Sunday, August 31, 2008

keep your faith

cos it pays to do so.


church-ed, saw someone i havent seen in a reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long time :)
this is horrid, i think i have a crush.
then went for fisher and paykel cup's opening ceremony + singapore vs sri lanka match (which score was i think 43-46, sadly).
was so elated/ecstatic/euphoric/overjoyed/exuberant/on cloud nine/in seventh heaven when i fernally saw MC after forty-five long and ardous days.
kristal, lois and hueychyi can bear witness to my sudden jubilance! :D

missed the second match to have dinner and walk around.
bought eva her belated present! its awfully cute i think she'll love it (and love us) luh
how can i not care for you? how can i not miss you/think of you?

Friday, August 29, 2008

and i absolutely agree

世界上最遥远的距离. 不是 生与死. 而是 我就站在你面前 你却不知道我多爱你



世界上最遥远的距离,不是明明无法抵挡这股想念, 却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里

p.s. thanks junyuan.

too good to be true, but it is TRUE

today is, by far, (one of) the happiest day of my life! although i'm not a teacher hahaha

first of all, had mass dance in the sch field and (most) netballers were all dancing tgt! we are class 23N :D
all for one, sun dance, hahaha it was all really enjoyable i love you guys. truly madly deeply
then yes team pic/cake cutting/screaming/hugging was all very nice luh

then went back to class for the partyyy and it was incredibly fun too! yeh my hair was screwed cos some very ungentlemenly self-proclaimed gentlemen (hahah namely teck chye, chun yuan, huakai) oiled my face/hair/arms with cream (from the cake)! oh wenting too. she took me by surprise hahaha
then had some kind of balloon fight etc. tseyin has awfully short hands hahaha she cant get the balloon out of my hand when i raised it at highest point! she was like grabbing me all over luh (zomg sounds wrong) hahaha
music was cool too!
oh but now the class stinks. reeks of a revolting mixture of cake + cream + oil + sweat and whatnots
i love 2B!

then had the teachers' day concert and yes was impressed by the items
afterrrrrrrrr that we went for the sign-up games! hahah i was in a team with trik hyung, fish hyung, kristal, kasey and mrs anna chan! zomg we played in the basketball challenge and we were the only girls' team! :O
everyone else who signed up were either basketballers or huge guys !!!
okayi so went down to the court, saw the many x 100 000 000 supporters/spectators and realised that we were so gna make a fool out of ourselves.
then... played our first (and only) match :D
lost 18 - 12 but i thought it was an awesome game cos i was laughinggggg and all that it was awesome gaiety !!!

met my long-time-no-see P6 classmates at yew tee thereafter! i dont think they have changed much! talked/laughed for a bit then i had to go! i'm absolutely -all smiles- that i went! so much catching up to do

well, the mainnn reason as to why i am so freaking happy now. is. because.
i. messaged. both. ms. chen. and. ms. chew. yep. my. two. favourite. teachers.
i even had a conversation with ms chewwwwwwww!

tell me, just tell me, isnt this such a fabbbbbbulous day?

i'll end off with someth that trik pointed out to me tdy. its funny shitzxc. found along the stairs, btw they are srsly side by side okayi. here it is:

do you get it?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention

i wont hesitate no more, no more, it cannot wait - i'm yours.

confirmed: i'll be going to melbourne in the last one and a half week of year-end-holidays. it'll be awfully close to season (but i doubt i'll be needed anyw). am hoping (HOPING, HO CHING'S ADORABLE BABY SISTER :D) that the netball chalet will not be during that period (if there is one luh).

didnt attend speed's training tdy. tsk just when i was so hyped for it :(

i was in a realllyyyyy weird mood in the afternoon (before the 1h run thing). as in i got irritated by the littlest things.

list of things/people who irritated me
  1. this guy who was at the canteen piano, he played six notes (super mario song) over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. i know i sound like that when i try to play pu gong ying de yue ding but still !!!
  2. this girl who bumped my shoulder.
  3. the hokkien mee stall auntie whom i thought took her ownest sweetest timest to bring. me. my. plate. of. food.
  4. the fact that my hokkien mee had no yellow noodles.
  5. someone who commented on my skin colour.

anyw, the 1h runnn today was... a killerrrrrr. murderous
didnt think it would have been that tiring but my knees couldnt take it.
but i must thank those who were cheering by the side (classmates especially :D)
reallyyyy spurred me on (though i was still freaking slow) !!!
congrats to those who did dang well yeh hahahah

oh yeh tmr is teachers' day and i am missing my favourite two MCs so muccchhhhhhhh.
MCFC (to be exact, yeyun, trik and i, mainly) decorated/wrote on the dedication boardddd! the SCs put up a new board cos the old one was so very full. and we were like, the first one to race there to pen our innermost thoughts hahaha. you all should go see (if you havent alr been bugged by us to do so)


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

in between

when will i be able to say, "you're fernally back!" ?

awesome, just awesome

yeh right.

quick update while i am drying myself.
i'm walked home in the rain (and thunder and lightning)
i think i'm gonna get the flu

just wanted to thank this bunch of reallyyy fabulous people/friends/classmates (namely tse yin, claire, suzanne and wenting) for the tea series - peach tea, apple tea, lemon tea and green tea.
it was freaking exciting carrying up the four bottles of sugared drinks to class :D
am touched, really!

and um, i'm really x 10000000000000000 sorry but the two hours are really going to make a big difference.
bad time management/last minute work/whatever.

if i dont pass this time i never will.

on a brighter note: talked with ms goh rather jovially when i was walking down to the canteen and she said that i did "well enough" (for lang arts)
plus i am happy with my new phone so,


Monday, August 25, 2008

one of these days maybe your magic wont affect me

anymore. and your spells bear no effect

anywayyyyyy. lubdub yong huey chyi! because. because.
because she very excitedly told me "eh i got hao3 liao4 for you!" in the morning and kept me in suspense all.... the way till 8AM++.
hahaha it was worth the wait because. because.
because she bought me 旺仔牛奶!
*hyperventilates hahahaha*
and when i proudly walked about in the canteen with the little can in my hand, everyone was asking "ehh school got sell ar?" [in their typical rvian('s incorrect) sentence structure]
and i grinneddd really widely (till all my gums showed) and said "nooooo."
then i walked away.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

sporty goh channel

hahahahaha no luh.
for the real thing (the sporty yong channel), you may click here.


reaaaal hot eye candy eh.
Andreas Thorkildsen.

get what i mean?


thin rope, closed circuit, foreign exchange, market place?

no price for guessing, though :P

just look at that baby bib! um my mom dug it out from... somewhere in my house.
ITS MINE. my godmother sew on the wordings.
hahaha used to use it when i still sucked from milk bottles. and guess what, i'm gonna (re)use it as a training towel! :D

oh and i am going for (my first) speed seven training next thurs. would be greaaaat if i got a weee bit of encouragement. teehee. oh no gayness, no teehee !!!

search me

"you just dont know how much you miss us. dont live in self-delusion any longer, with open arms, receive us. you will realise the joy we bring :D"
to the one who resides in my heart (permanently).

trik and i are currently comparing the depth of our love. as in not OUR love as in she and i but, our love FOR someone yeh.
here are snippets of our conversation that you might not fully understand:

[i am:](BECAUSE) I LOVE MC/ says:


see how much

i love mc

[she is:]yep says:
seee see seee seeeeeeeee saw
yep says:
you tihnk you very good ah!

[i become:](BECAUSE) I LOVE FERNIE/ says:
i call her fernie lei

[she becomes:]because fernie chen huifen loves me! says:
because fernie chen huifen loves me! says:
mine nicer la

[then i say:](BECAUSE) I LOVE FERNIE/ says:
she loves me even morer!
[then she says:]because fernie chen huifen loves me! says:
she loves me even morest!

okayi then we both got very agitated and the rest is history.
R(est) I(n) P(eace) tricia kok yi(n) tong - you will be dearly missed (my foot my knee my hip my arms my face my fernie).

do you know how good it feels to be able to like, love someone openly? hahaha

anyw, i have concluded that contact lenses, yes that thing i once announced was the greatest invention of all time, causes madarosis. go find out what it means luh
(most of the) everytime i try to put my contacts on/take them off i lose one (or sometimes even more :O) eyelash. and according to wiki, "eyelashes take about seven to eight weeks to grow back if pulled out."
and my mom said that 'your baby eyelashes are the longest ones.' of cos she didnt put it in a sentence as structurally correct as that.
"An eyelash or simply lash is one of the hairs that grow at the edge of the eyelid. Eyelashes protect the eye from debris and perform some of the same function as whiskers do in the sense that they are sensitive to being touched, thus providing a warning that an object (such as an insect or dust mite) is near the eye (which is then closed reflexively)."
well, when i lose enough lashes i might consider growing whiskers as an alternative. thanks wiki

there was this complain program on the radio ytd and i was listening to it. it was quite hilarious cos it really showcased yours truly singaporeans
ERP, toilet paper, tuition, government, school uniforms, fish, sentosa and whatnots.
because i was talking (okayi not really, more like laughing 90% while he just 'whaaaaaaaaaat'-ed the whole way) with sanjay on the phone, i asked him to tune into that program
and he said, "why would i? no point what, i listen to your complains on a daily basis."

common tests are almost over. just one last maths paper to go.
um i'll most prolly get a single-digit score for my chem test.
kissed my new laptop goodbye and i am awaiting damnation

um watched olympics diving tdy morning.
finally dawned on me why so many people are hooked onto the many events. tanya especially, who wouldnt miss a guy's event for a fun-packed morning (run) with yours truly.
some of the (male) divers' bodies were reaaaaaaaaallyyyyyy hot.
hahahaha but
[hueychyi aka:]No pain, no gain says:
No pain, no gain says:
cmon lah
No pain, no gain says:
u dont watch sports jus for the bodies

actually.. i'm kinda like, blogging in the middle of my younger bro's birthday party. he is turning eight (on 25 AUG).
its not my fault that i'm being so anti cos i really dont know how to communicate with them! i asked this (really cute) six year old brother of my bro's friend, "hello what's your name!"
and he pointed his (or rather, my bro's) gun at me and shouted "bang! bang!" then he ran away.
then i tried to watch TV with them but they changed channels every ten seconds. i got all dizzy and stuff. even thought i was migraine-risked
so i am back in my room.
waiting for the cut-cake-time

and i shall start mugging for math. like real


Sunday, August 17, 2008

retail therapy

Friday, August 15, 2008

not everyone's as lucky

i dont believe in luck anyw.

Jason Mraz - Lucky
Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair

though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Thursday, August 14, 2008

denial aint just a river in egypt

the difference between reality and fiction is that the latter makes sense.

thank goodness tdy's thursday! my classes end at 1.40PM and there arent many textbook subjects. i would have had a tougher time lasting through all the lessons had tdy been any other regular (non-thurs) school day because i do/did not have my phone with me :(
so i could only rely on telepathy communication and the worse thing is that it was one way
i dont know how i did it, but (cool as i am) i managed to misplace my phone five minutes after (almost) picking up a call.
realised that i left it at CCK mrt station when i was alr in the train (heading to sch). thankfullyyyyy (hallelujah) some kind soul picked up my phone when i called it soon after :D
i'll prolly get it back tmr morning and dont worry i will consider replying your million messages.

had photoshop lessons in the mac lab for art. i think macs are coool (cos of applications such as photobooth and music garage). still overrated, though
anyw we were learning to use this cloning tool and we had to use it on our own pictures! as in pictures (we took using the built in mac-cam/photobooth) with us as subjects.
it was totally gross.
some end products had a million mouths and no eyes and long tongues some looked like alligators others just looked better after the editing (whoops that was mean)

i can proudly say that my (late) afternoon has been fruitful.
i mugged (for tmr's geog)!

my netburners' soles (hahah i typed 'souls' at first) are wearing out! mom is suggesting that i wear school shoes to sch and lug my pair of netburners in a shoebag (since i just got one).
maybe i would.
lost my standing in your heart

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

love makes us act like we are fools; throw our lives away for one happy day

not that i mind a single bit.

didnt go on the field trip to the yakult factory after sch tdy cos of my knee.
let's just say i have a low pain threshold :S

i was very very mad at my mom just now and i spilled ev-er-ry-thing out to my bestest aunt! she's a great listener and adviser, i think she's gonna be an awesome mom yeh :D
my aunt, janelle and i.

anyw, i am not as &#%@(! anymore
cos mom's cooked up a real feast for dinner!
its quite true that the way to a (wo)man's heart is through h(er)is stomach

they say love blinds, but i think love just makes you see more clearly.

i shall be extremely bold. i miss
so much.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

frown once more and i'll turn you upside down

come try me :P

i have much to blog about. okayi not really

training was just way offfff :(
and its not like i am holding back/not putting in effort (like before). maybe i'm just srsly not good enough.

took 188 back home tdy. and it was the MC (and mickey) bus !!! :D

anyw, i had to like press the doorbell and shout (in an undignified manner, too) for a whole few minutes just to get someone to open the door for me just now.
(cos) my maid is currently taking care of my grandmother so she'll be at my uncle's place for the whole of this week. and my mom will stay home to look after us kids
this is bad news for me cos my mom will not make me ice milo while i sit cross-legged at the dining table watching tv/eating.
my mom will not come into my room to collect my PE shirt and waterbottle and whatever rubbish that needs to be cleared.
my mom will not ignore the fact that i'm eating in my room
my mom will just monitor me 247, or rather, the time i'm at home so yeh :S

oh but mom's one cute thai :D
um apparently my mom thought my bro's teeth was too yellow and all that so she cleaned his teeth (with charcoal) and rinsed his mouth after that heard from jerald that it was reallyyyy gross cos there was like black stuff hanging all over in his mouth :O
like eeeeew.
but i must comment that he can now pose for some 'perfect smile' poster thingum (if only he had prettily arranged dental structure) cos his teeth is sparklinggg white.

i lost my phone (at home). prolly left it in the fridge or someth

you make me laugh, you make me cry
dont know which side to buy (or someth like that, sigh)

Monday, August 11, 2008

reason no. 2 - why i love trik

i dont actually expect anyone to read this. but hahahahah its so funny! :D

[trik is:] okay! says:
the convo looks very familiar

[i am:] (and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
what advertisement!!!

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
yeh so familiar

okay! says:
who said it ah?

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
i think it'll be a nicer convi

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

okay! says:
oh yes yes1

okay! says:
okay! says:
and maybe dye the hair like red or smth right

okay! says:

okay! says:
not bad eh

okay! says:
i tihnk you will be a very famous stylist when you grow up

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
NDP over alr lah arlo

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
yep. but i will give you free treatment!

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
happy not?

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
i'll BURNYOURHAIR for free

okay! says:

okay! says:

okay! says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
burn alr then umm got extra treatment!

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
burn alr then.. then..

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

okay! says:

okay! says:
and again and again and again right

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
best deal ever

okay! says:
then the promotion is that with this burning treatment, you give a coffin too right

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
you made me LOL!

okay! says:

okay! says:

okay! says:
eh i die liao la

okay! says:
as in not from the burning

okay! says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
you die alr

okay! says:
i cant make my dp bigger

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
i am piosting this up

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
i mean posting lah walaoeh

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
HOW?! you want XLar

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
*XL ar

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
srsly what is wrong with you

okay! says:
ya, seriously, what is wrong with you?! hahahah XL

okay! says:
i cant make my dp bigger!

okay! says:
do you know how small it is on my comp?!

okay! says:
its like.. xxxxxs!

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
why in the whole wide world you want a big patch of black?!?!

okay! says:
cos i was playing with the msn studd

okay! says:
its not big at all!

okay! says:
its so small!!!!

okay! says:
what have i done?!

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
dont worry luh

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
i will forgive you, for whatever you have done

reason no. 1 - why i love trik

[i am:] (and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
can you reach sch at 6,20AM?

[trik is:] okay! says:
at night

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
aye i need help with my like geog GRADED assignemnt!

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
6.20AM at night?!?!

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
well done

okay! says:

okay! says:

okay! says:

okay! says:

okay! says:

okay! says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
i think, m lah

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
r s

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
*or s

okay! says:

okay! says:
so how do you find it

okay! says:
u think it'd be nicer with fringe?

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:
i think its should have fringe

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

okay! says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

(and you'll have) all the time in the world/ says:

okay! says:

okay! says:

okay! says:

okay! says:

okay! says:

i lost my footing and stumbled into your arms instead


watched olympics basketball USA vs china last night/tdy morning. finally got to see kobe bryant and (king) james lebron etc and yaoming (where's jackie chan and his visa card)!
dozed off during the 3rd quarter so didnt view the women's game which was at 3AM :(

met up with ian yeo'sup at 10.45AM in the morning then we went to queensway! hahaha i've bought my shoebag alr. walked (pratically) all three storeys before deciding on one.
ate (at anchorpoint) and bused to parc oasis (condo/his place) thereafter. explored his house quite a bit.
when his friends came we went down to play street bball :D
was awed by his freaking accurate far shots but i was not too bad myself i only got gai4/rejected once. not bad ar hahahah my ass luh was really noob k
left at about 4.30PM, decided against meeting xurong and gang (sorry yeh)!

i'm in need of a good book/a good movie! or a good album, whichever

yes all the way from UK hahhaha it was an expensive four-minutes call !!!
stupid woman i know you can read this. imma forget you if you dont come back soon alright
she told me she painted the sg flag on her face and walked down Farringdon Rd. then she found some other singaporeans (were wearing sg colours and were speaking with 'lah' and 'lor's and) so they very randomly shook hands made friends and gathered at a bend singing NDP songs.

okay lets all mourn for the loss of my PSP. the dust in my room will miss (coating) it terribly horribly vegetably. srsly, its been lightyears since i last touched it and now that i've got this insane urge to play NBA, its MIA
i thought my mom would prolly scold me and swear never ever to get me another gadget again (like she did to my bro 6 months ago, a week before getting him his DS). but she didnt!
she just shrugged and smiled her cruel smile. after huddling tgt with my bros, we concluded that she stole my dearet PSP to make me shuddup (instead of convincing her to buy me another memory card).
bottomline - no more PSP :(

so um, yeh its confirmed that my grandmother has cancer so i'd very much appreciate if you could all pray for her.

when life gives you lemon, you really have gotta make lemonades.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

some questions have no answers, some answers have no truth

so why ask?

dad: your mommy used to be pretty.
(after a short pause) dad: now she's just pretty old.

i didnt think my dad had that kinda humourrrrrrrrr :O

anyw, my bestest darling bought me the cutest pair of sanuk slippers (and they didnt come cheap either) so i'm feeling extremely guilty. but i love 'em absolutely :D
look look look at the insanely awesome pair of smileys !!!

grrrrr i want to pop by queensway tmr before/after the swim to get a new shoebag! but i cant find company


oh went for boo's birthday bbq at parc oasis ytd! played bball yeh :D


Friday, August 8, 2008

why do birds suddenly appear, everytime you are near

(because) just like me, they long to be close to you.

well hello. if you have gotten a gist (or slightly more) of the bad news which has been weighing me down (though i dont think i look like someone who's troubled eh) thanks/nothanks for the comforting eh.
no doubt your words helped me (cheered me up and made me look from a different perspective)! :D
i, once again, am shocked at how insightful that muddle-headed pig trik can be.

i got back breaking dawn right after the national day celebration concert!
then cooped into anti(social)-mood immediately hahaha
didnt go have lunch with the year2 netballers, spent my free hours reading reading reading and reading instead. i havent stopped since then (apart from the freaking screwed beep test in which i only managed a pathetic 7.6, the journey home, when i was on the phone for a couple of mins and when i was bathing) till like nowwwww :)

i need retail therapy! i came across a few blogshops which had really funky tees! awesome graphics and totally cool designs eh.
and i just realised that tanya blogshops a lot because i recognised a couple of tees online!
okayi, either that or her closet's filled with stuff from bugis street. oh btw i hate that place they have scary stairs and unfriendly shopkeepers :O

i want a nike shoebag. i want the nike shoebag
and i want the pair of flip-flops i saw that day in lot 1. it looks like this: yellow-based normal flip flop with three cut-out um shapes which, put together, looks like a :) !
sorry for the senseless description heck, its the cutest pair of um thing i have ever seen

i'd swear (if i were the kind who did) i'd burn a hole in my parents' pocket if they bring me out this weekend hahahha

someone commented that my posts are getting more shallow and shallower and shallowest and walaoeh i think you all get my idea hur.
i think so too.
thing is, whenever i get the inspiration to blog i do have this big life-philosophical-value-humanity thingum to post about! but then i'll start off with some load of rantings on someth (probably) small and insignificant and then i'll go on and on and on and on and i forget what i wanted to post in the very first place.
rubbish yeh.

back to breaking dawn.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

i'm as happy as a duck (or is it lark)






Tuesday, August 5, 2008

you may adopt an alias to conceal your identity

but i will still remember your eyes, and all the beauty i saw in them.

the student council campaign speeches are amusing me.

i am in a relatively pleasant mood despite the fact that breaking dawn was confiscated by (that mdm) tia during CID today. this is puzzling
anyw, it was really untimely of her to rob me of my mindfood because i was alr at page three hundred something-something and it was like the climax walaoeh shitzxc
(note: spoiler alert) bella was giving birth (yes she amazingly made love with edward cullen) it was so painful for her she was dying! and her husband (now again, yes they got married k now stop interrupting alright), along with jacob black, was trying to save her life, or at least, keep her heart going so she could later on be injected with edward's venom and be transformed into a (bloodthirsty) vampire.
if i go on i will explode cos i crave for more of edward cullen (and bella swan and her baby and jacob black and his suffering) !!!
he's so fiercely protective of bella, he'll give anything and everything for her (to live), he's (almost) invincible yet vulnerable (cos of her lah what else) - oh so seductive !!!
by hook or by crook i want my book back. period.

its weird to see my mom sprawled on the sofa, lazing around watching TV on weekday evenings. um actually its weird to even see her around luh.
she's been staying at home (instead of going for work) for the past two consecutive days! because she has cramps. i wish i could skip sch with that kinda excuse (not reason).
its irritating when she nags constantly but i guess the postive side to her being at home with us is that dinner (which is usually cooked up by my maid) is much more sumptious (with my mom's supervision).

apparently, my brothers and my maid are working on a 1000-piece puzzle. i would swear (if i was the kind who did) i'd buy them a frame when they're done
which will most prolly be never

pulled my muscle (and as i've gathered there is no other way to unpull it but to rest and let it recover) ytd during napfa and it got worst today so i didnt do courtwork just now.
i think i'm missing out a lot and yeah lagging far behind but i'll (try to) catch up soon because i have a goal to work towards to now :D

speaking of napfaaaa, grrrr i'm not entirely satisfied it could have been much btr. i hurt myself (as mentioned in the above paragraph) during the first station which was like the slackest sit-and-reach one !!!
so um yeah it killed the rest of my other four stations.
ended up with 29/30 :(
but i owned tse yin (the sssppprinnnterrrrrrrrrrrrrr) with my 10.1s shuttle run (and height) !!!
oh and did my 2.4KM today morning too

i like (some older) national day (theme) songs (better).

18th day without ms chen;
20 days till i see momo again;
goodness knows when till breaking dawn is returned to me :(

Monday, August 4, 2008

i'm a happy hobbit!

when you love the one who was killing you, it left you no option.
if your life was all you had to give, how could you not give it?
if it was someone you truly loved?

:D x 10000000000000000

the awful light that shines

computer lessons again!
its raining outside! and when we were in the classroom just now we/i purposely left one of the windows open so that we/i could feel the drizzle. felt so good eh :D

anyw, i am getting the hang of folding straw stars! congratulate me
i still take like five minutes for each one but just so you know, its a major improvement from yesterday. plus, its addictive. i was hardly paying attention in science (which is the ultimate boredom cos um we've got a new teacher for bio - ms lai. not that chem was any more interesting but at least mr ng speaks loudly) nor chinese (cos we were blog sharing on our chinese posts and i am contact-lensless) so i folded like plentiful of stars!
i want silver straw(s) (stars) !!!

last week tse yin told me that she'd pay attention in com class today (and i replied that if she didnt she'd owe me a drink). and walaoeh she's keeping to her words so i am dang boredzxc (to the brim now) :S

i am thus in a joyous mood and if you are persuasive enough i'll buy you half an apple from stall 5
and, can someone tell me when the book was released?
i saw some year four walking around with it and i was like zomg it cant be (unless being the loyal fan she is, she skipped sch in the morning to get the book)!
urgh but there's langarts ICAS later on so i can only leave sch at 3.30PM :(
cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait
then i'll come back to sch and make rae foo awfully jealous (that is, if she's still around).

oh we played netball for PE and it was Disastrous (notice the cap-ed D), like srsly.
it was like a game with turnovers as fast as claudia chew and everyone was just stepping and offsiding and held-balling and all that shitzxc
hahhahaa but it was really funny to play with the class!
and i was um exasperated when i was umpiring so i gave up blowing for all the minor infringements ...
yay i love 2B-pencil(s) lah random

we're now doing some flash proj thingum.
we're creating this flash document/game that can supposedly calculate your lucky number based on your name, brithday, and some other random info.
i'm not doing it cos i dont believe in luck(y numbers).

and my 2.4km + beep test is tmr, on the same dayyyyyyy walaoeh
i wish i hadnt been on mc months ago (missed first napfa cos of it)
sigh your hearts out.

and i love you,

Sunday, August 3, 2008


disclaimer to non 2B-pencils: as the title suggests, this indeed is part of my homework, crazy as it sounds.
i am supposed to post an entry full of chinese words. i hope i survive this, ahhaha.
and dont laugh cos i bet it'll be full of errors

我尝试了好久,终于换了我电脑的language settings,可以打华文字体了!非常感谢Claire的帮助!哎,真不习惯用华文blog!感觉上有些奇怪!

唉,其实我现在还是有点闷闷不乐(用法对吗?),因为昨天我在那个pesta sukan netball carnival打球的表现超级无敌差!打得非常烂,我对自己真的很不满意,还emo了老半天呢!但我现在想通了,没关系啦吴慧娴,再接再厉!哈哈哈 :D

既然我还没post on西马来西亚的trip,我就在这里分享一下我的经验!
由老师不是规定我们至少要写400个字吗?所谓 "a picture paints a thousand words", 我这里已经有好几张了!= a few thousand words!um, 好冷呀 :O
所谓 "a picture paints a thousand words", 我这里已经有好几张了!= a few thousand words!um, 好冷呀 :O
其实,我最近在想的是:我这一年半来真的错过了很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多美好的事!这次西马来西亚的经验后我才发觉到2B真的好不错!他们/你们其实是很棒的一群人! 哈哈不要讲下去了,免得你们脸红!
shitzxc its not 400words yet, i think!
but i srsly gtg so ciao ciao ciao

you lift me up, only to let me down (again)

to the person who doesnt really want to know: this is your song.
you may read between the lines.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

dying inside cos i cant take it

make or break up i cant take this madness.
800 messages/forty-five mins/a bucket of tears

my performance during pesta sukan was (exceptionally) bad.
so freaking lousy i didnt want to go to kristal's house along with trik, lois and yeyun after that cos i was afraid i'd spoil the cheery atmosphere with my emoistic-not-good-enough-rantings.
i guess it was silly to not go, because thinking again those crazy asses would probably have made me happy again :D

anyw, it was not that bad eating at kfc with estee, (goggles) ximin and ethel! and then um there was some talk on ahem, drive and yes virginity. okay my blog's PG dont you harbour any thoughts that i'd reveal any more information
ximin's littlest actions are hilarious! she smells cups and she talks to herself.
took mrt with ethel and we laughed (quite) a lot at the 11 bus stop hahahhaha

went for a short run, had barely covered 1km when a little accident happened along the way and i had to turn back :(

then had a fantastic dinner (pasta with abalone cockles prawns scallops button mushrooms, lots of finger food, premium sparkling juice) which saved my day :D

oh and i tried to fold straw stars but i havent succeeded (yet) um cos my fingers are too big and cluumsy and fumbly etc
but just you wait (till the cows come home).

yes, dedicated two song to two different people just now in the evening on 98.7FM!
maria carey - i stay in love with you
cute is what we aim for - sweet talk 101
curly, give it up or give it all - sometimes no matter which road you take it leads to the same destination.
15th day without ms chen;
2 days till breaking dawn's release;
23 days till i see momo again.

Friday, August 1, 2008

everytime i try to fly i fall, without my wings i feel so small

i am currently listening to lonestar's amazed and i'm having it on repeat mode. i never get tired of this song, never

anyw, i bathed using diluted/mildly concentrated champagne/wine (what's the difference hur) just now! i still feel the stickiness on my skin and i dont really like it. i think i smell sweet and i shudder at the thought that ants might crawl all over me when i'm asleep :O
okayi i get it i shouldnt be paranoid.
um so yeap my mom forced me to cos she believes that it'll do good to my burnt skin. maybe make me fairer or someth hahahha
well, to prevent myself from having to do this again i shall apply sunscreen tmr (for pesta sukan round 2) :D

speaking of pesta sukan, i dont really feel excited about it. not yet, perhaps. my heart is gripped by fear, though.
what if i dont perform well?
what if its my off-day?
what if my (re)jammed thumb makes it harder for me to pass and receive the ball?
what if i die of exhaust on court?
i know i shouldnt be having so many doubts and all or else i'll be frantic and overly-tensed, but :S
am in no mood to continue this post
i just quarrelled with my parents.

raise your voice, like it intimidates me a single bit.
freak my family is screwed/
or maybe i am
i dont know whats wrong with my parents. since everything i do is wrong in their eyes,
since they say that all i bring is trouble, since they say that the older i get the worse i become,
then fine.
fuck you idiots. you asses who dont even know a single shit about me. i may not be in any position to say this but i'll just say it, you dont deserve to be parents.
you dont know how to bring up kids. look at how i turned out. look at how jer and jov turned out.
they say you're not supposed to wash your dirty family laundry in public but i'm doing it because i dont even feel part of it. my bros curse and swear behind your back, they act like hooligans and they pick on others in school all the time. and you dont even know.
they stole from you, too. you dont even know.
you can spend all your time on your work, and come back home feeling stressed and mad and then you lash out on us.
sure, go ahead. at the end of your life you realise you have the largest sum of retirement fund, but look around, and see there's no one to spend it with.
you dont know how broken this family is. its broken beyond repair.
ok i will speak to you properly. i will speak to you politely and not show any sense of irritation nor anger. i will speak to you like we're not connected by blood ties. like a stranger, and aqquaintance, someone i barely know.
respect is not given, its earned.
just because you are my parents, it doesn mean i have to be your daughter.
i hope you somehow read this. and realise everything.
i hope you know you've ruined my evening, my tmr, and supposedly our sunday.
i hope.

fools. we all are.