frame up 14 guitar picks in the end cos we couldnt buy enough picks :(
so we gave her some awfully random things put in an airlock container, hoped she liked it anyw :D

you've got aura :)

lunched at pizza hut .. noise pollution manzxc !!! thr were like twenty of us (aye attendance btr than class outing can)
knocked my head against rafflesia's chair was freaking painful i almost forgot almond hahaha (joshua ang are you reading this?)
tricked bday girl with candles that constantly reignite no matter how hard/many times you blow. hahahaha i think someone videoed it. damn funny

went to the arcade agn, this time with alllll of them. i left ten mins before threee. trained down to my greatgrandparents' place (which is whr i am blogging from now)
i think everyone else's gna come at like 6PM.
so i helped out with the decor and i fell from the ladder zomggggg hhahahahha

and hey, i still wna say sknaht for everything :D
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything



Friday, September 26, 2008

green eyes

bought them, much against my dad's wishes. will have to keep them out of his sight, please dont tell on me. anyhow, i am quite happy
for i do not look like a cat

i think when inspiration hits, i have rly marvelous ideas. like claire's birthday present :D

tmr's gonna be bustling with activities.
  1. hunting down materials with weijie to assemble the birthday gift
  2. meeting 2B for the celebration @ JP pizza hut
  3. heading to my greatgrandparents' for another birthday celebration
  4. supper with joonghan, alfred, jotay and glen :) ... cant wait! i wonder how joong looks now, now that all that is left of his once-sexy hair is ..plain cornrow or.. nothing at all hahaha

which means there wont be any time left for me to mug. so i've to digest double the info to make up for all the fun i'll have tmr

also, note that its no mistake that i didnt include "macritchie run" in the list. i'm not going for it cos my parents dont allow me to. jiayou luh RVNB.
slackers trik and rae are both not running either (the exact people who didnt go for tues' training, if you realise)!

gotta go bury my nose in my freaking bio textbook now k bye

somebody, save me

Thursday, September 25, 2008

i'm slipping into the lava, and i'm trying to keep from going under

and, guess who blogged the previous post! :D

am immensely proud of myself for organizing/filing/stapling all my worksheets/mock tests/revision papers/notes and for gathering my studying materials within two hours last night.
i even drew up a timetable! i reckon i'll rly stick to it, though.
ah, perseverance and discipline

finished the last of batik tdy and i rly wanted the tjanting :(

also had the last ever speech and drama lesson for the year! teckchye yousheng (heee) jieru and i put up our play and it went surprising smooth. enjoyed it much, even.
hahahaha. i especially liked the part whr i told yousheng, "i say, brave knight, these paper balls [for your info they were supposed to be soft toys but i forgot to bring them to sch :S] are adorable [and we didnt have time to edit the script so we just edited it like that hahah]!"
and he replied gallantly, "indeed princess, would you like one?"
after which teck chye the evil villian jumps into the scene and starts fighting with yousheng. ... okayi, then i got to pelt teck chye with the paper balls and it was awesome fun srsly :D

everyone's been asking me "hey when are your fangs coming?"
in approximately threee and a half weeks, if nothing goes wrong in the shipping/checkpoint clearance !!!
hahaha and i've decided to bare my fangs selectively.
used my dad's visa to buy it from a US online store and i told him it was about 20US dollars
turned out twice the price, but i bought it anyw. hope my dad doesnt blow up when he gets the billing

randy asked me out on a golfing date! 9 holes !!!
zomg srsly. what, the last time i played was in... i forgot. a few gahzillon years ago
my arms have been itching for a swing but i dont know lei, i'm not prepared to get owned by him hahaha.

imma start mugging. i promise to get a life after EOYS


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

written by yours truly, no joke

like srsly, all the posts were written by me okayi !!! no joke abt it. the previous post was written um, out of boredom and just to trick you guys for fun so, hahahah yeh

if you had really believed the previous post, i'd be ultimately disappointed in you. all thanks to raffles ong that stinkaboo hahahah
oh well i had my speech tdy. totally screwed it luhhhhhh. :S
on the brighter side, my darling yousheng presented tdy too! zomg i paid my fullest, like srsly, fullest attention to every word that he'd said. was so damn motivated by him. when it was his turn to present i almost, almost, screamed out loud. he was flawless

sigh i'm falling in love with him(it). it's just love at first sight!
cats rule manzxc

aye, during cyber-wellness workshop:

"zomg it's even bigger than last time luh" *points to ahem once again*
ahahah couldnt stop laughing :D

and one last thing, i hereby declare i'm officially REALLY in love with yousheng. it's true

Monday, September 22, 2008

yes, so damn big

okayi i cant have my reputation slandered so horribly like that so i'm here to like, clarify.
if you believed that the previous post, headed "it's so damn big", is written by yours truly, me (,sarah goh hui xian), i am utterly disappointed in you.
how could you !!!

but its quite real actually. so kudos to you ongtseyin

one more thing, i dont love you sheng. really

it's so damn big

yeh this is my third post tday

a miracle actually happened.

yknow what tseyin was ONLINE! like zomgg


i wna be a vampire. like those who have real WHITE fangs that just grew out of your mouth

hmmmm. nowadays i'm getting real jealous. cos yousheng ignores me and i wna snatch tseyin's husband!

yousheng is damn charming. i didn't know a cat can be so attractive...

until.. this fateful day.

this is the biggest (and dirtiest) secret of my life

i love you you you you you you you you you (sheng) too! :D

stumbled upon

now that it's all said and done

i wish it hadnt been like that.

Jonas Brothers -noSorry

Broken hearts and last goodbyes
Restless nights
But lullabies helps make this pain go away
I realize I let you down
Told you that I'd be around
I'm building up the strength just to say

For breaking all the promises that I wasn't around to keep
It's all me,
This time is the last time that I'll ever beg you to stay
But your already on your way

Filled with sorrow, filled with pain
Knowing that I am to blame
For leaving your heart out in the rain
And I know your gonna walk away
And leave me with the price to pay
Before you go I wanted to say


Can't make it alive on my own
But if you have to go,
Then please girl, just leave me alone
'Cause I don't want to see
You and me going our separate ways
I'm begging you to stay
If it isn't too late


But you're already on your way


stood/sat outside the classroom during bio lesson tdy cos i havent completed my class assignments :S
and trik was like outside her own classroom cos she didnt do her chinese hmwk or someth.
so typical eh hahahaha

chinese remedial was actually very productive. i think a (quiet) classroom (without distractions like insane people shooting rubber bands all over) is a very good environment to study in.

went to IMM with hueychyi after that. its been like, eeeeooonnnnns since i went thr and it's no longer filled with just water-faucet repair shops/bridal boutiques/renovation pte ltd offices
thr's much more to it now, rly, like factory outlets and lots of food stuff
i was surprised to know that you knew my real emotions.

oh i ordered my fangs online alr! they'll be here in approx 4 weeks time (shipped from US)
hhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

but you're already on your way

Sunday, September 21, 2008

i'm a big big girl in a big big world

its not a big big thing if you leave me. or if i leave you

i wont even fking care if you disappear from the face of earth. never again will i have anything to do with you. let's draw the line, for real this time.


so my daddy should be in taiwan now. didnt go to church cos of some family issues tdy morning. my mom, bro and i ended up at causeway point whr we spent four hundred dollars.

my new pencil case. no joke

retail therapy came too early.

but perhaps, thr is a btr alternative. one which numbs totally

i choose to have no air.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

with nothing but your t-shirt on

and i really like this song now.

had the macritchie run tdy, was okayi i guess. at least i covered a longer distant than the previous run (abt 7km) and i felt like i actually did work out so, hahhahaha yay

after that watched them eat brunch then we went to island creamery! i couldnt find mine and jotay's picture. glad i got a scoop of nutella ice cream (cos in the end didnt return thr with my classmates after that)

went home, got changed, was notified that some of my classmates backed out, so jerome and i twosomes headed straight to look for my... FANGS !!!
the trip down to bugis street and far east plaza were both futile cos they didnt have what i was looking for - scarecrow deluxe edition small fangs.
but then i got to eat ritz's apple strudel (which i have been craving for).
and i bought a mini stars' encyclopedia/handbook from borders :D

coincidentally met yuanteng and zhiyee (BP volleyballers/pri sch classmates) on the mrt back !!! hahha talked the whole way yep. was sort of funny luh :D

tdy's quite a good day. would have been perfect had i found my faaaaaaangggggggs.



Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i am ambitiously different


was talking to huakai aboutttt ambitions!
(p.s. my ambition is to become a zookeeper)
and i very randomly told him i wanted to be a vampire
i srsly do want fangs and extraordinary abilities, whether physical or mental or spiritual.
so i asked, "would you be afraid of me if i became one?"

and he replied ...

Darkplanet says:

Darkplanet says:

Darkplanet says:
you bite me then

Darkplanet says:
then we can only live in dark

Darkplanet says:

Darkplanet says:
then we can look at the stars all the time

Darkplanet says:
and sleep in the day

Darkplanet says:
that's not bad

and yes if i were to become a vampire, i can have my very own night safari (instead of a zoo)! awesome awesome awesome

my ideal holiday location (for now, and i predict, for a loooooooonggg time): SCOTLAND
cos apparently that's whr most vampire stories originate from

i'm srs.


special shout-out

to mr. daryl law jie ren !!!

hello, dont be sad because you didnt have the most awesome party or the most delicious cake tdy. 18 SEP is rly quite special because on this exact day in 1970, Jimi Hendrix (an american singer, songwriter and guitarist) died after choking on his own vomit. hahaha so amazing

since you hinted that you wanted sushi too, here they are!







finally ... ...

- your future employer (founder of zoo)

falling into you

yes, you.

i really need a pair of (good) earphones. i'm (freaking) broke but i wont settle for anyth less than audiotechnica in-ear ones. the kind that's noise-cancelling so you all will have to yell and yell and yell and yell and i'll still not hear you.
all the btr if they are single/dual drive ones
was trying to listen to music on my mp3 using my old normal creative earphones but i got so irritated with the mixed/muddy bass and the lousy impedence i threw them away.

so now i'll just have to continue using my temp music player a.k.a. handphone which only contains twelve miserable songs
and of course a (now indispensable) radio.

eh but matt (my bald angel) said sonic gear pumps are not bad, and they are local products. plus it comes in an assortment of lots and lots and lots of colours. even MC green !!!
has anyone tried them?

during PDP/talk:
"zomg [the difference] so damn big luh!" *points to ahem*
hhahahhahahahha couldnt stop laughing. aye my seating arrangement groupmates rock canzxc

mrs choy is really quite funny actually. felt so accomplished during maths remedial tdy. very productive

yay there might be a year2 vs year1 match sometime soon! cos ms puva wants it
hopefully before the EOYS :D


Monday, September 15, 2008

i can ride my bike with no handlebars

no handlebars
no handlebars
look at me, look at me
hands in the air like its good to be.

yknow sometimes you get songs stuck in your head. and they refuse to get out. ... like how viva la vida was up there replaying over and over and over again when i was doing the freaking HSK. okayi, at least that coldplay song's fab, now this song i cant get out of my mind is hell irritating !!!
the tune can kill.

go, go get addicted then we will be in the same boat hahahaha

i am officially sitting beside rafflesia ong and i figure i will die of lame-ness.
do. you. read. this ?


com lessons are rly boring. dont think i've actually learnt much throughout. okayi fine "is i[you] dont wna learn okayi". spinning balls and lucky numbers will most prolly not be very useful to my future career considering that i'm gna become a 1/4 zookeeper, 1/4 baker, 1/4 writer, 1/4 PE teacher.

mondays can kill.
cos/ besides sitting next to <----- anything !!! during lessons i'd have to survive being beside her at com lab too !!!

zomg. i just realised that if we sit according to index number i'd still be BEHIND/BESIDE HER. walaoeh god help me hahahaha


Sunday, September 14, 2008

i've been standing in gas, and you've been the flame

its like moving mountains.

ytd was c-double-o-l hahaha.
but HSK was like bleagh ah pui piak pok manzxc. rly boring. slept a lot during the whole 2+hours. not as difficult as i was geared up for, though. cheyy
poor (stupid) trik had to like, shade her answer sheet with pencil lead and she didnt finish the paper !!! hahaha srsly.

after lagging around school for like, half an hour, trik hueychyi and i went to vivo and we saw.. ms. kristal low yi lin! with some other 2H girls.
laughed/talked plenty lots. ate. then we went into NUM and i saw someth i kinda liked.
so i bade them goodbye and bus-ed to my greatgrandmom's house to look for my grandaunt(s)!
dragged them down and hohoho they bought me my party tank! it says "LIFEGUARD".
tanya was rky cheeky hahaha. she was like, "ooo so you can administer CPR!"

ate dinner at no signboard seafood restaurant (yes, i know, what a name yeh).
aaaaaaaaaah the crabs .. ..
okayi i shall spare your rumbling stomach and not tell you how mighty delicious the fresh piquant flesh was with the flavoursome, sapid chilli gravy.

oh and i had a wonderful night/midnight/early morning. sounds hella wronggg, but whtvr. i'm glad it did happen anyw.
now it sounds worsttttttttttttttt :S

had church tdy. nothing much i guess. but sunday guy was thr, though! joan! hee :D
went for my dad's friend's daughter's birthday party and i oh-so-coincidentally met my pri 6 form tcher thr !!! *smiles my teeth out*

went to cck/lot1 after that. met-up with ian KOTC ;D and saw lots and lots and lots of rvians zomg
like thr were people from all four levels

okay. xoxo

Friday, September 12, 2008

its like learning to fly, or falling in love

its gna happen when its supposed to happened that we find the reasons why,
one step at a time.

okayi so i went to sch with rafflesia ong tse yin tdy morning. we were kind of idiotic. like srsly.
um we met at jurong east mrt station's control panel. then we walked to 97 berth at the interchange to like, catch the bus. after walking all the way thr, we saw that thr was freaking lot of people, so we turned back and took the train to commonwealth instead.
ahya doesnt sound that nincompoop-ish here but i'd swear (if i was the kind who did) it seemed so stupid/funny then.

dont know how i will survive my last term of year two sitting with someone like that goldfish/cat/flower/what else ar? hahaha.

players' review was not as scary as i thought it would have been, even though sitting directly opposite ms loo one-on-one was a tad intimidating

anyw i thought training was awesome tdy :D
partly cos we started with the MC warm-up ---> ball-tagging game.
oh and hhaha, we ended with like a "happy coaches' day to you" songggggg for ms loo. almost got a ride home from her!
p.s. do note that i was the one who rejected her generously kind offer
p.p.s my dear yeyun, if you are reading this please dont be mad.

momo called from UK just a while ago. she was crying rly hard, scared the living hell outta me i thought her cat died or someth
i could only make out (the words between her uncontrollable sobs) that she was gna have to breakup with her blue-eyed boyfriend because she is coming back to singapore. and she cant bear to do so.
and she knows long-distance relationships will never work out for her.
or someth along this line. then i realised how silly i am, to have an option and still choose to "leave" that one person i cant live without.
HSK tmr. sucks.


Monday, September 8, 2008

"love goes toward love, as schoolboys from their books,

but love from love, toward school with heavy looks."
- shakespeare, romeo & juliet

anyhow, first day of term 4 is not that bad actually.
apart from the fact that i lost my wallet tdy morning. and i dont know whr/how/what/why so i have no idea whr to begin my hunt with.
*screams your head off*

money in the wallet: $24++
price of the wallet: $39.90
ezlink card value: $4++
memories: PRICELESS !!! i mean like, we went everywh tgt luh. even perth! even when i got my first kiss (hahah no la no la)!
memories as in MCFC stuff, pictures, notes etc :(

i need someone to turn me upside down.

actually dont need lah.

i just neeeeeeeed icecream. eh walaoeh get the hint not

watched the notebook yesterday (online). the movie based on the novel by nicholas sparks
totally rocks your socks off !!! hahaha and i know just why it was given an NC16 rating. yknoooowwwwwwwww *tikko look*
you, you, you, you, you... and you should all go watch it.
sorta reminded me of the lake house (which was awesome too, "how do you hold on to someone you've never met?") and the titanic (cried buckets more, "you jump, i jump")
just that it didnt have a fab soundtrack. as a matter of fact i dont even rmb the music
could someone lend me the book? :D
can you love someone wholeheartedly for a lifetime?
i think i can.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

i lie awake kicking at those sheets

waiting for a call which never did come in the end.

whoa. that sounded real emo.
hahaha no i'm not feeling particularly sad or anything at the moment, but if you would like to treat me to island creamery to cheer me up, i rly wouldnt mind.
um, you can get me mudpie, nutella, berries, and apple crumble!
four flavours' enough! i'd feel freaking bad if you buy me any more than that :D

eh on second thought, cold rock sounds good too!

holland v rocks. thr's like, frolicks also !!! zomg
hahah actually i only like their badges yeh.

anyw, sch's reopening tomorrow. tomorrow. freaking tmr.
i used to love sch.

ran at macritchie ytd. i'm gna cover a longer distance the next time we go along that trail again !!!

then went for fisher and paykel nations cup CIP at tpsh.
horrible (terrible vegetable) carpark duty i tell you! those big-card VIPS!
i think only like 1/3 of them turned up. and six miserable netballers (namely lois, leeyin, livia, ximin, kristal AND ME) had to wait under the freaking scorching sun (well not rly luh) for those few cars to arrive.
our duties/we had to:
  1. read all the incoming cars' carplates and match them against a loooongggg list to check if they are VIP cars.
  2. if they are, holler across about fifteen parking lots to some other pair on standby.
  3. that pair will then lower the barrier (just a pathetic red-white striped plastic thingy/string) and allow the car access into a prioritised parking lot, and give them a green coupon to waive them of their parking fees etc.
  4. (we had to) stand for four hours. okay lah actually we did sit.

at least i got to see MC.
although the rest had much more interaction with her than i did arghhhhhhhhh :(

think of that not happy liao k bye

Friday, September 5, 2008

in your arms as the dawn is breaking, face to face and a thousand miles apart

... dont let this be our goodbye.

its an inside-struggle.

ytd night was awesome !!!
that sounds rly wrong. hahah go figure :D

i hereby announce that my phone is being serviced. drats! its gna be very very inconvenient because my phone is also my:
1) (alarm)clock
2) source of entertainment (through texting)
3) bed time story (MCs' messages!)
4) temporary music player (till i get a new earpiece for my creative)
5) LIFE. hahaha NO LAH.

thr was no courtwork in the morning cos it was raining like monkeys and elephants. okayi fine we did like fifteen minutes of a new team ball drill which i thought was relatively fun (cos it was a jog-through. i bet if we went any faster i'd be dying by the end of it).
oh but that was after weights.

then kristal lois eva yuyan rae rachel yeyun leeyin AND ME ate at vivo.
... blah blah *fast-forwards* *faster-forwards* *fastest-forwards*...

5nations ltr on = MC :D

found this song on sexy averil's blog!

2 a.m. and the rain is falling
Here we are at the crossroads once again
You're telling me you're so confused
You can't make up your mind
Is this meant to be
You're asking me

But only love can say - try again or walk away
But I believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day
So I'll just play my part
And pray you'll have a change of heart
But I can't make you see it through
That's something only love can do

In your arms as the dawn is breaking
Face to face and a thousand miles apart
I've tried my best to make you see
There's hope beyond the pain
If we give enough, if we learn to trust

But only love can say - try again or walk away
But I believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day
So I'll just play my part
And pray you'll have a change of heart
But I can't make you see it through
That's something only love can do

I know if I could find the words
To touch you deep inside
You'd give our dream just one more chance
Don't let this be our good-bye


Thursday, September 4, 2008

of all the second chances i got so far

just how many did i rly make use of?

just bad.
  1. malfuctioned/lagging (new) phone keypad
  2. freaking bad play for tdy's friendly
  3. (my very own) walkathon from CCAB to (almost) bukit timah shopping centre
  4. bad headache
  5. negative-value ezlink card and absolutely zero cash
  6. lactic acid eating me whole
  7. anti-social mood.
  8. spoilt USB cable (so cant upload class picture = blog abt class outng another time)

and thr's speed seven traing ltr on. guess i'd have to redeem myself/prove myself (to... myself) or i'd die from wallowing in self pity/drowning in emo-ness

tuesday was sorta insane/the day i unintentionally cleared out my ezlink card :O

yew tee -> henry park pri sch -> KAP mac -> yishun -> junction 8 -> vivo -> RVHS -> 5nations @ tpsh -> yew tee.

in desperate need of a chauffer.
my pay's priceless, literally: plenty of good karma.

and, if you're one of the eight who messaged me, um try to get hold of me by my house phone or msn or if you'd like to try, by telepathy (dont think my antenna's working though)

will most prolly be uncontactable(?) at my 9227 number for 3 - 5 working days :(

no xoxo

Monday, September 1, 2008

live (fisher and paykel cup) updates from TPSH(3)

brought to you by unofficial 5nations commentator.

final score 48 - 41 to SINGAPORE! :D
first win of the league, congratulations team singapore, you've done us proud.
sounds familiar doesnt it? hahaha

next up is botswana vs png!
no more updates (cos no more mc) liao.

goodbye and goodnight!

live (fisher and paykel cup) updates from TPSH (2)

brought to you by the unofficial commentator of 5nations.

GS Yasmin Ho (i think) just set up a screen for MC in the goal circle, and our dearest object of affection put in the shot. what a great set-up! :D

11 minutes and 12 seconds left to the end of the game.
MC just put in another shot (after a lot of ferntastic others)! :D

"she play very well tdy lei!" - sporty yong

injury time now.

score is 43 - 32 to home-team!

p.s. 2B i'll blog about you guys ltr on tonight k! or tmr morning ahhahah love you guys yeh.
zomg thats gay hahahah

GREAT SHOT MC! 10 minutes to go, 12-point lead to SG!

btw, somoa players are generally bigger-sized and taller. my heart throbs whnvr zhang ting jun (who played GK in the prev quarter) gets knocked about/contacted by her shooter(s).


p.p.s. i am so dang happy tdy

till later xoxo

live (fisher and paykel cup) updates from TPSH

brought to you by the unofficial 5nations commentator.

it's the third quarter of the somoa vs singapore match and MC just made her entry on court. her first quarter tdy. she's playing well (according to kristal) and WELL DONE she has just put in her first shot! :D

the score is now 28 - 22 to hometeam.

- more updates ltr on.