Monday, July 7, 2008

pretended it could all be fine

without you by my side.
since i have covered the bully gang outing (to escape) with those qwerty pictures, i thought i'd describe, in words, my exhilirating experience at brian's secret sixteen party (i went to after that).
fact is everyth seems so empty
by the time i got there it was near eleven and half of the crowd was more or less wasted already. i hadnt started on the booze but i was spinning and tired and all that from taking the viking at escape
anyw we were gathering at this mini park in his condo and it was an awesome rendezvous
the point was to bring your own booze there and there were (i think) like, fifteen kids so the variety was many many i couldn resist them myself
usual bacardi, some hard (really hard) liquor, but the best thing was that someone managed to bring in thirty-odd servings of tequila shots - each in a mini wine-glass and a lid on top.
um the self-concocted flavour vodkas were good too
but i cant tell you how much i want you
oh oh oh and this very innovative guy by the name of sanjay put alcohol in milk and it turned out to be a dimension transporter really really reallyyyyy we all got hooked onto the mixture so we sent him out to get more milk.
he has nice hair that curls on his head like a nest. i know this is not the best description and it certainly does no justice to his curls okay fine horrible description! i shall paint him then:
and how much it hurts me

what a cool guy hahhahaha.
just when we were getting the kick of our lives playing some rum-drinking team relay game someone had to complain about our noise level so the guard came.
and. we. ran.
like the whole bunch of us fuzzy woozy drowsy maybe even drunk.
and. we. ran.
and. ran.
and. ran.
and the birthday boy fell into the pool hahahahhahah !!!
hhahahahahhaahh !!!
hahhahahahahhahha !!!
but i'll soon be replaced
okayi anyw we disbanded soon after that as the guard was threatening to call up bri's parents and stuff. we shared cabs back home
then sanjay called us.
sanjay: hey what am i supposed to do with four cartons of milk?
ray: drink lah.
the pain will soon end
isnt it a wonder how i still rmb all the littlest details when my head was throbbing so badly just the night before hahahhaha
forever is a long long time without you, darling

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