Saturday, August 2, 2008

dying inside cos i cant take it

make or break up i cant take this madness.
800 messages/forty-five mins/a bucket of tears

my performance during pesta sukan was (exceptionally) bad.
so freaking lousy i didnt want to go to kristal's house along with trik, lois and yeyun after that cos i was afraid i'd spoil the cheery atmosphere with my emoistic-not-good-enough-rantings.
i guess it was silly to not go, because thinking again those crazy asses would probably have made me happy again :D

anyw, it was not that bad eating at kfc with estee, (goggles) ximin and ethel! and then um there was some talk on ahem, drive and yes virginity. okay my blog's PG dont you harbour any thoughts that i'd reveal any more information
ximin's littlest actions are hilarious! she smells cups and she talks to herself.
took mrt with ethel and we laughed (quite) a lot at the 11 bus stop hahahhaha

went for a short run, had barely covered 1km when a little accident happened along the way and i had to turn back :(

then had a fantastic dinner (pasta with abalone cockles prawns scallops button mushrooms, lots of finger food, premium sparkling juice) which saved my day :D

oh and i tried to fold straw stars but i havent succeeded (yet) um cos my fingers are too big and cluumsy and fumbly etc
but just you wait (till the cows come home).

yes, dedicated two song to two different people just now in the evening on 98.7FM!
maria carey - i stay in love with you
cute is what we aim for - sweet talk 101
curly, give it up or give it all - sometimes no matter which road you take it leads to the same destination.
15th day without ms chen;
2 days till breaking dawn's release;
23 days till i see momo again.

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