Monday, March 30, 2009

look at the earth from outer space

tell me your own politik.

trish and i have a brilliant, yet-to-be executed plan.

today i did my napfa 2.4km and it was horrid. honestly, couldn't be worst.
if i were to tell my timing to coach i confirm get burnt :( :( :(

neeway, i've been thinking. what am i really good at?
objectively, to put it across in a really blunt way, nothing at all.
the first thing that comes to mind when i think about tanya is, oh, her ballet.
for joong, its his drum and his diligence level. cleo, her flair for languages. T? his charisma, his art, the way he does everything (but academic related stuff) to perfection.
me? haha i can't do anything right.
albeit having no regrets, the only thing i thought i did best in my whole life turned out to be the greatest mistake.

sometimes i would like to cease to exist.

nothing wrong, nothing right.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

you didn't have to walk me to the door.

overslept this morning so i didn't go to woodlands reg lib for the contest presentation ceremony. not that we actually won anything. turned out only jiarui went, oops.

spent the whole afternoon sitting in bed, daydreaming, deep-thinking. very quality me-time.
however my maid thought i was sick and meditating or something!
we always want to be one step ahead of everyone else.
so much that we move too fast into the city lights and leave our souls behind.

NSL was as usual :)
just that i kept being made fun of grr!
one fine day i will gai4/reject your ball! :)
susan is ultra-mega gay, btw.

had supper at yew tee macs with jeremy.
the ice-cream machine just had to break down so i settled for a fillet-o-fish instead of mudpie mcflurry.

a decision that's never going to be made, about a love that's never going to change.

haha the moment i've been staying up for has come.
at 12AM exact,
you're older than me, but shorter! i love you so much for that, among other things :)


p.s. said hi to miss chen tdy

Friday, March 27, 2009

it all boils down to this, doesnt it?

this morning at 6.24AM, i meekly showed my result slip to daddy. he hastily signed it before going back to sleep and i thought he was letting me off. kinda dubious, and i should have known. let's just say i was optimistic.
my happiness/optimism was not to be; he fetched me home from KNC at night and i got a real long tongue-lashing. it was all one-sided talk, because really, what could i have said?
we made a compromise: if i do not get at least 3.0 for next term's GPA, i will be cut off from my netball entity.
to be honest i dont think i can do it. not at the rate i'm flunking all my tests (there were three today, btw). half the battle's already gone. and it really isn't that i don't want to learn or anything. i'd love to study stars and constellations, about animals and how to run a zoo, about the mechanism of languages and such. but i'm not cut out to be the best of friends with numbers (math to be exact), sciences like chem, and i take my hats off to you unsympathizing people who get your regular 'A's.
it's all about interest.
it's all about the heart.
it's all about effort,
the time you put into every subject.
but what if i'm really, sad to say, not cut out for studying?
i just want to be is a happy zookeeper. if i dont graduate, dont get a degree, and end up being job-less when i grow up, i guess i'll just be MCFC's secretary forever.

met T at harbourfront right after school.

rushed back at two-ish to take year one juniors for training. i think not a single part of it was productive and it isn't entirely the juniors' fault.
we've been doing the exact same things over and over again every single week.
it gets boring and everyone's losing interest, but how do we move on when basics are not grasped?
then us seniors get tired of repeating the same words over and over, and we dont take this training thing seriously anymore.
half the time we're lazing around, talking or playing by ourselves, leaving only the few dedicated and patient year3s to get the program running.
it's no wonder no one looks up to us, we dont instill fear, we dont command respect.
i know how it feels to be ahem ahem ahem ahem ahem ahem ahem ahem ahem ahem, but even so we know we're so much better than this. we can do it together.

anyw, after that played a little of tennis at the school's no-net court :)

then went to KNC for club's killer training.
the first hot-spot drill qiuying may and i did already seemingly detached my limbs from my body
but good workout as usual, seven up! :D
at the end had a not very surprising belated birthday surprise for coach! :)
huge, good, chunky choc banana cake from secret recipe, a birthday song, and a card (thanks ho!)
no pictures cos the lights at the court were switched off in the mid of the cake-cutting ceremony and we all had to shift to the brighter place outside office. anti-climax.
i like fri cos the attendance is higher and we always get to do more varied drills

where do i start?

thanks for being with me throughout :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

"cause when i die, then i die loving you.

it's alright, i'll be fine."
- Yellowcard, Dear Bobbie


went to mom's shop after school.


mommy: why?

me: cos i didn't bring the letter ICA sent to us. you didnt give me!

mommy: good!

me: ?!?!

mommy: then you won't grow up so fast.

i stayed thr for about one and a half hours to do my bio assignment. i reaaally focused. it's my favourite study place from now.
after i completed it -

mommy: -hands over ten dollars-

me: for me? cos i finished my work? -very happy btw-

mommy: no la. you free alr right? walk to sweet talk buy the sour sour drink for me.

T came down to the shop to have his really early dinner.

i left at about five forty, went to warrens to workout with melanzzo!
1 hour of tennis. really fun no joke!
7 minutes of run (pace 10.1 only hahaha)
20 minutes of gym
then we went to lot 1 to get 97% fat free yoghurt! :)
thanks for half the treat!

reached home at about eightish

i have approx eight hours to do/complete
eat 2nd dinner
4 bio practicals
1/2 math worksheet
study for tmr's test
chinese holiday homework
lang arts final research on review

i can do it. of cos i can.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i spun around to see you looking straight back at me

i'm such a procrastinator.
i delay needlessly about almost everything, from going for my runs, to getting my homework done, sometimes i even eat dinner at eleven.
sigh what am i supposed to do about this? you know what, i'll think about it tomorrow.

in the meantime, here's a quickie on yesterday.

went for club training in the evening! before that got thrashed in horse. played crocodile.
for warm-up we played the ball-tag game haha it was very fun totally livened the atmosphere!
ended off with game as usual, 7 on 7 full court since there were, just nice, that many (or rather, few) of us.
am rly glad i went for it cos that trg was much more productive! :)
i had to pass trish's gift to MC
but i didnt dare to!
when i finally did muster my courage to run over to her, they were so encouraging hahaha
they were like making hell lot of noise asking me to remove my speed top/go in my sports bra/whatever etc cos
a bit embarrassing to the club lor
i dont think you get it but whatever hahaha

today: congrats c'div for your win :)
i couldn't make it in time for their game cos i thought it was at four when it was at three.
after i left school i went to my mom's shop and did funny funny things
met T for a while.
then i went to the warrens to return melan some money.

been experiencing many gay moments with trish.
-grabs hand and runs-

cos we've come too far to let it slipaway

Monday, March 23, 2009

partially-locked post

yesterday night i had the most perfect dream.
it was so beautiful i cried when i woke up.
i would if i could, sleep forever to continue living in it.

highlights of today, first day of term two mind you, include:
  • half the time in class praying that the teacher doesn't check/collect homework
  • discovering more undone homework
  • winning the frisbee inter-class championship :)
    joshua benjamin sharlene weiling trish and i
  • romantic spots with trish
  • playing frisbee with trish's younger bro zac
  • feeling down
i finally figured how to private posts without locking the whole blog.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

this is the day that the lord hath made

i will rejoice and be glad in it :)

after all, i have all the reasons to!
cos my day's been a blast thus far

i'm now blogging from this wireless surfing zone in changi country club! i'm having some sort of me-time. am by myself because my dad and bros have gone on the greens for their 9-holes golf game. and my mom's in the jackpot room. she's never won anything although she coops herself in there for at least an hour every single time we come here.

attended bible class in the morning. didnt stay on for service and it's been like that for nearly a month alr. honestly i feel quite guilty but i dont know how to speak up to my parents. grr.
anyw, after class we went to harbourfront for the golf fair. it was less packed today as compared to yesterday night at about 11pm. [ytd i went for nsl with the usual gang :) then went with parental department to the fair i was just speaking about. it was insane - well that
's quite an understatement. people had to queue just to get into the little bit of space outside cheers/new zealand ice-cream shop. the queue was soooooo long it went all the way out of the building and it was snake-like.]
we got a few shirts and a few clubs.

headed down to singapore expo after that! more crazy fairs to come
the first one we went to was adidas'. it wasn't exactly that crowded umz thr were no stampedes, for one. but the items thr were snatched-up really quickly! so we just took whatever we want as fast as we could! it was literally see-take-see-take-see-take and it goes on
got myself a pair of canvas sneaks they were the very last pair at size 7 hahaha am very proud of myself for finding such a steal
oh and a few shirts

next was robinsons sale at the hall beside adidas'
we hung around there much longer cos there was something for everyone!
psp games wii games ps2 games xbox games undergarments clothes tie food NIKE WATCH!
like finally! i've been looking for one since last year. it pays to wait.

last was the popular/harris' sale
couldnt find any nice titles so i didn't get any :(

shopping is soooooooooo thereupetic :)



we left expo then we came here! changi country club place
hit a few golf balls at the driving range then i decided to go gyming instead
so here i am blogging instead

what a wonderful day!

i know!

i beg of you to not spoil my day by reminding me that i have 9/10 homework undone


i am exceptionally happy today cos MY MOM PROMISED ME
that if i studied medicine and did well for it (by that i think she means graduate from uni or someth), she will buy me big big plots of land in thailand! AND THEN I CAN BUILT MY ZOO THEREEEEE :) :) :)

jovan wants to be a policeman.
so now he doesn allow me to eat my bubble gum

Friday, March 20, 2009

gotta be somebody

today started off horrid! but it got better as it went :) :)
first i woke up later than i should have so i had to rush rush rush and rush my brothers too. then i brought them out to lot 1 to watch RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN. whoa, just whoa. it was so ferntastic! it kept me on my toes the whole time. there were even moments when i almost jumped out of my chair! i think dwayne johnson's a really sexy man. and the two main kid leads were awesome. based on these few sentences alone i judge that i'll probably fail my continual assessment review grrr. but whatever, please do go watch it! highly recommended (Y).

well you might think that i had a greeaaaat time in the cinema and you are half right. the really !@#$%^&* (pardon my lack of vocab) thing's that, barely five mins after the movie started, my wonderful brother so totally flipped my tray of nachos onto the floor. didn't help that i was starving. i was so mad i didn't say a word and he was very afraid.
after the show ended my two bros saw their friends so they ran out with them (ahya friends more important than sister lor, and im not the least bit jealous lor) and i couldn't spot them so i had to stand outside the theatre for five whole mins waiting for them to come back to me

fast forward fast forward >> >>

soon i was on my way to vivo/sentosa! to pass small air ghost his huge camping bag i borrowed lightyears ago. must have looked like some sort of terrorist on some devilicious plan to bomb SG or something when i carried it cos everyone was staring at me. no joke. look also look secretly mah i a bit shy one
anyw as i was saying, was supposed to meet della at sentosa after that! but she said that even if i went thr we couldnt stay for long cos thr was trg after that. so fine. didnt get to go. walked around vivo with small air ghost in beach wear again. thank goodness for him cos i had like almost an hour to kill! mmz we indulged in kinderjoy darkchocferrero roche donut.
and went into the national geographic place had fun :)
things there are not cheap btw, a wash-face thingy costs 1200dollars.
and no, i dont mean soap.

fast forward fast forward >> >>

took della's dad's car to KNC!

fast forward >>

right before training started i bumped into MC!
she told me to "train hard", so bearing those words fresh in my mind i went in for warm-up and drills. its quite amazing how much those two words could motivate me to focus focus focus
"at the end of the day, all we want is for the person we like to care about us.
and that seems to be the only thing that matters."
i cant agree more.

a bit weird cos st hildas people and a few others didn come for trg today. like, the court was a bit empty?

during game i played WD for the very first time!
fared pretty badly in the first quarter :(
thank you adda for guiding me along! i'm a person who needs to know what exactly i need to do and what i should watch out for. grrrr

during debrief miss lim told us really gooooooooooood news and all of us got so excited we were chatteringgggg buzzing laughing talking !!!
too bad i cant tell you it has to be kept under wraps !!! :) :) :) :) :)


fast forward >>

ended my day with mccafe's double choc frappe.



on a more serious note, well, i've been thinking about what i want to achieve now. when i'm growing up.
i dont want to be jack of all trades, master of none. to put it in another way, i want to specialise in some aspects and do them well! i want to commit wholeheartedly and emerge out proud, strong, and happy, with something to my name.
when i'm like, fifty, or maybe on the verge of kicking the bucket i'd like to think back and say, say... say... something inspiring about what i did a million years back.
oh well.

thanks for sticking with me throughout :)
it's been a long way.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

beep beep

or porrp porrrp ?! so confusing



saving me - nickelback
have absolutely no idea why, but this brings tears to my eyes. i'm ripped raw. why do i have this feeling that i can relate to seeing someone's life tick by?


and i'm still not talking to you.

anyway i was out with joanmak from twelve till six this afternoon!
  • vivo (where there were like a billion RVians)
  • plaza sing (by accident)
  • wisma
i didnt get anything else 'xcept for a pwetty casual dress. spent like almost all that i had on food. dont know why but i felt like binging so i ate something after another and another and another
joan was pretty much amazed/amused? cant make up my mind.
more! more! let's go out more! :) :) :)
i wont be dressed like a beach girl next time grr

and about the beach girl thing, i was supposed to go to sentosa with susan della and funny after meeting up with joan but then it was cancelled! so i went around clad in my nike and fbts. and smiley flip flops. and a tote.
so inept.

sigh. how can a happy kid admit to being miserable? tonight i pray that you'll be good all your years. my greatest source of comfort will be the thought that you're safe, well and very happy. geez all the emo emotives are cluttering my mind so much that i forgot i have pictures.

here they are.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

no title cos i shuang \m/

no joke.

i show you.

[c=48]Della![/c] says:

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} ( ) says:
uhz scissors paper stone then loser choose

[c=48]Della![/c] says:
dont want

[c=48]Della![/c] says:
like that not fair

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} ( ) says:
dont care

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} ( ) says:

[c=48]Della![/c] says:

[c=48]Della![/c] says:

[c=48]Della![/c] says:

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} ( ) says:

[c=48]Della![/c] says:

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} ( ) says:

[c=48]Della![/c] says:

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} ( ) says:
okayi i win so you choose

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} ( ) says:

[c=48]Della![/c] says:

[c=48]Della![/c] says:

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} ( ) says:

[c=48]Della![/c] says:
you choooes

[c=48]Della![/c] says:

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} ( ) says:

[c=48]Della![/c] says:

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} ( ) says:
HAHAHAH stop it

that's besides the main point. the very main point is, almost nothing went as planned today!
still quite an eventful and fun day nevertheless.

  1. self-training! for once, trish was with us and livia was like exclaming, "SHE'S OURS !!!"
    anyw it was longer than expected. more tiring than usual. we did drills, street netball, down the line, half court, 2 suicides, teeny weeny bit of abs.
    and walao kristal even suggested going to hortpark to run hahaha

  2. lunch (rae kristal lois jiarui trish livia and i) at anchorpoint's koufu! been a reaaaaally long time since like, we went out to eat as a group like that :)

  3. after kris rae jiarui left, the rest of us went to queensway library (my very first time, and we saw mr desmond lim) to well, study and/or read. productive for me cos i completed a chick-lit book! was in a mood for no-brainer kinda sappy teen romance hahaha.
    had dinner at cafe galilee (trish thought the latter word was some kinda SINGLISH word, like people who cant pronounce "GALLERY" would say "GALILEE". sucker! hahaha)
    oreo cheesecake + drumlets + chicken pieces + cookie and cream moo!

  4. club training @ KNC !! grrrrrrr i was late for fifteen minutes thank goodness they hadn't started. today's trg was fun in a way! not that boring and i think my runs improved by a littttttllllleeeee bit! focus focus focus seven-up! :) :) when is NL btw?

  5. parental department brought along co-units and we all went to have supper at geylang! i could only watch while they gobbled up delish frog's leg and porridgeeeeee !! :(
    i am sticking very strictly to my diet. NO SUPPER
    though i alr ate a lot for lunch/dinner

that's all folks :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

i wouldn't trade today for the world

no, not a chance.
-MC news alert!-

started out by rushing to church. wore a rather mismatched outfit because we were already running late. after bible class i left for my grandma's house, then i went to buy baking ingredients at redhill!
after that i spent 15 minutes looking for a bus stop which 131 goes to, then rode to trish's place.
we baked MC a marshmallow chocolate devil's food cake. well, at least we tried to.

sadly, it turned out like some starburst baby gummy. the kind with a liquid centre. even though we'd baked it for nearly an hour already.

like poo poo, but shhhh don't tell us.
thank goodness we managed to bake really small choc chip cupcakes which were quite nice-tasting! decided to give those to MC instead as our very last resort.
by that time it was already 3.20PM or thereabout, so we had to rush down to jurong east sports hall for NSL.
trish and i braved the rain,
almost got knocked down by a car,
nearly fell down... but we successfully lugged MC's bulky birthday presents all the way there! :) :)
was in time for the last three minutes of her game too hahaha

this is her really fantastic gift! an ikea laundry bag + a big yellow carebear (like my tseyin) + a furry doraemon + 9 hairbands of different colours + a handwritten foolscap letter poem + poo poo cupcakes :D

we (kris trik yeyun lois and i) were there, standing in two rows like a couple of losers, waiting for her to finish her ice-bath.

the co-founders who had the honour to present MC with her new toys!

when she emerged all of us shouted "MISS CHEN !!!" in unison! jinx! double jinx! triple jinx! quadripal jinx! game over! jinx! HAHAHA inside joke
she was peering inside the laundry bag very curiously :)

we talked and joked and laughed heartily for a good more-than-five minutes! then we took individual shots! so exciting i know! grrrr mcfc where were the rest of you?
presenting ...

we "walked" her out of the place after that. as in, we opened the doors for she and her friends and stuff like that. it was so super awesome x 1000000000000000 there's no way i can reproduce those feelings and few minutes in words.


anyw, we took forever to walk from the stadium to the MRT station cos we were like HAHAHA-ing all the way. all that talk about the zoo-trip, the jinxing and what not.

this is trish, in cheers, behaving like a sneaky thief!

my dad fetched us (minus yeyun) to IMM. first stop was PHOTO HUNT MACHINE AND WE GOT A TOP SCORE ON OUR VERY FIRST TRY
we are the awesomest.
btw its supposed to be MCFC loves CHF

we had MOS. mmz clam chowder soup + natsumi teriyaki. am glad to say that i didnt overeat for dinnerrrrrr :)

then we rushed back to the PHOTOHUNT machine where we got more high scores! very very very very very very very satisfying





and here you can see we finally secured the NUMBER ONE position with the highest score :) :) :)
and it was not like we spent a lot of money on that game!
at that point in time we were jumping in joy and cheering self-awarenesslessly
shall we go conquer the rest of the machines? hahaha

explored IMM had icecream played lame ps2 games dropped the controller close your eyes thingy laugh a lot watsons traced back our steps to look for my hersheys chocolate syrup untouched bottle but it was never found we suspect someone stole it charter bus jurong east train reach home

those who didnt come you missed out so plentiful


Saturday, March 14, 2009

"1, paperbags....99, the canvas shoes, and 100, zippo lighters!"

"yep! these are a few of my favourite things!"

it's the PMS. it has to be it. i'm irritated with a few people for not very valid reasons.

for example, the guy who just told me that "life's like a box of chocolates."
i admit that i am a big fan of cliches. simple words like "i'll always be there for you" still melt my heart. and i am fond of saying "everything will be fine in the end." umz actually, i live by it.

but please, do not tell me things like LIFE'S LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES because LIFE'S SO NOT LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES.
hello mister, not all cliches are timeless. this one DOES NOT APPLY ANYMORE.

nong nong time ago when ink was expensive and in limited colours, chocolate production companies printed only labels and names of their products onto dull, lacklustre packagings. there was hardly any clue of what was in there/how whatever you were buying looked like. so you didnt know what you were going to get. so it was acceptable to tell someone "life's like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get."

now, when you go to ntuc, cold storage, or even coles if you live in australia, YOU CAN CHOOSE WHAT KIND OF CHOCOLATES YOU WANT.
merci? kit kat? cadbury? pictures of that kinda choc are literally printed on their packaging and hence YOU DO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO GET.

cut that crap and give me something of more substance, let's say..
forget it i cant think of anything at the moment.

and i cant believe i just wrote four entire paragraphs about life not being a box of chocolates. grrr.

i didn't do much today. i had lunch for tangyuan. i mean tangyuan for lunch.
and i had mangoes after that. they were so sour i had to neutralise the taste with sugar, seriously. and we actually bought like a whole carton of them !! one whole carton of sour mangoes !!
we got them from this wholesay centre at pasir panjang. so many cos the act-nice uncle allowed us to try one and my oh my it was the sweetest ever! but then he scam us one lor now the mangoes we bought so sour so uneatable makes me cringe yet the ones he give people try hor like so super sweet as sweet as love
now my mom says she's never getting fruits from that place anymore! this is very bad news because that uncle is my strawberry supplier, and although he is a scammer, he imports the bestest strawberries from i dont know where and at a very reasonable price so my mom buys them by the carton too.
i hope she said those words only in a fit of anger because i really cannot survive with normal supermarket stawberries anymore

i went for NSL today. i think i'm like totally jinxed cos both the teams i support lost again. hahaha not that i really believe in luck, but that's the best way to put it.
it was the same two weeks ago!
i've learnt my lesson, from now i'll use something-like-reverse-psychology. i'll cheer for the teams i hope will not win, so that the team i truly hope will shine, will shine.
shared two regular pizzas with peishing(?) della qiuying!
then after that when we went to look for rima gwen etc, i talked very loudly and openly of my love for MC without knowing that MC's sisters and perhaps future-brother-in-law were sitting just two metres in front of me! it was quite embarrassing.

parental department came to pick me up from the stadium, and at 10.20pm, we found a jap restaurant still in business just as we were craving for sushi.
so i foiled my dieting plans again.
i had supper :(
as if it wasn't bad enough, i had carbohydrates for supper :(

from now on i am staying on a strict atkin's diet. if you see me eat rice/noodles after 2pm you may slap me.

and i havent been taking in enough water so now i have zits. many many.

good thing it's the holidays.
i'm going to spam-drink H2O and run and gym and train so by the time i return to school, i will be clear-faced and slim.
i wish.

Friday, March 13, 2009

good example of a terrific day

  1. to have woken up on time in the morning.

  2. to not have freaked out cos chance of being late for school was 0 instead of the usual 50-50.

  3. to have only gone for 1 hour 20 mins of lessons.

  4. to have witnessed RVNB's double victory! :) :) :)
    esp when i was the timekeeper who chased after the umpire, counting down the seconds to the final whistle of b'div's match.
    c'div - 1st in west zone
    b'div - 3rd in west zone
    non-team - best sai kang warriors in west zone

  5. to have had a simple dinner, fully paid by the teachers as i assume, with the netball family.

  6. to have gotten a seat in the one hour long mrt-ride from chinese garden to simei!

  7. to have trained productively!
    have got to work on my takes (more agressive, stronger) , passes (harder, faster) , agility movements (lesser lag time) , and i've to stop holding the ball for too long so much that it kills others' timings grrrr. but overall felt like a good work out, and i find that seven-up's chemistry is improving! :D

  8. to have had my dad fetch me home.

  9. to have met T, sam the wonderman, joong and tanya for 7-11 food under the stars opp my block!

  10. to realise its the start of march holidays. awesome.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

was a long and dark december, from the rooftops i remember

there was snow. white snow.

i reached home at 10PM! grrrrrr.
took 190 from town back to cck and it took me 1.5 hours! there was a massive jam on the highway so the bus was crawling at a speed of 10m/min. i had no seat, water nor humanly company throughout the journey (if not for FM static, Cute is what we aim for, Sum41 etc i dont know what could've happened), i felt so grumpy i wanted to strangle somebody.

anyw, was in town with dee! :)
at about four-ish i met him at somerset/cathay then we watched dragonball hahaha. albeit being just a littleeeee too lame for my liking, was quite entertaining! amusing at some parts too. the lead could have been a little cuter.
walked around and saw ms faith goh outside borders! it was a bit awkward.
grabbed a bite then at 8PM we left.
thanks for paying for literally everything! from my ticket to the pint of ben&jerrys to the coke to the chicken! geez :) :)

after that couldnt meet up with T as planned cos it was way too late already.
you;re not even strawberry flavoured, GRRRRRRRRR

we actually planned to full-moon-gaze whilst chewing on cookie dough and sipping on home-made milkshakes :(
and he'd wanted to show me his sleeker, more extreme M-O-H-A-W-K that's dyed dark blue at the tip. has anyone mentioned what a sucker i am for yummy hair like that?

tomorrow's fri the 13th. the second one this year.
but to hell with superstitions,
bring the house down !!! :)

p.s. MC tagged on my prev post :) x 1000000000000000000000000000000000

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

practice makes perfect

practice makes perfect sense to me.

first of all, i would like to wish MISS CHEN HUI FEN a
wonderful awesome good marvelous nice pleasing recherché splendid sterling stupendous super-excellent rad congenial unimpaired beautiful nice great awe-inspiring magnificent mind-blowing stunning terrific wondrous cool cute glorious superlative ferntastic perfect primo sensational superb HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) :) :) :) :)

i think its forgivable and perhaps completely acceptable to say (or type) cheesy mushy things on someone's special day so i shall.
dear MC, school's never been the same since you left us (as in physically. you've always been in our hearts since then). my happiest RV schooling days consist of the times when you were around. really.
now that i/we can no longer hope to bump into you along the turning of the stairway, or stalk you from the canteen to the staff room, or like offer to buy you drinks (like during IUD!), well life's not as exciting and satisfying as before.
it's impossible to lead a life in the dark after having been so close to the sun once. get it?
also, hahaha i like to go for my club trg (the thurs ones at KNC) cos.. i get to see you!
i'm so hyped up for NSL matches, it's like we get to see you every week. so totally awesome luh.
if you realise this long somewhat-confession is akin to social suicide,
but for you i will !! :)

that was really gay.

what did i do on 11 march 2009?
go to school, get GPA, feel numb,

and meet tricia at three-ish pm!

so i went to her house and left my stuff thr/changed and we went running at telok blangah hill/mt faber! it's not really what you think but whatever.
the two hours passed in a whizz.
we explored little parks, places we never knew existed and stuff. it's quite beautiful, rather breathtaking up there. its refreshing to wander around in nature (even if man-made) for a change, don't you ever get sick of all the city lights?
there are binoculars at parts of the peak, and to view each of them for 180 seconds you're supposed to pay a dollar.
i'm beginning to believe in luck! somehow we managed to find this pair of binos that was working! we didnt have to give up our only dollar (and ten cents) but we still had full five mins views of a construction site, the carribean, some boats, and three islands so far away.
the binos are so awesome can see so far grrrrrrrr, it was so clear and even from where we were we could see labourers at the construction site and people in their condos hahaha.
we also sat in stationary cable cars :)

reached home half past seven, and up till now i'm still thinking of how to break the news to the parental department about my implausibly lousy results.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

-clears throat-

goodnight school, here is the announcement for today:

i updated the MCFC blog.

yes, this piece of information is so important it has a post all to itself.

you're like a black cat with a black back pack full of fireworks

and you're gonna burn the city down right now.

i have many many exciting things to tell, i can hardly contain myself !! :) :)
time to switch to a bigger container. oops i caught the lame bug! i should go see the feet doctor.
hahaha this is what all that hype and adrenaline does to me.
quit rolling your eyes, you're becoming a rae (yoohoo)! be careful they dont get stuck there.

  1. the parental department is home relatively early today and the best thing about it is that they brought back 21 kinderjoys and 13 cans of wang zai niu nai !!
    i was going to ask for next week's pocket money in advance but i'm feeling too guilty/happy to do that now! not that i'm complaining about all that mmmmmmmmm treats :)

  2. its confirmed that we're moving house!

  3. my mommy is awesome. she who added a new carebear to my collection!

  4. kristal put me in charge of ______ __'s ____ !!! i'm feeling so happy now looking at all the recipes and the mouth-watering pictures. rest assured that the ____ will be the best because i have a secret ingredient - love :)

  5. tomorrow is one of the most important days in year 2009...

  6. and so is saturday!

  7. today we (non team) finally got to train proper. 1/2 court, ms puva's super tiring mini drills (idk what to call them), game vs c'div, suicides [which i did not attempt because of my blister (which has, btw, alr burst)] + a bit of abs.

  8. i dont think i'll ever have to run 2.4km during PE anymore because i cleared the timing :)

  9. as of now, my official favourite subject is math because completing each question makes me feel reaaaaally smart. i know i take forever to do the simplest ones and i'm always lagging in mr liu's lessons but still! you people who pass this subj with so much ease will never feel what i'm feeling now :)

  10. today i was extremely attentive because my tablemate was absent ahem ahem and grace (who is much more quiet) came over to sit with me instead.

  11. i think my GPA is 1.6 and not 1.0 anymore !! :) :) :)

  12. sat at the staircase outside west mall with lois eating clam chowder soup and we played make-believe again. it feels good to be silly sometimes hahaha boo boo jellyfish!

  13. pleasantly surprised by lit test result :D

  14. i... ... ... nevermind it's a secret !!
on sunday i went with melanzzo to sentosa for a short while to check out the contiki netball carnival thingy!
it was so hot really pitied the players who had to run about barefooted (or with socks/slippers BUT NO SHOES ALLOWED) on the burning sand. no joke.

then we came back to vivo to watch marley and me and i loved every single minute of it! :)

grrr on a less happy note, i didnt receive the notification that there's club trg today so here i am feeling a bit guilty while all the others are slogging out on court.

Friday, March 6, 2009

savin' me

  1. MISS CHEN CAME TO RV TO WATCH B'DIV MATCH TODAY AND WE EXCHANGED MANY LINES. for confidentiality, i shall keep these precious conversations to myself :) :)
    it's really not over, and i'm sure each and everyone of you will fight your hardest in the nationals, knowing that you're capable of so much more even though you guys are alr awesome.
    and c'div, for not locomoting even under that immense pressure, i am especially proud of you guys. congratulations on the win.

    finally, today i held my head high like i once did and i cheered my heart out for RVNB.
    for the first time in a long long time, i felt like i belonged again.

  2. NEWYORKNEWYORK with yeyun! undeniably the most delish dinner i've had this whole week. seafood platter for 2 :)
    the bill was just as magnifique, by the way.

he who laughs last laughs best

i finally got around to doing my 3-weeks overdue language arts journal.
...hold your tongue.

right after this post i'm going to start working on my math. i've managed to dig out all the past few worksheets and i'm going to redo every single one of them that i've copied, in this case it's probably 6 out of 8 of them. not open your mouth just yet.

you really shouldn't be speaking now. not after you've judged, no, more like condemned, me like that. not after your haughtiness got the better of you. when what i really needed was that bit of encouragement, you were ludicrous about my wanting to turn over a new leaf. perhaps, with a bit of grace, your words might have come out unprocessed, a bit too quick; you might not have meant what you said exactly. but the words that came to me full-front, impacting, slammed straight into my face. gloat all you want right now. when i do well, when i ascend, forthrightly, i wonder who gets the last laugh.

i'm sorry that things like that just had to come out, but grrrrrrr.
like how bad things happen to perhaps show us the marvels of good things, i think bad people come into our lives to open up our eyes to those who truly care for us.

a promise i make - dakota moon

therefore... yoohoo! this goes out to you :)
because you've been there at my ugliest and you didnt run away!
hahaha i'm going to improve a great deal from my current 1.0 gpa. i will fight to stay in RV. for you.

anyw, second consecutive day of not going to school. both days have been rather productive. yesterday i read the bio textbook for more than an hour? and i helped my younger brother with chinese (speaking of which, i passed my chinese :D)
then i met grace at lot 1 for dinner and to walk around too!

i'll be going to school at about 2pm later on to support both divisions' matches against nan hua, and gail said that she personally needs me, so oh well hahaha

off to study
and tyvmily!

p.s. i've eaten three kinderjoys so far so awesome its like mini rochers in milk/white choc

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

it only takes a spark to get a fire going

things are really really really going downhill from now, but i'll keep going on because averil soh gave me a post-it which said "i want you to smile more b/c today is 'i want you to be happy day!'" :)
T, i want you to know that the simplest things count. it's not all about you now.
and momocleotineo, you're the most deserving bestfriend ever.

things can only get better from here.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

White Flag - Dido

I know you think that I shouldn't still love you,
Or tell you that.
But if I didn't say it, well I'd still have felt it
where's the sense in that?

I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder
Or return to where we were

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I know I left too much mess and
destruction to come back again
And I caused nothing but trouble
I understand if you can't talk to me again

And if you live by the rules of "it's over"
then I'm sure that that makes sense

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

And when we meet
Which I'm sure we will
All that was there
Will be there still
I'll let it pass
And hold my tongue
And you will think
That I've moved on.

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be
these words are exactly the way i feel.
if you ever stumble across this, i beg you to read every single line, comprehend them with your heart. release your inhibitions, and put yourself in my shoes.
because i'm not trying to make your life harder, or return to where we were.

the shortest update in my entire archives of 402 posts

i only have two points today.

  1. i spent ALL of this week's pocket money on 7 different kinds of pocky and i've eaten ALL of them within an afternoon so now i have NOTHING left.

  2. well i dont exactly have nothing left because cleo just made my day by adding a blue carebear, which i logically named winnie (you'll see why), to my six-strong collection :) :)
p.s. you can't by happiness by the bottle.