Friday, November 28, 2008

i can live without you,

but without you i'll be miserable at best.

okayi i know i tend to re-use my blog titles a bit but just bear with me.

i met up with a few people today.
my mom.
derek and derrick (who are brothers btw).
sam my wonderman along with paul, joong and tanya (quit smoking i tell you you smelt horrid or if you wna smoke go far far away pop twenty mints then come back!)

i love it when my oreo choc is thick and overly sweeeet. i had three cups this afternoon hahaha
sam managed to get the lady to blend in an extra oreo at jp's sweet talk. and it was on the house too! no joke
the amazing kid :)

my ear(hole) is bloody infected. like literally
what a mess. piercings are quite addictive actually, but i cant have anymore of them anytime now cos year end league is here and thr are many many matches with no long breaks between each.
tanya thinks i'll look good with a snakebite, and if i get one she will too.
but gangly paul thinks i'll look very much like a poser since i'm neither scene nor am i ahlianish. and my fashion sense! isnt exactly coherent.

i went home early cos i couldnt find dinner company :(

nyway, i cancelled my friendster account !!!
i wna join some ulu social networking site which sign up rate is approximately 10 per year.
but i cant find any lei :(

and i've got a flu! i'm sneezing and sneezing and sneezing and sneezing and sneezing and sneezing and sneezing and sneezing and sneezing and sneezing oh well you get me
i prefer to think that i'm replaying over and over in someone else's head, though

heeeeeeeee :D


Thursday, November 27, 2008







...! even clau (who doesnt watch hongkong dramas i think) is crazy over them now

it was right at my fingertips

but for the xth time, i let it slip away

someone once told me (or rather i read from somewhr) that she hates the fact that i think/infer too much. but i feel that things arent as simple as they seem at times.

so now while i'm blogging here in the comfort of my own home, the team should be slogging it out on court.
i'm gna gym and run ltr on to feel less guilty. and maybe head over to KNC to train with the snrs

today, i woke up at 6.15AM to eat breakfast. i usually dont.

i clipped up my hair.

i brought a towel.

i took 97e instead of 97 at the bus berth for fear of being late for training.

yet i never did get to do courtwork, because i was sent home by ms loo for not wearing the school skirt :(

i dont deserve this. not an inch of me deserves it.
i'm not working hard enough.
i'm not committed enough.
i'm not driven enough.
i dont give enough a damn.
i'm not responsible enough.
i'm not disciplined enough. not enough to even find myself another fking skirt.
once, twice, now three times.
boy have i learnt my lesson.

you told me, "you're capable of much more than what you're doing now, but are you willing to work for it? if you put in 100% in all your trainings, i can assure that you'll get into b'div."

but i guess it isnt just abt getting into the team and playing for the sch and winning and having recognition.
thr's so much more to being a true netballer.
it isnt just abt being in a club and matching up with all the better players around.
thr's more to this, thr has to be.
it's not just flinging balls across the court, its not just sprinting and jumping and dodging and rolling and lunging and clearing and changing of direction and killing of braincells etc
i know thr is a whole new level i have yet to reach nor experience.

its one thing to go all out using your physique,
and another to go all out using your heart.

RV netballer? nah, what netballer..

i need my identity back.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

remember that i made a vow, that i would never let you go

i meant it then, i mean it now.
and i want to tell you so.

Lily Allen - Littlest Things

Sometimes I find myself sittin' back and reminiscing
Especially when I have to watch other people kissin'
And I remember when you started callin' me your miss's
All the play fightin', all the flirtatious disses
I'd tell you sad stories about my childhood
I don't why I trusted you but I knew that I could
We'd spend the whole weekend lying in our own dirt
I was just so happy in your boxers and your t-shirt

Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of you and me
It seems, It seems
That I can't shake those memories
I wonder if you have the same dreams too.

The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things are reminding me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if only for one weekend
So come on, Tell me
Is this the end?

Drinkin' tea in bed
Watching DVD's
When I discovered all your dirty grotty magazines
You take me out shopping and all we'd buy is trainers
As if we ever needed anything to entertain us
the first time that you introduced me to your friends
and you could tell I was nervous, so you held my hand
when I was feeling down, you made that face you do
There's no one in the world that could replace you

Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of me and you
It seems, It seems
That I can't shake those memories
I wonder if you feel the same way too

The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things reminding me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if only for one weekend
So come on, Tell me
Is this the end?

this song is quite amazing. never really heard of her music till like now.

went to sakae at lot1 with jeremy for lunch-cum-dinner.
was supposed to be his treat but i felt bad watching him pay like fifteen dollars for what's in my stomach so i decided to refund him a little.
i only have one miserable picture.
and its not even one whereby both of us are in it!
we took quite a lot but i deleted them all because i didnt like the way my eyes looked non-existent in most of them. and my screwed hair. and fat face.
thanks for the time spent! :)

food's (esp sushi) like a happypill.
i am a less sad kid :)

anyw here's a conversation worth-mentioning ---

sanjay: sarah's quite photogenic i suppose.

i/sarah: eh? *a bit happy on the inside*

sanjay: i do read your blog. so many pictures

sarah: hahaha


sarah: what

alfred: she post her pictures selectively. that's why

sanjay: ..

alfred: oh and all her pictures are one out of twenty other attempts, in case you didnt know

not that it isnt true, but oh well

and uh, i have reasons for all that i'm doing
so you'll just have to trust me

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

and i'm never gonna tell you everything i gotta tell you

but i know i've gotta give it a try.

air supply is awesome. this song is a timeless classic

anyw, nicole lim is a life-savior. a savior. a messiah.
no i'm kidding you fools. god is the one and only

was getting hell bored rotting at home because i woke up only at 12.30pm there about.
and the date with on2 your right was at 11am :(
sorry people i hope Beverly Hills Chihuahua was good even without my presence hahaha
so i watched MVs on youtube and cried bucketful of tears while listening to sad songs which hold lots of meaning and sentimental value.
its true that i'm quite a slushy schmaltzy kind of person.
i turn maudlin after a certain amount of alcohol intake
and that's when i depict nostalgic scenes of a certain person and i! hahaha

then at about 3pm she (as in nicole luh) msn-ed me! and after a few line exchanges i agreeeed to go to her place to watch a (pirated, btw) DVD!
heeeeee :D

i took forever to get to her place, though. i took bus 242 from boonlay and even after one whole freaking round i didnt know whr to alight.
so i went back to boonlay again hahaha.
and took the bus all over again!
oh and it was so coincidental! i spotted lycia (from speed) wearing the same shirt as i am in a different colour (hahah the club shirt mah). didnt know she stayed at jurong area till like, then.

anyw when i finally did get to nic's place, i got to eat hahaha.
her room's rather cosy actuaally :)
watched "are we there yet" and it was much much much btr than i thought.
i like movies with sweet endings and that one was perfect! happy family, i like :D :D :D
a pity the casts were not good-looking at all. not one teeny weeny bit

dont get your hopes high because.. we only took two pictures, and you can barely see us in both of them. like the only feature you'll recognise abt us in THE HAIR. or maybe not
hahah here they are (and um, since when was she camera shy !!??!?) ----

had dinner thr, and at about 8.15pm her utterly wonderful parents sent me back home.
sometimes i think conversationing with adults are a lot easier than having to talk to brainless kids. my brother, for instance.

bro: can lend me twenty dollars?

i: hur, for what?

bro: i wna buy cards. then i have no money now.

i: nope, i dont have money either. ask mommy la

bro: mommy wont give one!

i: orh, okay.

bro: so you lend me?

i: i only have forty cents!

bro: but i need twenty dollars!

i: but i only have forty cents la! walao

bro: then how ?!?!

i: ask mommy! or ask daddy!

bro: can lend me? pleaseee. i want to battle my friend tdy!



and hello, is it fried mars BARS with icecream?
or fried mars BALLS with icecream?

k bye!

Monday, November 24, 2008

here I am playing with those memories again

and just when I thought time had set me free
those thoughts of you keep taunting me

holding you, a feeling I never outgrew
though each and every part of me has tried
only you can fill that space inside

so theres no sense pretending
my heart its not mending

just when I thought I was over you
and just when I thought I could stand on my own
oh baby those memories come crashing through
and I just cant go on without you

on my own Ive tried to make the best of it alone
i've done everything I can to ease the pain
but only you can stop the rain

i just cant live without you
i miss everything about you

just when I thought I was over you
and just when I thought I could stand on my own
oh baby those memories come crashing through
and I just cant go on without you
and i mean it, darling


tdy's update will be spammed with videos.

had training at 0830h in school and we did boxing (plus lower body fitness and courtwork) again!
the gloves and shields smelled really revolting. made lots of us nauseous
i mean, its like the third fitness session and it alr smells that bad.
i hope we dont use it all the way till next year cos ms loo doesnt allow us to wash it (spoils the material). we'll prolly all faint and die there and then

oh yes my awesome baby fish hyung aka huey huey left me a (small) box of strawberries which she left at the canteen table (with a note beside it).
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
saw it after training when i was tired and wet and sticky and gross. perked up almost immediately hahah thank you!

then got confronted by a whole gang of netballers by someth freaking stupiddddd. walaoeh

after that we went to vivo to have lunch. ms loo was supposed to dine with us but she went back on her word :(
anyw, hee sat with estee rae and lois at the same table while eating and the conversations which took place were quite hilarious hahaha.
we were talking abt a certain paedophileeeeeeeeeeeee! ahem

this is me at harbourfont's underpass, trying to give away a flyer i graciously took.
got rejected like so many times i am a sad sad kid :(

took our own sweet time to return the school for game against jnrs (cdiv).
at first i thought that it'd be a platform to try out all the new stuff ms loo taught; an arena to pit myself against a less experienced team and to gauge how much i am really capable of.
but i guess ms puva had other plans :(
all she had to say was like, five sentences and my happy meter dropped to negative value
so i didnt go all out. it was like a game at half my usual pace.
how i perform really depends on my moood sigh
i'll never be an outstanding player at this rate.

mac-ed with my makan khaki (puah li xuan) at yew tee's mac after everythingggggggg :D :D :D
we were laughing a lot.
and we were very retarded too

scenario 1 ---

xuan and i walks to the counter.

xuan: can i have a cup of water?

mac-man hands over a cup of water.

sarah: *giggles a lot, clears throat, hears xuan laugh and starts laughing too* um can i have two fries pleaseee?

mac-man, staring straight into my eyes: no.

oh then we lagged thr for another five mins comtemplating if we should ask the other mac-man who looked wayyyyyy friendlier hahaha.

scenario 2 ---

mac-man walks past our table.

xuan: excuse me!

mac-man looks at her.

xuan: may i have a cup of waterrrr?

sarah: oh sorry she was kidding!

mac-man is stunned, walks away with blank look on his face.

xuan: ohmygod what did i just do? hahah i think i am crazy

heeeeeee we made a one minute magic video too!
but xuan refuses to let me post it :(
i look really bald in it anyw so nvm hahaha.

okayi anyw here are some rather rather rather late late late vids vids vids!

of the "we're all in this tgt" dance item we rehearsed at yeyun's.
the final one we performed isnt as noob okayi.

of the hilarious yeyun monkey incident which i am too lazy to elaborate about.

havent been feeling very ... englishy/literaturey of late.
i apologise for the boring posts with incomprehensible phrasing and million grammatical errors


Sunday, November 23, 2008

it's a happening day

and i feel accomplished.

at 9 in the morning i had cheese prata for breakfast. was at railway mall and i saw an RV teacher whose name is...
... something i cannot recall at the moment.

then went to church. instead of bible class, the 9.30AM slot was combined mass singing [in parts (bass tenor alto sop)] with the older youths and adults. the unplugged harmony of melodies was beautiful :)

sermon tdy was by a speaker from the states! and i didnt rly have any notes to take down cos thr wasnt a real need to.
so i'll fulfil my promise (which i posted on 19 nov's post) next sunday.

after that went to island creamery (which is my fav hangout recently) with.. guess who? :D

yes you are wrong!

we didnt like eat 20 scoops of ice-cream (like we/i intended too) cos her parents came to fetch her so she had to go.
hahaha hello if you are reading this! we didnt take a pic in the end :(
let's go out again sometime!

anyw, i didnt feel like going home that early (it was only 2.30PM) and i didnt want to wander around alone. BUT thr was a freaking problem with my phone so i couldnt access my contacts (book)!
had to resort to scrolling thru my inbox for numbers.
and mind you i just cleared my messages in the morning so the few people who's numbers i had were:
  • huixian (i must have forgotten to delete her message, the one she sent to ask 2B out to watch madagascar 2)
  • rafflesia (who didnt pick up my call nor reply my message till half an hour ago)
  • joshua (who is in china)
  • joonghan (who is stuck in camp)
  • daryl (who just left for hongkong ytd. and sorry i didnt say bon voyage because i was like still aslp at 4AM hahaha)
so i didnt have company in the end.

took a bus which brought me to JP.
and because i was absolutely boredddddddddddddddd, and also for the kick,

i pierced a second earhole on my right ear !!! :D :D :D

sorry for the bad-lighting!
and this picture isnt clear but, that's my ear you idiot hahaha

turned out to be @#$!%^&*( painful. so much that i almost teared!
i am now spraying alcohol solution to numb my ear once every three minutes cos it still hurts so bad.
i have low pain tolerance. very very very very low, actually.
to think of it now, i have like no idea how im gna survive being tattooed.
oh dear

oh yes, official announcement:
jamsters are now known as "On2 Your Right" because every single one of us have two right-eared piercings currently :D :D

ouch ouch ouch ouch

Saturday, November 22, 2008

won't somebody come take me home

its a damn cold night, trying to figure out what's life

i am well! and alive.

had a very funny conference conversation with claire and TM ytd on msn! look hahah i am the originaaaal (friday) okayi!

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tdy was pretty good in a sense that i had good food, good finds, good companionship (with the exception of my two ever-irritating brothers), and i was rich. of cos the last one mentioned is quite relative because i will never be considered loaded if you ever put me beside alfred (who cabs to sch daily with his own pocket money).

the fun started off in the afternoon when my two grandaunts, two brothers, cousin sabrina and i went to orchard's 24h swensens for lunch.

that outlet's legendary tardiness had us waiting forty five mins or so for our main course.
was rly hungry (and grumpy if i should add).
but well the cookie summit and frosted chocolate malt sundae redeemed it all :D :D

after that we went to the christmas charity carnival at ngee ann city whr:
  • i bought a HSM poster,
  • a zac efron photoframe,
  • 6 colourful hair clips (totally tacky but i love 'em anyw),
  • a bumble bee key-chain that's handmade,
  • a wired bookmark (made into the shape of a star),
  • a smiley face bouncy ball,
  • a cool self-drawn shirt;
  • we played a guppy-fishing game and won ourselves 6 real live guppies which i think might not live past tmr;

  • we played mini-golf and won the grand prize;

  • i got my first ever manicure.
    (if you click to enlarge the picture below, you can actually see that thr's some stuff on my nails)
used up all fifty-dollars worth of coupons doing the above mentioned (plus buying snacks and stuff), then went shopping at taka/kinokuniya.

and now i'm a very very happy kid because i bought zac efron's unofficial guide - up close and personal !!! :D :D :D

anyw, at kino i saw this twilight guide and i got so hyped up and all i texted TM and tanya and alfred and joonghan to tell them that its out!
and i almost boughtttt it!
i just checked for the details of the book online, and now i realise that its not the official one so im just gna wait for stephanie meyer's real one.
sorry/yrros for the wrong information i was so so so excited!

eva's almost done with sending me MK's farewell party/netball camp pictures! so when i have everything i will upload the pictures selectively hahaha
i cant have every single photo up here because if i do so you readers will prolly not be able to even loaaaaad the freaking page.
not in a million years
and i am quite lackadaisical (not by nature) nowadays

feeling very somnolent. yawns

Friday, November 21, 2008

limited edition

rain outside my window pouring down

what now, you're gone, my fault, i'm sorry.



played in the RGS Carnival. they all did pretty well so yes g-double-o-d-j-o-b good job.
i didnt.
i didnt perform up to my own expectations. dont think i reached ms loo's either.
the swaggering defenders never fail to intimidate me. i have like, a mental barrier to overcome i guess.
and instead of trying to outrun the defender, i shd have done more preliminary moves to shake her off. because fact is i'm not that fast after all

consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency consistency

wow. i swear i typed them all by hand, one word at a time.

after the carnival, went to eat at bpp's naked fish with yeyun. their baked rice's fantabulous hahaha.

went back home to bathe and shortly after, headed to far east plaza to meet daryl.
hunted for tattoo parlours thr.
the good news is thr were like five or six of them !!!
the sad news is that the lowest legal age limit is sixteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen :(
and they all said i dont look that age
:( x 1000000000000000
oh yes, saw two (2008) year4s from athletics (huishan and someone else whose name i've forgotten sorry).
at about 7pm we went to the parlour at heeren but i still couldn get my tattoo cos the staff said i wasnt ready for it.
finding my way home was a tad funny though hahahha
thanks for the evening! :D :D :D

got a call from angel matt at night. wasn good news, though
bummer, my day totally became as sour as bad milk



nothing much's happened.
because i'm down with a fever and was thus disallowed to go for training.
but last night i had a dream (that i still rmb rather clearly) which made me rly happy :D :D :D

yuyan's reallyyyyyyyy cute :D

(via sms)

yuyan: Okay thanks! Btw how are you feeling?

me: VERY BORED. hahah head quite heavy but aside from that i'm still quite alive.

yuyan: Lol. Good to know. What would the world do without sarah goh hui xian?

me: hahah yes i'm so touched! :D hee. i'll recover soon and make the world a btr place, you'll see

oh and heard that shooters did lots of give-and-go passes for courtwork tdy. so thr wasnt much midcourt stuff hahah thank goodness i didnt miss out on a lot :)

need i say more?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

though it was built to last

my whole world has just crumbled because i've lost my favourite church camp footprint tee.



this post is gna be very anal.

i hereby announce that i will be anal to everyone and anyone till i find that very tee.
if you wna save the world you can help me find it.
nah just joking.

speaking of being anal, was talking to joan during worship last sunday (instead of focusing on the sermon preached). i am sorry was very distracted that day lord forgive me. i promise that i'll pay full attention next week, i'll even take down notes and post them up so as to spread the gospel :)
whr was i?
yes. anal.
she told me abt this totally anal schoolmate (or was it classmate ar whtvr).
that schoolmate (or was it classmate ar whtvr) had a very sweeeet boyfriend who is (according to joanie) apparently quite cute. but she was very x 10000000000 mean to him!
oh joan gave me a few scenarios and i was like wth-ing all the way.
if my boyfriend was sweeet/cute/hot i wouldnt be anal to him.
as a matter of fact i wouldn be hell anal to anyone at all.
not even to you

on a random note, combi allocation is out and yay i successfully appealed into ChemBioLit along with around 30 other happy people!
roughly know who i will be stuck with in yr3 and i think the class dynamics is quite interesting! :D heeeeees
i do hope i wont get a female chinese form teacher because they are supposedly anal abt even the most trivial stuff.
hello i have first hand experience myself.
but come to think of it, she had our interests at heart. tsk

after the match against PLMGS at CCAB (btw you guys played fantastic !!!), we went to eat at island creamery.
"but eating is such a joy!" - ethel huang hui fen.
yes awesome awesome awesome comfort foood :D
mudpie + teh tarik + soursop
i envy rich kids like yeyun who bought a tub home.
speaking of icecream, someone (you know who you are hahaha) owes me a tub of ben&jerrys.
and someone else (you know who you are too, hi hahha) owes me like nineteen scoops
and no cynthia choo, you do not look like a rooster

that's all, folks.
pictures another time

Monday, November 17, 2008

let confidence fill our hearts

make believe.

first of all.
to you &$*)#^ little brother (whom i know reads my awesome blog), stop calling me hei1 chi1 or i will whack all your teeth out.
and poke a hole in the wheel of your bike so you can go cycling no more!
and maybe, maybe, replace all the games in your psp memory card with barbie ones! and the next time you wna show off your latest GTA to your friends they will have the laaaaaugh of their life. subsequently you will not be termed as "cool" anymore.
oh last one - and i will tell your girlfriend that you do not wear shorts at home sometimes

have been feeling rather down for a couple of reasons since saturday,
which explains the absense of mk's farewell party/netball camp post.
nothing much to blog abt actually, aside from ultimate unglam pictures of netballers.
putting these photos here would probably cost me my friendships.
but here you go anyw hahahha

still very pretty right.
if you please me i might give you her number. dollar bills work wonders too :D

quite an angular shot, dont you think. and sorry rach, no you do not look like a toad hahaha

zomg clau were you like mad at me or someth?

after SSS match :D
this picture doesnt show it, but the door shown is actually one-way and yeyun was locked up behind it.
hahah hilarious she was screaming for us to open the door

yeyun (after we finally let her out), pointing at estee: you saw me but you walked away on purpose! how could you! (in chinese)

estee, retaliating (making up an excuse to be exact): i didnt see you! i heard some noise and i got really scared so i ran away!

farewell party pictures:

xuan and ethel are both acting very lady-like.

hahah guess who! an icecream for whoever who guesses it right

i dont have a caption for this.

yeyun looks like a moose when she tries to smile without baring her teeth hahah you should have seen! i rmb ethel doubling in stitches hahaha

aaaaaarr... arrrrrr.. ahhhhhhh heeeees :D

i have about twenty more pictures taken in that function room and blogger's like, as slow as i am on court so i'll post them up on a ltr date.
patience wearing thin

um tdy's sort of rainy and i'm cooped up at home with no chores or whatsoever. not that i'm complaining
am just feeling a little queer and empty inside.
so, what better to do than to bake myself some comfort food.
pretty delicious if i say so myself :D :D :D

cookie chip chunk brownie! awesome awesome awesome

the cookie chunks :)

i mean what you see thr.
if you get me.

tmr's the bdiv 2009 team announcement and i think i roughly know who the main twelve people are. so thr i dont rly feel much of anything abt it

k bye

Friday, November 14, 2008

as you swallow your confession

and leave this as it is.

i got this from huixian's blog. and look at my dimple hahahahah
so happy
ytd was mine and suzanne's day! :D
oh and i saw quite a lot of 2B pencils tdy hahaha

i'll post about the whole netball camp along with pictures at the end of it all (which is like tmr)
games have been going well :)
thanks/sknaht for all the moral/mental support

for now,

hahaha the train ride home (with xuan clau cyn ethel estee) was awesomely hilarious :D

k bye

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

we're all in this together

once we know that we are, we're all stars

was at yeyun's place with netballers (namely yuyan jiarui kristal ethel claudia cynthia rachel) since 10.30AM.
just reached home about ten minutes ago.
were thr to settle some MK stuff hahaha. the dance performance turned out to be quite fun! :D :D :D
i actually have a video of it (as in, us dancing) and it's awesome funny stuff but i am not allowed to post it yet :(
cos its meant to be a surprise for MK and thr's no way we're gna risk having her see it.

someth rly astounding happened on the way home.
took ten seconds to imprint your features in my heart
i'm infatuated

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

刮风这天 我试过握着你手

但偏偏 雨渐渐 大到我看你不见
this song will remind me of you guys forever :)

class chalet was wicked. it was so boisterous, so fun, so jolly, so really good that tears are welling up as i recall the short three days
sometimes its not what you do, but with whom you do all the stuff with that makes it so damn memorable.

i dont have a lot of pictures (most of the ones i have are of someone else and i so they arent much fun to look at lei) because i was busy escaping from some other person's camera, but then again these pictures are meant to be kept in the heart, for always.

oh the pics with joshua were taken when we went out of pasir ris to his church. we went door to door at the nearby hdb blocks giving out tracts and inviting people to go to his church (true way presbyterian) at the end of this month (30th nov)for a blood donation drive.
um do consider if you are age sixteen and above! :D

sex-ed talk (hahaha)
night walks
sleep (with someoneeeeeeeee snuggling up to me)

wish it had been longer.
like ten days nine nights or someth.
i'd prolly have to bring like a luggage but i wouldnt mind a single bit.

our ever efficient class chairpersons, hurrryyyyyy i want a class outing soon!
as a matter of fact i want it to be a weekly event hahaha.

i'm a bit sickly now but i feel much much much btr alr :)
cynthia said i look a bit shag so i guess i'll turn in very early tonight.
netballers are meeting up at yeyun's house tmr to settle mrs khoo's farewell party stuff so i hope my parents will allow me to go although i've been groundedddddddd.
freaking grounded. for being late in returning home last night.
tell me how is it possible that i was late when i dont even have a curfewwwwwwwwww.

got a pair of new netball shoes and its rather blingggg.
looks very much like running shoes. dont like it very much but i dont have a choice.

i miss you pencils!
i didnt think i'll say this but: I WISH SCH WAS STILL ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.

will update more when i have new pics :D


Friday, November 7, 2008

the very overdue quiz

hahaha here goes nothing.

1. The person who tagged you is?
  1. tseyin
  2. suzanne
  3. kyra

2. Your relationship with him/her?
  1. fellow-pencil/tablemate/daughter (ah fat hahah)/fellow stinko (did i miss anything out?)
  2. fellow-pencil/friend! :D
  3. one of my besties/confidante/k10 student :)

3. Your 5 impressions of him/her.
walao. 5 x 3 = 15 (impressions)
  1. she's one of the lamest person i've ever met.
    apparently, she thinks breakfast is very important cos she brings kitkat or stuff to fill me up in the morning.
    she can cackle hysterically at the teeniest weeniest things and boy is her laughter contagious.
    likes to watch canto dramas.
    can be quite a pessimist at times.
  2. she is rather hilarious, makes witty comments.
    is perhaps, the tallest girl in 2B hahaha (i look up to her mah)

as we go on, we remember

all the times we had together.


yesterday 6 nov 2008 :

ytd was RV's annual learning symposium and i (along with joshua, shirley, yuxian, suzanne, claire, wenting and abigail) skipped all the boring lectures/workshops to tend 2B's game stall.
can say that we did pretty well because we came in fourth in the competition :D
am just so glad that the last big project we got to do as a class was such a success!
oh and we all (2B) pencils had our arms/faces/hair painted it was all very very hip.
indescribable gaiety and life in the hall.
2A's game was quite funny. very entertaining.
well, almost everything that has got to do with blindfolds are.
2H's game was rlyyyyyyyyy cute hahaha yeyun kristal trik and i played doubles.
not tennis luh, just in case you were wondering.

then trik and i went to ikea/anchorpoint to look for gifts. class farewell presents that sorta stuff
ended up spending nearly all our assets on sausage buns, icecream, chicken wings, bread, eggs and tea.
hahah i was close to getting something but they didnt have it in a quantity of thirrty sooooo.. sigh. sorry guys

rushed for speed7 training thereafter and was late by five mins. thank goodness they werent about to start yet!
got our team tees alr :D
yellow and red dri-fit tees. quite nifty
couldnt focus entirely and i only have chan yu xian to blame.
she messaged me right before my training started, when i was on the way, asking me to contribute an ending statement to the class montage.
so i had to think. a lot. reminisce. walk down memory lane.
all you (2B) pencils were still weighing on my mind throughout my whole traininggggg
i performed okay for it though.
buck up x 100000000000000000000000
i can do it :D



was very sad.
the above fragment is an understatement

when the montage was played on the screen in class, wenting and ali broke down.
the others followed suit subsequently.
it was a downer situation.
i was trying damn hard to contain all that melancholy and dofuleness.
i hurried downstairs to whr all the netballers were, hoping that the tears wouldnt fall but i couldnt help it. so i ran back up to whr the rest of 2B were hiding/crying and i sequentially hugged every single one of them (mostly girls) left in what would soon be our ex-territory.
missed part of ms loo's celebration cos i couldnt bear to go down.
missed more of the celebration cos TM claire and i went to the hall to listen to live RFIY.
i didnt even cry so much when my P6 class was parting.
sigh but i found solace upon reminding myself (constantly) that our class chalet is just tmr :)

after weights training, munched and talked a bit with the netballers before going off to join the class at JP lib.
walao TM claire and jerome (whom i thought were absolutely nice cos they went to fetch me) totally played a prank on me hahaha.
trained home.

a list of 10 reasons as to why i will miss 2B so fking much
  1. we have awesome class chairpersons (and congrats to shirley for winning best chairperson award :D). they're so good we are always spoon-fed/have nothing class-related to worry about
  2. no one (not at all) is ostracized here in this class.
  4. thr's rarely a dull moment. someone's always being silly/retarded/cute/stupid
  5. you guys are super duper pooper encouraging, motivating, caring, supportive and everything nice
  6. we had cool teachers like ms chew
  7. PE is always fun (cos of you guys, even running is)
  8. we are quite a qwerty, unrestrained bunch :)
  9. bonded. though the guys and girls still sit at separated tables most of the times hahaha
  10. last but not least, i will miss 2B so fking much because i had an awesome x 100000000000000000000 tablemate.
we started off as a class of thirty two, then thirty one. after two years of insane fun, constant teasing (even bullying), and rough, sad moments, we are right now just one.
toast up to the coolest class.
2B, together forever, truly.

i love you guys very much.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


thank goodness for you girls (namely jiarui, yeyun, trik, kristal and lois) who totally made my day!
netballers are awesome :D :D :D
i might have given up
pictures are in order:

lemon squeeze. hahah up to your imagination as to what they were doing.

they started the whole camwhoring thing first!

we... just had to copy luh. and this is my very first pic with jiarui !!! besides the team ones

so really sweeeeeeeet. the drink i mean

our first successful shot out of a million

at the start of last year we couldnt tell them apart. they decided to relive those geeky moments hahah

i'm bringing sexyback/MC on my back

trik is the world's best photographer i love her very very much

look lois is fairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :D

i forgot what this is/why we even took it

i wasnt happy cos jiarui was reluctant to take this pic with me :(

they complained about looking too small

so a bigger traffic light lor

hahaha act shy

we found trik's perfect bear: one in a million, once in a lifetime

and we took turns to pump the cotton inside.

end product :)
btw the whole process was rly fun! videos will be up in a jiffy

we announce the birth of stylo milo :D

cute luh. the bearrrrrrrrrr

yes, indeed we look slim :D

a real big part of my life.

this was supposed to like be a picture luh. lois ong is brilliant yeh

i wasnt drunk.

just laugh along.

self-invented eraser game or someth hahaha lois is very cute

oh and i would specially like to thank joshua ang for taking the time to teach me the first/second layer of rubik's cube so patiently though i'm a rly tough student to handle :D

oh and for learning symposium tmr, do come to 2B's game stall hahaha
but i still love you as i did way back then.
xoxo it's the same every night