Thursday, July 31, 2008

and between now and then, till i see you again

i'll be loving you. love, me

there was A(ustralian)M(aths)C(ompetition) today and i really dont know where my mind was when i was doing it. i wouldnt be surprised if the results come back really badddddd
but shitzxc its graded yeah i see my 3.5GPA out of reach. my (new) laptop too :(
hhahha but then when we checked answers trik seemed to have done worst than i did :O

after everything ended (fish + trik) hyungs kristal and i went to shoot. um i think the shooters accumulated a lot (like srsly a lot) of shots from previous days !!! the figures scare. and trik said "i've got 400 shots" (or some similar 3-digit figure) like as if its like.. like a.. a.. a.. whatever.
like its easy-peasy lemon-squeezy.
hahah do you like get what i mean?

fish left soon after, and then we talked abt some freaking hilarious thingum which kristal refuses to let me post about !!! so you can sort of guess its more or less about her.
hahaahha. or maybe i can leak one teeny weeny bit out:
"peter, who?"
"peter pan."
everything is funnaye with fe(r)n shen and trik (and lois) around :D
KLBFO !!! whoops
i think trik and i deserve the cupids status. ar?


the truth is that everyone dies. there is no escaping the grim-reaper. there is nowhere and no way to hide when the church bells call for you.
yet, even after a person gets taken away, its soul lingers on - sometimes in a beloved's heart, sometimes in the barn where it was ruthlessly murdered.
every second, someone's daughter, brother, mother, grandfather, best friend or spouse returns to the maker. knowing the figures, however, does not make it any easier for the ones left behind to accept the cold fact.

when Grace died, she brought lots of hearts - living, bleeding ones - with her to heaven. one of them belonged to me.

she was lying on the hospital bed. she was drifting away, she knew her time had come.
her once-beautiful black tresses had fallen off because of chemotherapy.
there she lay, her bald head covered by a woollen cap handmade by her grandmother.
i looked at her, my eyes welling up with tears of defeat.
she, who refused to wear a wig because she insisted on being 'real', took hold of my trembling hands.
a wave of calmness surged through my body.

"dont." she said.
i squeezed her hand and tilted my head backwards, my tears spilling over in the act.

"dont," she said again. "dont give up on me."

i was unable to look her in the eye. "i wont." i muttered. i didnt know who if it was her or myself i was convincing.

she pulled me closer. "you think i'll go. that's why you are crying."

"i'm.. sorry." i sobbed. it was true that i had lost all hope. i knew there was no light at the end of the tunnel.
i spent my last two months in the hospital with her. i had seen her eyes fill with agony.
i had seen her struggle with the intense treatment.

"you will remember me, wont you?" a playful smile swept across her face. then she laughed, her sound like a bell - melodious, lovely.
i tried to remember it, replaying it over and over again in my head.

"yes." i assured her.

"she who loves forever, lives forever." she whispered in my ear when i moved in for a hug.
after a blessed minute, i withdrew, much as i didnt want to.

"you should get going now. isnt your dad waiting downstairs?" she asked gently.
i nodded my head and swallowed the lump in my throat.
i walked unwilling to the door, every step a mile seeping between us.

"hey," i spun around. "goodbye."
much as we didnt want to admit it, we both knew it was our last goodbye.
she was about to say something when she choked in a sudden outburst of a coughing fit. Swiftly, she cupped her hand over her mouth. then she balled her hand into a fist.
finger by finger she opened it up, like it was a gift she was presenting to me.
thick red liquid was splattered all over her palm. it was blood. Grace coughed blood.

"no big deal. now go!" she instructed.
i took one last look at her, imprinting all her delicate features in my mind forever.

then i turned my back to her.
and i ran, taking along all our precious memories with me.
flashbacks: memories of us giggling in the changing room, laughing hysterically while trying on misfitting clothings;
us prank-calling the guys when we slept over at my place;
us gorging ourselves with ben and jerrys' during a sad movie;
and us eating our pizzas backwards after that.

i am still running, and i still hope to run into you one day.

for Grace, whom i know is watching over me from a peephole, or what we call a star, in the sky.

- 31 July 10.18AM


okayi i feel sad now.
waited in vain

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

for you i will

looking up i see an angel
standing right before me.
beautiful, you're perfect,
like the flaws were meant to be.

and those eyes, have i told you?
i get lost in them, still.
if i could, then i would
never find my way back again.

you're supposed to heal, but
now you've messed me up.
i'm willing to die through and through
for a second of connection with you.

yet we know the silent truth
about superheroes and angels -
just because we're of the same kind,
i'm not yours and you're not mine.

angel, you're unreachable.
you're the moon, the stars, the sun, my light,
but when i'm close it burns.
angel, you're unforgettable.
you're my smile, my love, my life, the one,
and when you're far away its cold .. in here..
i'm a fallen superhero,
because i love you ten times fold.

i see you have that inner glow.
and me, i'm strong outside.
together, we would have been
invincible; everything.

angel, you're unreachable.
you're the moon, the stars, the sun, my light,
but when i'm close it burns.
angel, you're unforgettable.
you're my smile, my love, my life, the one,
and when you're far away its cold .. in here..
i'm a fallen superhero,
because i love you ten times fold.

you're the angel who puts the pieces back in place,
but what if (just what if)
i didnt need help before you came,
and now you're here this'll never end?

i'm a fallen superhero,
because i love you ten times fold.


had beach cleaning today! all the way at changi
it was rather fun i guess.
everyth is fun when you are upbeat and cheerful yeap :D
oh but it was quite tiring because we had to take down statistics of whatever rubbish we collected. i think there were like a billion cigarette butts and a million chicken bones
it was sort of like taking down shooter's stats lei, just a whole lot more complicated cos we/i had to classify the items, ahhahahahah

i am kinda growing to like my class more and more and more and more and more
but half the year is alr gone, what have i been missing out on in the past (about) sixteen months ?!?!?!
i think it will be rather sad at the end of the year when we all split classes :(

12th day without miss chen;
5 days till breaking dawn release;
26 days till i see momo again;
1.5 days till **** *****/**** ****'s surprise!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

your wish is my command


gone before the storm

didnt go to sch today cos i couldnt wake up - literally, not that i overslept ar
my throat was so sore it felt like there was sand (which by itself was on fire) going down it. i dont know how you describe a condition as such but yes it was like inflammation. as a matter of fact, it is (throat) inflammation.
and my head was throbbing so hard i thought my world was upside-down (i'm much better alr cos the fever has subsided).
so, i couldnt wake up. get it? ahyo

tanya's been an awesome friend :D
well yes she brought me to the clinic in the (late) morning.
the doc actually intended to give me 3 days of MC !!! um i told him i didnt need it cos ... do you know how boring today has been so far?!?!?!
thereafter we went to have our lunch.
since i was so near school, i thought i'd surprise bully gang with sushi or some food stuff <3 so at 1.55PM i sat at the netball table (in the canteen) laying out the sushi and oh yeah i developed the escape outing pictures and i left them there as well! i wanted to stay till the hyungs came down from class but um, i was um, chased out (not by a teacher luh haha) cos i wasnt in school-based tees or anyth :S

um so here i am now.
i guess

oh yes i've lost my voice totally :(
will probably miss out sat's jam if my voice doesnt come back by tmrrrrrrrr whoops

11th day without ms chen;
6 days till breaking dawn's release;
27 days till i see momo again

Monday, July 28, 2008

this is important

okay people its high time you guys knew the truth.
$#%^&*@( do you know that everytime you sneeze,
you kill a few brain cells?
and, do you know i've sneezed a gahzillion times today zomg (due to flu).

p.s. this (warning) post is not meant for people like xunzhe and tanya, who can both afford to lose a whole lot of their (in)geniusity.

and i hate how much i love you, i cant stand how much i need you

and i hate how much i love you, and i just cant let you go.
everytime you ask me to "believe in what [you] i think" my heart breaks a little more. every time you reject me, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you, it numbs me inside out.
He turned to Allie and laced his fingers through her own, squeezing nearly to the point of pain. 'Three months ago, if you asked me, i would have told you that if you really loved someone, you'd let them go. But now i look at you, and i dream about Maggie, and i see that i've been wrong. If you really love someone, Allie, i think you have to take them back.'

- jodi picoult, mercy

just read through my classmate's blogs. tseyin's recent post (which commented on my laughter) flattered me a bit hahaha :D
unfortunately, or rather fortunately, i am not the pervert you think i am sorry to disappoint you eh (inside thingum)
claire's post, however, made me reminicise (?) about the really engagingly funnaye moments with ms chew. yes she used to stomp into the classroom in an unfeminine fashion and bellow "(good) afternoon!"
oh my MC(s) :(

anyw, i am/have sore: heart
- throat
- eye
and i am running a [high(er)] temperature now
i was fine this morning anyw.
oh yeah yuyan's my happy tree :D

went to vivo with fish hyung right after classes ended. ate and bought some stuff and walked etc hahahah the usual things :)
you um, know *tikko look*
hahahah nah joking luh.
came back and watched the juniors for a while before deciding that seeing them do stretching excercises was Boring (with a capital B)
reached home relatively early and i brought back fish's phone by mistake whooops :S

you dont decide who survives in a car crash,

10th day without ms chen;
7 days till breaking dawn is released;
28 days till i see momo again -

Sunday, July 27, 2008

and i'd do it all over again, still

A smile stole across Jamie's face, so completely transforming him that Allie would not have recognised him if she'd seen him on the street. 'Then you're the one.'
Allie blinked at him. 'The one what?'
'The one who loves more.' He moved closer to the desk, and the handcuffs tapped against the metal edge as he inadvertently made gestures. 'You know its never fifty-fifty in a marriage (or relationship). It's always seventy-thirty, or sixty-forty. Someone falls in love first. Someone puts someone else up on a pedestal. Someone works very hard to keep things rolling smoothly; someone else sails along the ride.'

- jodi picoult, mercy
are you, or am i, the one?
church today, as usual! just that i went for both 8AM and 11AM worship. sat with my parents the first session.
i was intending to leave right after combined bible class but then um joan jeremy etc somehow managed to persuade me to stay.
think my brain was in my ass or someth.
that stupid angel enlisted into NS :(
no one in church has a voice as loud, bellowing, powerful, mighty as yours! boohoo baldie

its my mommy's birthday today! and i almost forgot

okayi off to eat my baked beans hahahahahah.
heard that NS food sucks


Saturday, July 26, 2008

and scream, because its the last you will hear

woke up with a slight fever today. yeyun was having a terrible flu too. so in the end we both plonked back to (our) bed(s) and yeah didnt go support juniors (for pesta sukan).
anyw, congratulations! :D
they got third (and um they beat nanhua twice)!

and yay late afternoon/evening was fantabulous! hahhahahahha
fe(r)n shen and i went to suntec city to walk and dine and dine and dine and dine.
no joke we ate quite a lot
she taught me how to choose/share budgeted meals and they were all really good food, though :)
there was like this um heroes kids' exhibition!

walked quite a bit before heading to don's pie for their awesomest shepherd's pie.

see how greedy my fe(r)n shen is? tsk hahahahah

and here we go again.

and then um we ate lots of other stuff/ like sweet potato!
and um oyster vermicilli without oyster hahahha.
and this grape soda thingy i am craving for right now.

then we took a rest at carrefour hahaha so typically singaporean eh.

typical singaporeans make the best outta free stuff.
dont you think we look so homely haha. perhaps a lil too much, in fact.

you dont know how embarrassing lor ;D

we have favourite jelly bean flavours worzxc :)

ar hhahahahahah laugh please.

last stop was the fountain of wealth. i didnt know we could dedicate songs there! anyw we program-dedicated one song but we were unable to stay to listen to it.
was runningg late you see ahya.
but it was really coooool hahahhaa.

will update abt west malaysia trip pretty soon! after i have compiled all the snapshots from my multiple sources hahah.
i took only thirty pics, but i think i'm in some other pics so yes when i am done collecting have a little, patience
anyw, it was better than i thought so yeaaaaap!


Monday, July 21, 2008

you cant tame me, when you've set me free

but tonight, my eyes are screaming for the sight of you.

my brothers are screaming again! how gay, i know. i mean, how can someone as cool as me have such siblings tsk
smart people dont sit in the living room with the maid and listen to her tell indonesian ghost stories.... ... ... ....
and end up scurrying into my room in frightttttt - and look is that a glimmer at the edge of your eye, oh my is that a tear!
walaoeh srsly hahahhaha my brothers are like so whatever hahahhaha

i have just finished packing for the WEST MALAYSIA TRIP tmr!
hmm i'll be gone for like, three days "dont miss me too much" (as quoted from eeeeeethel haha)
briefly looked through the itinery and it doesnt seem very much as exciting as i hoped it would be :(
plus they didnt mention anyth about the fireflies watching/viewing the seniors had last year! :O
i do hope we get a chance to see those little thingums maybe it'll sorta be like a surprise for us or someth
ar william um dont be too upset that you're not be joining us i'm sure the class will bring someth back for you yeap (if you're reading this :D)

she talked to me during jnr's training today
in that mere five minutes she inspired me to put in my all for netball, play my 100%, train hard and work towards b'div
enough of seeing half-hearted runs, enough of watching me step out of court with "regret" all over my face, enough of lousy performances, enough is enough
today you shall (all) be my witness(es):
since mp believes in me, i will not disappoint her. never
just. watch. me.

lois said i'm a trend-setter
if you've seen me around with my pinkkk (star) wand, for your info that's the original one that yuyan made for me.
basically its a star folded using a straw, connected to another longgg straw so that it looks like a wand
the first one you know !!!
hahhaha the rest of 'em are copypigs who decided to follow suit
anyw, (sorry yuyan) i lost my pink one ytd :(
but i've got a purple one alreadyy hahahaha my magic wands magic magic
i am still waiting for my one hundred wands tied tgt. oh its okay you people can queue up, dont rush, eh dont cut queue lah!
i'll wait for your wands hahahahahhaa
i'm joking (but its a hint)

sanjay came over to collect some of the sugaroids (the hard rocky sugar breadcookies i baked with him ytd)!
well we think they're successful cos they're quarter-crispy and as sweet as love
they taste better without the drizzled milk chocolate, though
oh and i got the baking recipe from THE COOKIE BOOK kristal gave me ahhahahah
fortunate international school kids are gonna have their summer holidays soon! even though there arent even seasons in singapore!
lucky (i dont believe in ... nevermind) kid eh sanjay D<

if i continue ranting
i'll never wake up in time to reach sch at 6.30AM tmr
RV's set to kill us i mean what an unearthly hour
i havent been taking the first train for ages, oh wait my dad has a car hahahahha


Sunday, July 20, 2008

and tonight will be the night that i will fall for you again

i'm "holding" hueychyi (spokesperson) and trik's "holding" kristal (co-founder) :D
another one!

dedicated MCFCerssss you know we can finallyyyyy profess our love like say it out see i'm like so close to MC!

thus is like the coolest shot ever.
EVRYONE, and i mean EVERYONE looks unglam here
click on it and look at each person in detail

Saturday, July 19, 2008

can i have your attention please

if you didnt want the garden,
why did you plant the seed?
you're making promises
that you'll never keep
now you deal with the consequences
down on your knees -
and maybe we'll do this for the rest of our lives
maybe we will live forever
maybe you dont have to think its right
maybe we will
and i dont feel what you feel,
i dont want to feel this incomplete
no one here can tell me
how to feel the space between
everyone knows you're my one regret,
everyone knows you're my one weakness

goodness gracious. everytime someone sees my typing in small(er) fonts he/she is bound to have the impression that the content is emo-istic and probably suicidal and stuff
go on, read it. read the sixteen lines of lyrics (which might actually, whoops, appear to be a lil sad but really the song is nice that's why).
anyw its incomplete - the last goodnight
you know how songs sometimes get stuck up there in your head and they replay and replay and replay (up there) even when you are writing your *#&_@& chinese compo (so much that you stop to listen to it hahhaha)
yes this was one of songs. it drove me (and the people around me) crazy cos i couldnt stop singing it
and it was when RVNB went to perth :O

pretend lah, cant you pretend this is like, not my second post for the day?
pretend i have a life
pretend you dont know i'm still sitting in front of the computer doing naught
pretend i'm not bored
pretend i dont need you anymore
to say that my family is unpredictable is an understatement.
when i was having precious me-time reading and IMing (not really considered me-time since it's me and someone and me and someone oh you know lah) and doing everyth but socialising with my blood-ties, the living room underwent a makeover
in place of our old big TV which looks like an old computer monitor (i mean the ones with a butt if you get what i mean) is a larger than 42-inch plasma TV (i am trying not to gloat - hahah)
there is a new Hi-5 set too! its metallic metallic metallic ouch
and there's a new small shelf where the xbox and the ps2 are placed. the games, however, are in my brother's rooooooom
doesnt make sense since there's so much space left (on the shelf)
anyw, yes a lot has been shifted shifted shifted
but walaoeh i didnt even know about the new stuff they bought till like now i feel like i have been kept in the dark
our sofa still remains though
in half a month the springs (in the oldddd seat) will pop out like, booiinngggg (like how they do in the mr. bean cartoons)
bet you

sarah: hur, srsly!? how come i didnt know you had a performance!

she reminds me of chialynn cos i rmb chialynn once said "THATS IT NO BIRTHDAY PRESENT FOR YOU!"
they are kinda similar.

long for you, still

, as we always belong forever to people who have hurt us badly

or been badly hurt by us.

today started off on a wrong note. was supposed to reach KNC by 7.15AM for pesta sukan (netball) carnival, but at 6.30AM i was only at yew tee and the next train was due to come in ten minutes
reached just in time for warm-up
i guess it was sorta irresponsible of me (to be late) sorry :/

i think there is still someth lacking in my play. perhaps the intensity/drives/offer cos it didnt feel like as if i was really sprinting lei :O
but, at least the feedback given to me was positive (most of the time, more or less)
cant say that i'm like, happy with my performance today cos i srsly thinkkk it was just okay-okay so yes gotta jiayou
passion is reigniting again, though :D
was shitzxc tired after that i just wanted to flop into my bed and tsk sleep lah what else can you like do on it hahahha?!
yes. but i couldnt. because my maid (and bros) were locked in and i was locked out
i'm pretty sure the key is somewhere in the house, still, but no one has found it yet
was on the way to trik's house
stopped by at vivo's giant to buy myself a can of baked beans (cos i saw the advertisement and i had a sudden craving) when my dad timely called to inform me he was going to pick me up
in the end i got really impatient
i mean, who wouldnt be if she had to wait for an hour at the bus stop, inhaling stinky fumes from the passing buses the whole time

got even unhappier/pissed when my dad suddenly announced we werent going straight home
the rest is history. history is boring
so i wont go into it
just know that i was pretty much in a foul mood till i read MC's blog

speaking of MC(FC), we confessed.
she said she isnt spooked, but i wonder if thats really the case hahahha

okayi off to eat my first full meal of the day
cup noodles
walaoeh hahaha

hahahahhaha trik you know whyyyy ;)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

i've made it obvious, i'll sing it in a love song

EDITED @ 10.11PM
p.s. i typed BADEGG at first ahaha


okayi, hi.

i am happy because the pictures developed for mc's farewell gift are beautiful.
i am sad because its a farewell gift.

i am happy because there is a match againt warwick high school tmr.
i am sad because i have little substance to prove myself capable and i dont think i'm in excellent condition for a game.
i need lots of leukoplast/tape:
- my knee which i injured while training with the year ones (as in i slipped and i fell and landed with a split)
- my ankle cos i hurt it in a fight with my brother walaoeh
- both my thumbs which i jammed while defending today
i will look shabby and/or sickly on court :O

i am happy because i am talking on msn.
i am sad because msn is lagging shitzxc on me you know the conversation windows turn blank-white for half a minute before all those words and stuff appear

i am happy because mc has set up a blog where she will most prolly post entries regularly at!
i am sad, really sad, because she didnt mention us netballers at all :(

i am happy because momocleotineo sent me a really cute postcard from UK
i am sad because i miss her all the more now
and apparently she's in some rural place - no lah her laptop is spoilt cos she dropped it down the stairs so yeah we cant IM online D:

alright my thumbs are really hurting now so




Monday, July 14, 2008

"i'm leavin', never looking back again"

back to back com lab lessons cos ms tan (geog tcher) isnt here today! we are supposed to research but if i'm not wrong no one is doing so :P
the keyboard here is so much betterrrrrrrrrrrrr


... ... on a G5 (G5 G5 G5)
... ... watching you (watching you watching you watching you)
... ... amazing (amazing amazing amazing)
... ... let it rain (let it rain let it rain let it rain)
hahahah trik and fish (and livia lim too) rocks to the pear core!

PE was suckish. not that it was entirely the relief tcher's fault

anyw i feel jolly and shandy. no lah
anyw i feel happy now cos i talked to my _______ just before i came to the com lab :)

speaking of computer lessons, the real tcher is back. she has expectations and stuff so i probably wouldnt be blogging (much) in her period anymore
oh and we were made to sit according to reg. numbers so i am at another computer right now.
which is great (for me) cos the spaceboard here is slightly better.
but it isnt as cold here so there isnt really a need but i've still got my team jacket on anyw :D
*flashes you-know-what*
its weird how i havent gotten over this novelty (cos i get bored of things easily)
but then again i dont think i will ever get tired of this

i am having second thoughts abt sanjay's uniform prommmm :S
but i told him i would go!
somehow going to an international school's mini-hall in my pinafore at 9PM for fries and fried fishballs doesnt seem as appealing as it did two days ago
and imagine how much work has to be done in order to lose the fat gained over that one hour (if i eventually graced the event)
though i would very like to go over and sit down to just boy-gaze and snigger to myself when i mentally compare them with RV guys.
oh whoops
i/we'll see how it goes (bah) it isnt everyday my parents allow me to go for someth like that with someone like that, heh

oh and congrats RVNB on the ENL school's div champion title!

i am going to start studying hardd from now on/today. um no, for a start i am going to start studying
my dad has found a way to motivate me yay
if i get 3.5GPA for this term i'll get a laptop/notebook/tablet of my choice
knowing me i'd most likely get everyth upgraded and personalised till the cost blows up my dad eh. and i'm not even thinking of a macbook (air) :O
which is really grrrrrrr-ing cos um the highest i've ever hit so far is a mere 3.3 and dangzxc i know i've failed (horribly, in fact) that day's freaking maths test walaoeh
if i dont hit this um goal i'd have to wait till year end and hit 3.3GPA which is also um. hard. hard is an understatement
but sports seminar (link?) has made me a changed person - champions kick their butts they dont give up (inside uh, statement/joke)!

i want to belong (to you), still

Friday, July 11, 2008

whisper, "i miss you"

indefinite hiatus
but knowing me perhaps i would succumb to temptation and blog here the very next day.

and, dont let me catch you by surprise.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

can you feel the distance, a million words between us

cos i can.

Suppose (by secondhand serenade) that I missed you
Suppose that I cared.
And suppose that I've spent all my nights running scared
And suppose that I was never there.

And my eyes are screaming for the sight of you
And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things
that we've been through
And I can't hold on to you.
So I guess I feel lonely, too.

Suppose we were happy,
Suppose it was true.
And suppose there were cold nights,
But we somehow made it through
And suppose that I'm nothing without you.

And my eyes are screaming for the sight of you
And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things
that we've been through
And I can't hold on to you.
So I guess I feel lonely, too.

Slow way down,
This break down's eating me alive.
And I'm tired, this fight is fighting to survive.
Tell me a secret, (I want it)
Tell me a story, (I need it)
I'll listen attentively,
I'll stay awake all night.
Allow me to whisper (so softly)
There's nothing I did mean (please help me)
But it's in my body
It's strong enough to fight (Let's make this right)
Please help me make this right.

Suppose that I was wrong,
Suppose you were here.
And suppose that I reached out and caught your tears
And suppose this fight just disappeared.

My eyes are screaming for the sight of you
And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things
that we've been through
And I can't hold on to you.
So I guess I feel lonely, too

*flashes you know what*

it sunny-rain(ed) twice in school today! the first was at 2PM so hueychyi and i (sort of) frolicked on the track while exchanging romantic notions
she has sweet ideas i must say. either that, or her idea was stolen from some love-drama.
... imagine you're on a beach with your favourite lover (hahah sounds like you have a list to pick from eh?). it's a wonderful breezy/sunny day and you're building sandcastles. somehow your whole hand is buried in the fine sand, and so is your lover's.
you finish building your little palace and you jerk your hand out. suddenly you notice something shimmering on your finger - its a ring! a how-many-you-want-karat-ring staring straight at you! your lover smirks and laughs in a really cute way, saying, "you've agreed to marry me! yay!"
i know its childish but its nonetheless romantic. even yeyun and trik agrees

the second time it sunny-rained i was with trik and we were studying at the grandstand. we went into the rain and played out a break-up scene. lemme tell you alright the atmosphere was really there as in there
and we did lame shitzxc

i think sunny-rain(s) are cool. like totally (in a bimbo accent)

anywayyyy, i walked in the rain for the third time today (while going home from yew tee mrt station).
the rain was really heavy and the drops which pelted on me were like pins/needles. my arm/neck/face hurt after a while you know
my shoes (and my whole pinafore and everyth) were soaked completely and they produced some really gross squishing sounds with every step i took
i could swear (but i wont) that my maid grimaced and muttered a curse word when she saw me at the door
i was dripping wet like a wet like a wet like a wet now i'm sure you get my drift

my HL milk is icey and nobody knows why :O
interesting yo

zomggg muggg muggg muggggggggggg (sia)
i wont be gone but i wont be there, since you didnt want me to
and i havent bathed.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

a little bit longer (you dont even know)

Got the news today
But they said i had to stay
A little bit longer and i'd be fine
When i thought it'd all be done
When I thought it'd all been said
A little bit longer and I'll be fine.
But you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
And you don't know what it's like to feel so low
And everytime you smile or laugh you glow
You don't even know, know, know.
You don't even know

All this time moves by
Still no reason why
A little bit longer and I'll be fine.
Waitin' on a cure
But none of them are sure
A little bit longer and I'll be fine
But you dont know what you got 'til it's gone
You dont know what its like to feel so low.
And everytime you smile or laugh you glow
You dont even know, know, know.
You dont even know, know, know.
You dont even know, no

And you don't know what you got 'til it's gone.
Don't know what it's like to feel so low, yeah!
And everytime you smile or laugh you glow,
You dont even know! yeah! woah!

So I'll wait 'til kingdom come.
All the highs and lows are gone.
A little bit longer and I'll be fine.
I'll be...fine

not anymore

not anymore

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

everything means nothing, if i aint got you, still

okay hi i'm bored
i have finished my (today's) homework! surprise surprise i am capable of being responsible you know. my attitude is like a choice it just so happens that i feel in the mood today
hell yeah i know i'm supposed to be studying for friday's maths test. chide me for being negative or whatsoever but i dont feel like burrying my head in the textbook and/or worksheets because i know i am bound to fail. more or less

okay hi i'm still bored
have resorted to deleting/sorting out my 321 friendster and facebook (both services of which i've stopped using anyw) and spam and a few rare important emails.
and i'm still shitass boreddddd die

alright i shall blog about my day in detail. like small weeny beeny details
  1. i walked one round around the track with trik hyunggggg today morning while reading like some 5June's chinese newspaper hahahahahahaha
  2. i got really jealous of rae's green clover carebear named "sunday"
  3. i didnt attention in maths. but i was doing maths
  4. i ate hokkien mee
  5. other half took off with my shawtyyyyyyyy during break and she didnt return it till after CID
  6. hueychyi thinks that her rrot (this small carrot plushie she has been carrying around with her) is cuter than my shawty and all my other carebears
  7. so we started going around asking for opinions from classmates etc and most of 'em thought rachel/shawty was cuter :D
  8. i went to the loo during malay lesson and i saw nicole paying attention in class
  9. tried to be nice to yeyun
  10. whywhy and jiarui's birthday celebration! the pictures are with me but i cant find my olympus camera cable so till then

oh yay imma talk to my darlinggggggggg <3

twenty days we will mean nothing to each other

Monday, July 7, 2008

pretended it could all be fine

without you by my side.
since i have covered the bully gang outing (to escape) with those qwerty pictures, i thought i'd describe, in words, my exhilirating experience at brian's secret sixteen party (i went to after that).
fact is everyth seems so empty
by the time i got there it was near eleven and half of the crowd was more or less wasted already. i hadnt started on the booze but i was spinning and tired and all that from taking the viking at escape
anyw we were gathering at this mini park in his condo and it was an awesome rendezvous
the point was to bring your own booze there and there were (i think) like, fifteen kids so the variety was many many i couldn resist them myself
usual bacardi, some hard (really hard) liquor, but the best thing was that someone managed to bring in thirty-odd servings of tequila shots - each in a mini wine-glass and a lid on top.
um the self-concocted flavour vodkas were good too
but i cant tell you how much i want you
oh oh oh and this very innovative guy by the name of sanjay put alcohol in milk and it turned out to be a dimension transporter really really reallyyyyy we all got hooked onto the mixture so we sent him out to get more milk.
he has nice hair that curls on his head like a nest. i know this is not the best description and it certainly does no justice to his curls okay fine horrible description! i shall paint him then:
and how much it hurts me

what a cool guy hahhahaha.
just when we were getting the kick of our lives playing some rum-drinking team relay game someone had to complain about our noise level so the guard came.
and. we. ran.
like the whole bunch of us fuzzy woozy drowsy maybe even drunk.
and. we. ran.
and. ran.
and. ran.
and the birthday boy fell into the pool hahahahhahah !!!
hhahahahahhaahh !!!
hahhahahahahhahha !!!
but i'll soon be replaced
okayi anyw we disbanded soon after that as the guard was threatening to call up bri's parents and stuff. we shared cabs back home
then sanjay called us.
sanjay: hey what am i supposed to do with four cartons of milk?
ray: drink lah.
the pain will soon end
isnt it a wonder how i still rmb all the littlest details when my head was throbbing so badly just the night before hahahhaha
forever is a long long time without you, darling

pulled it off

Saturday, July 5, 2008

the gap in the great constellation,

the place where a star used to be.
- D. H. Lawrence, "submergence"

lo and behold i have finished my sister's keeper (by jodi picoult, for all you who live under a stone/rock/pebble and/or are deprived of the exhilirating experience of reading her books)! i am kidding. no offence to those who'd very much rather stephen king or some sci-fi author

yay lunch @ sakae was a blast! its been lightyears since the family had fun. fun as in my brother spilling over his can of coke my other brother attempting to throw those green jap beans into his cup and my poor father trying to be cool and calm ignoring them while trying to strike up a conversation with my mom who is busy upholding (or pretending to) her dignity by trying not to shriek and/or scream she ends up shouting in a whisper which my brothers know they can get away with so they just continue messing around anyw
sometimes i think i'm the only one with brains.
i sat there laughinngggg and eating to my fill.
let's just say i've got a paunch now. oh die die die diet

got a new nike tote too. ask and you will be given hahhahaha :D

i think we might be going down to visit my greatgrandma late noon then we'll head to town for more shoppinggggggggg
BREAKING DAWN (of twilight series) is out for pre-orders alr! if by chance we end up somewhere near borders i will convince them to get me a copy

my parents had a lil fight when jovan got injure just now,
but oh well today might just be a promisinggggg day after all
nosorry darling

Thursday, July 3, 2008

one fire burns out another's burning, one pain is lessen'd by another's anguish.

- william shakespeare, romeo and juliet

okayi first of all (ms) faith goh is really not that bad (as in boring, uninteresting, quiet etc) a teacher. never judge a book by its cover
she's nice and all plus she showed care for me when i was pale (not exactly, still black actually) and groggy and isolated from all my other classmates during speech and drama lesson today.

trik + rae + kristal attempted to get panadols for me from the PE teachers before assembly today. did you know that the school is not allowed to give out drugs/medication which cause drowsiness and/or host side-effects? i didnt
i was sleeping almost throughout all the lessons anyw

i will read ashes for you, if you ask me.
i will look in the fire and tell you from the gray lashes
and out of the red and the black tongues and stripes,
i will tell how fire comes
and how fire runs as far as the sea.
- carl sandburg, "fire pages"

went to visit my greatgrandmother in the hospital yesterday. i got fussed over pretty much. alright, very much, actually.
it really shook me to see how much she hurt. i am just glad that she still remembers me after the concussion.
then again, how can she ever forget me (i am the sunshine in her life as she always tells)
i think i will drop by again after training tmr

my sister's keeper by jodi picoult is rather sad.

and i cant wait for the outing ooooooooooooofs

replaced replaced replaced