Friday, August 8, 2008

why do birds suddenly appear, everytime you are near

(because) just like me, they long to be close to you.

well hello. if you have gotten a gist (or slightly more) of the bad news which has been weighing me down (though i dont think i look like someone who's troubled eh) thanks/nothanks for the comforting eh.
no doubt your words helped me (cheered me up and made me look from a different perspective)! :D
i, once again, am shocked at how insightful that muddle-headed pig trik can be.

i got back breaking dawn right after the national day celebration concert!
then cooped into anti(social)-mood immediately hahaha
didnt go have lunch with the year2 netballers, spent my free hours reading reading reading and reading instead. i havent stopped since then (apart from the freaking screwed beep test in which i only managed a pathetic 7.6, the journey home, when i was on the phone for a couple of mins and when i was bathing) till like nowwwww :)

i need retail therapy! i came across a few blogshops which had really funky tees! awesome graphics and totally cool designs eh.
and i just realised that tanya blogshops a lot because i recognised a couple of tees online!
okayi, either that or her closet's filled with stuff from bugis street. oh btw i hate that place they have scary stairs and unfriendly shopkeepers :O

i want a nike shoebag. i want the nike shoebag
and i want the pair of flip-flops i saw that day in lot 1. it looks like this: yellow-based normal flip flop with three cut-out um shapes which, put together, looks like a :) !
sorry for the senseless description heck, its the cutest pair of um thing i have ever seen

i'd swear (if i were the kind who did) i'd burn a hole in my parents' pocket if they bring me out this weekend hahahha

someone commented that my posts are getting more shallow and shallower and shallowest and walaoeh i think you all get my idea hur.
i think so too.
thing is, whenever i get the inspiration to blog i do have this big life-philosophical-value-humanity thingum to post about! but then i'll start off with some load of rantings on someth (probably) small and insignificant and then i'll go on and on and on and on and i forget what i wanted to post in the very first place.
rubbish yeh.

back to breaking dawn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA, go buy the flip flops man since it's YELLOW! ;D HEH HEH,