Sunday, August 3, 2008


disclaimer to non 2B-pencils: as the title suggests, this indeed is part of my homework, crazy as it sounds.
i am supposed to post an entry full of chinese words. i hope i survive this, ahhaha.
and dont laugh cos i bet it'll be full of errors

我尝试了好久,终于换了我电脑的language settings,可以打华文字体了!非常感谢Claire的帮助!哎,真不习惯用华文blog!感觉上有些奇怪!

唉,其实我现在还是有点闷闷不乐(用法对吗?),因为昨天我在那个pesta sukan netball carnival打球的表现超级无敌差!打得非常烂,我对自己真的很不满意,还emo了老半天呢!但我现在想通了,没关系啦吴慧娴,再接再厉!哈哈哈 :D

既然我还没post on西马来西亚的trip,我就在这里分享一下我的经验!
由老师不是规定我们至少要写400个字吗?所谓 "a picture paints a thousand words", 我这里已经有好几张了!= a few thousand words!um, 好冷呀 :O
所谓 "a picture paints a thousand words", 我这里已经有好几张了!= a few thousand words!um, 好冷呀 :O
其实,我最近在想的是:我这一年半来真的错过了很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多美好的事!这次西马来西亚的经验后我才发觉到2B真的好不错!他们/你们其实是很棒的一群人! 哈哈不要讲下去了,免得你们脸红!
shitzxc its not 400words yet, i think!
but i srsly gtg so ciao ciao ciao

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