Friday, March 20, 2009

gotta be somebody

today started off horrid! but it got better as it went :) :)
first i woke up later than i should have so i had to rush rush rush and rush my brothers too. then i brought them out to lot 1 to watch RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN. whoa, just whoa. it was so ferntastic! it kept me on my toes the whole time. there were even moments when i almost jumped out of my chair! i think dwayne johnson's a really sexy man. and the two main kid leads were awesome. based on these few sentences alone i judge that i'll probably fail my continual assessment review grrr. but whatever, please do go watch it! highly recommended (Y).

well you might think that i had a greeaaaat time in the cinema and you are half right. the really !@#$%^&* (pardon my lack of vocab) thing's that, barely five mins after the movie started, my wonderful brother so totally flipped my tray of nachos onto the floor. didn't help that i was starving. i was so mad i didn't say a word and he was very afraid.
after the show ended my two bros saw their friends so they ran out with them (ahya friends more important than sister lor, and im not the least bit jealous lor) and i couldn't spot them so i had to stand outside the theatre for five whole mins waiting for them to come back to me

fast forward fast forward >> >>

soon i was on my way to vivo/sentosa! to pass small air ghost his huge camping bag i borrowed lightyears ago. must have looked like some sort of terrorist on some devilicious plan to bomb SG or something when i carried it cos everyone was staring at me. no joke. look also look secretly mah i a bit shy one
anyw as i was saying, was supposed to meet della at sentosa after that! but she said that even if i went thr we couldnt stay for long cos thr was trg after that. so fine. didnt get to go. walked around vivo with small air ghost in beach wear again. thank goodness for him cos i had like almost an hour to kill! mmz we indulged in kinderjoy darkchocferrero roche donut.
and went into the national geographic place had fun :)
things there are not cheap btw, a wash-face thingy costs 1200dollars.
and no, i dont mean soap.

fast forward fast forward >> >>

took della's dad's car to KNC!

fast forward >>

right before training started i bumped into MC!
she told me to "train hard", so bearing those words fresh in my mind i went in for warm-up and drills. its quite amazing how much those two words could motivate me to focus focus focus
"at the end of the day, all we want is for the person we like to care about us.
and that seems to be the only thing that matters."
i cant agree more.

a bit weird cos st hildas people and a few others didn come for trg today. like, the court was a bit empty?

during game i played WD for the very first time!
fared pretty badly in the first quarter :(
thank you adda for guiding me along! i'm a person who needs to know what exactly i need to do and what i should watch out for. grrrr

during debrief miss lim told us really gooooooooooood news and all of us got so excited we were chatteringgggg buzzing laughing talking !!!
too bad i cant tell you it has to be kept under wraps !!! :) :) :) :) :)


fast forward >>

ended my day with mccafe's double choc frappe.



on a more serious note, well, i've been thinking about what i want to achieve now. when i'm growing up.
i dont want to be jack of all trades, master of none. to put it in another way, i want to specialise in some aspects and do them well! i want to commit wholeheartedly and emerge out proud, strong, and happy, with something to my name.
when i'm like, fifty, or maybe on the verge of kicking the bucket i'd like to think back and say, say... say... something inspiring about what i did a million years back.
oh well.

thanks for sticking with me throughout :)
it's been a long way.

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