Saturday, January 31, 2009

today we're playing a game

it's called "guess where sarah was!"
how exciting!

without further ado, let's begin!
the name of the game is self explanatory, so here are your clues:

some picture should be forming in your head right now.

tip: it's not your regular day-to-day MRT train

got it?

your picture of confirmation.

yep i went to the airport with fish hyung this afternoon! hello huey huey if you are seeing this :P

arrived at T2, and we were really hungry so we grabbed some stuff at swensens first. american cheeseburger pizza + fries + spice & chic chicken + frosted chocolate malt concludes my best lunch of the week :) :)
and i footed only 8/38 of the bill hahaha

explored T2 (whr there was a shop which had many x 10000000000 domos !! even ones that hop like my ESAIs do !!) then moved on to T1. wanted to look for the nike shop (its website said they had an outlet there) but after much consideration we figured that it was probably inside the after-check-in-mall :(

stopped by the viewing mall whr people usually go to see planes take off too.
quite disappointing because the gallery was so small and there were hardly any stationary planes, much less ones which were flying off.

so we decided to go to vivo! on the way thr, however, my dad called to say i had to leave for home so i did :(
reached home about twenty minutes ago.

i'm supposed to be going for a BBQ now! but i dont know whose going so i dont know if i shd go!

anyw, thr's going to be a bbq tmr at joan's newly renovated house too! :D :D
am looking forward to it i think there will be many many pics too hee

i'm a happy kid, in a happy world !! :D

Friday, January 30, 2009

in their hopes of reaching the moon,

men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.
- Albert Schweitzer

i've been wanting to blog about this forever but i keep forgetting !!
here is a dose of 3Laughtard's very own jokes and riddles bonanza:

you are forewarned, the following sentences you read might either make you curse under your breath, or it might make you laugh so absurdly that abs form in a span of thirty minutes.

  1. why did you fail your NAPFA sit-and-reach?
    ... ... because you are not ben(d)jamin.

  2. why can't you photosynthesize?
    ... ... because you are not tri(tree)cia.

  3. why are you so hyper/excited/happy?
    ... ... because you are not siannee.

  4. why are you not amazing?
    ... ... because you are not (amazing) grace. i suppose only christians or extremely knowledgeable people will get this

  5. why don't you wear jeans?
    ... ... because you are not jean. dont get the link? well neither do i hahaha

  6. why can't you run?
    ... ... because you are not mr imran.

  7. why are you so alert?
    ... ... because you are not shar(sha3)lene.
i think 3Lametards is more apt a name for us. there are plenty more but (speed) seven is a good number to stop at :) :)

trained the year1s today, watched b'div's one-way match, then i went to eat with jnrs (christabel nicole gail sinyi, again !!) at anchorpoint's (again !!) subway :D
hanging out with them amuses me very very very much hahahaha
didn't have swensens with yeyun and gang in the end cos they were waiting for b'div to be done for the day and i had no time to lose.

so after that i arrived at joanne seah's place at about 8PM for careteam! :)
judith lijun audrey melanie joanne (duh) and i had quite an amazing time i am so looking forward to the next session!
loved the funny bits here and there, qwerty no-handphone usage rule, timeless expressions from them all and just the plain sharing plus the discussion on commitment and relationships.

had supper with parents after they picked me up
foiled my diet plans. they never ever do work out.
i think i might just give up.

anyw, i didnt complete my circuits plus warmdown !!!
as a matter of fact i barely did half but i was so !@#$%^&*( tired this morning despite having cabbed down to school for the fourth time this month :( :(

i forgot what i wanted to say

Thursday, January 29, 2009

and i'm going to give it all to you,

like i've given it all before.

just a really short update cos i'm going to have my dinner (at 10.58PM). which is many many servings of vegetables.

yesterday stayed back to participate in jnr's trg !! it was quite fun cos i played positions like GD/GK and i had to defend both the GA and GS at the same time so it involved lots of sprinting.
i was nothing but a jumping bean beside big nicole though :(
hahaha but morale instantaneously boosted upon hitting/tipping off or even intercepting the lobes to her.
had KFC with them (jnrs, again !! zinger, again !!) at anchorpoint after that and we walked around till late seven.
:) :) :) if yes i'll have three generations of those fur balls alr
so today was good! i finally handed in to (mrs) lim WF my bio assignment and it feels so great to not owe teachers any overdued work.
like i can finally look them in the eyes.

i think i just poked my eye with my nails while removing my contacts.
okayi, the pain aside.

watched the jnr's match against NUS high and congrats on your win !! :D :D :D
oh forgot to mention that i went to anchorpoint (to takeaway another zinger) before that. it was whr i met marco !!! was very surprised because his school is all the way north. so coincidental, the world is small.

anyw, cos ms lim and della were in RV for their game too, went to have dinner with them at clementi :D :D
we had like so much time on our hands cos it was like six, and club trg was scheduled to start at 8PM! in the end we shopped around a bit, and well guess what! we found this ultra-value shop which sells orginal branded sporting goods (mostly adidas) at like, half or two third the outside retail price

headed down to ccab in ms lim's car and we were like one of the earliest
training was quite okayi it ended at 10PM, productive as usual :) :) :)
it's like no one ever gets tired at night hahaha
speed7's attendance was quite high! dont know if it was full though
still find myself trying to outrun the defenders though i know everyone there is as fast or even faster than i am grrrrrr
anyw i heard that div 6's season is like in march.
that's so !@#$%^&*( soon !!!
the rest of my week is quite planned out alr. tmr i'll prolly watch b'div's match then rush off with yeyun to have swensens (sundae) !! :D
that will be followed by careteam at joanne seah's at 7PM.
hope i wont be late as it is, afterall, my first time going for it :)

saturday afternoon/evening is set aside for speed's steamboat at ms lim's place? tentative for now.

sunday is family day!

this week's been hectic and happening but it's been wonderfully awesome all the same !!!
it's like living each day to the max

a bit cliche, but i think that's "carpe diem", truly. everything would have been more perfect had i been able to be more efficient in handing in work. well actually getting about doing them is alr posing a problem.


p.s. so this update isn't exactly short

p.p.s circuits workout, sprints and 2.4km warm down tomorrow morning :(

p.p.p.s jiayou RVNB, della qiuying rima etc for your matches tmr !!! :D

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

it's past midnight!

and i'm supposed to be asleep!

well i tried to but i kept tossing and turning in bed so i gave up.
must be the new bed sheets. too red for comfort.

i wanted to call someone up and talk maybe till the break of dawn(?) but i cant think of anyone! the people dearer to me are somehow all pigs they sleep mighty early!
i can somehow relate to that because cny visitation is quite tiring!
actually not so for me, since i only went my greatgrandparent's house at twelve noon and left at night. barely moved about.
oh well, and thr's absolutely nothing interesting on TV! i realise they re-use some of the movies and programmes.
i know thr are traditions, but they dont have to make re-playing shows one too.
can you believe it, they screened taiwan's super sunday (or another cliche title along this line) for three hours straight.
i'm tired of jacky wu's face alr.

and of all days, my cable TV wire came loose/
now i'm left with 12 miserable channels.
parental department's considering changing to MIO for variety but i heard it lags so much (slower than alfred hahah zomg) so we're trying very hard to disuade them.

anyw we're going to get a WII!
stop raving abt the one at your house. seems like everyone has a set alr.
although my dad's shaking his head and saying stuff like it will distract us from studies and worsen our sight etc, i think he's secretly happy about this because he can play golf in the comfort of home. and i'm not talking abt putting.
i'm saying massive strokes and beautiful swings my mom would never have allowed with a real club (layman's term: golfing stick).
i want to play with my dad!! the only way i can ever beat him in this game is virtually.

well i'm staying up partially cos i'm waiting for 2008 V Power 爱音乐演唱会 2008 V Power Concert. chU @ 1.45am, which means half an hour more to go.
i think this is prolly the only programme which isnt reused. it cant be what, look at the year.

i can't make head or tail of this chinese show i'm watching now.
the characters look so ugly.
what's with that centre parting.
and that ugly long hair. need conditioning la.

speaking of hair, like i replied in my comment page to junyuan, my hair has a life of its own sometimes. drives me up the wall when it's bad hair day.
like today.

speaking of junyuan, he's in malaysia.
everyone's in malaysia! why!

because singapore is boring. joanmak and i were discussing.
we're planning to go out on thurs and everything's still underway because both she and i have a lot (of work) to do.
the teachers just wont let us off, although they know homework works pretty much like karma.
they go one whole round, they have to mark it eventually dont they.
but even if we are going out, where to?!
if we were in thailand i'll suggest we go elephant riding, or padi planting, or running through the meadows or counting stars.
if we were in australia i'll say we go on a mini hot air balloon or a choo choo train or go cut mohawk hair or do something wild.
now that we're in singapore we can go to sentosa for the millionth time, borrow many many many DVDs from videoez and movie marathon at home again, or better yet hang out in malls i am alr tired of.

i feel a bit skeptical.

what is this news abt xie shao guang and qi yu wu getting married in the states?!
someone please console tanya she's mourning the lost of a boyf-to-be.
yes, she's just about the only person i'm talking to (now i thank god for junyuan) but honestly it isn't interesting at all for a conversation to be spammed with sad smileys (hahah what an oxymoron!) and a gay man's name.
and yes she goes for older men. qi yu wu in this case, not the other one.
well not for me, they are out of my league.
that's why zac efron is okayi, he's only twenty this year!
to think i actually believed it when william scammed me saying that he's his snr's boyf.
quite real. i didnt know he was from DBSK then, and william even gave me a phone number along with the bunch of lies !!!

anyw, when i saw how everyone (actually just the girls) was (in bracketed case, were) wearing dresses and skirts and everything so fashioniesta and formal, i looked myself in the mirror and realised my nike camisole tank and checkered shorts werent very apt.
accesories saved my day!!
thank goodness the number of red packets you get arent measured by how well you're dressed for the occasion.

i like abalone.

i havent eaten a single madarin (orange)! i dont think i ever will this season.
although thr is a basket full in my house. i reckon i can make money from selling them
i recall that i had a very bad stomachache cos i spam-ate them for one whole afternoon last year.

walao the credits take forever.
anyw, while the white words on black screen are still rolling...
thr's something i have to say abt singaporeans!
according to livia it is only polite and respectful to do so, and i agree somehow.


if you read through this post, i am very surprised and frankly, i admire you for your patience.BUT.
so chunky and nonsensical still read go get a life hahah


Monday, January 26, 2009

he says all the right things at exactly the right time

but he means nothing to you, and you dont know why.
- Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon

hello greetings! it's the first day of CNY :D
my connection jammed last night (at 12) so i wasn't really able to send out/reply quite a number of your messages! so here's to you all: wishing all a great year ahead :) :) :) :) :)
hahah my greeting couldnt be any more cliche.

i'm now at my greatgrandmother's place and guests are coming in and out i feel like this is an exhibition centre. i'm feeling a wee bit anti-social (i dont usually, but it happens), so thank goodness for my laptop.

RV's CNY celebration! well the concert lasted for two whole hours. so cross-legged we sat on the floor for two whole hours.
3L was the very last class to get in the hall (we were late by ten mins) so by that time thr was barely enough space for the class to sit as a row.
we were made to split up and somehow trik weiling and i found ourselves right smack in the middle. along the aisles.
so when the SCs popped the confetti, glitter and paper and small strips of newspapers rained on us, directly overhead. as if that wasn't enough, they popped it in the gallery too so thr was another unwelcomed shower.
actually it was quite a pretty sight luh, but it was really uncomfortable to have pieces of stuff in my shirt/pinafore.

school ended at 12nn. i had a bit of time so i watched part of the junior's trg. i think their secret code for centre-pass is quite cool :) :)

then i went with 2B pencils to vivo! :D :D :D
had lunch and then we watched inkheart!
i have an affinity with 11 (that was my seat number).
um didn't really enjoy the movie at first cos the baddies were having the upperhand! but the happy ending definitely redeemed itself/made up for everything :D
the make-up and the sets were good too.

after it ended we walked around for a bit then we went to JP, whr i stayed till i think nine?
by then was shagged. very.

i woke up (relatively late) to good news! parental department allowed me to go CNY shopping with joanmak although thr was reunion dinner in the evening :) :) :)

at 3+pm met mak at wisma and here again i apologise for being late !!!
gap topshop cotton on f21 mango zara dorothy perkins esprit isetan ...
alas, she found something at what we named the "teeny weeny shop"!
i couldn't find anyth though, so i spent a fraction of my sum on famous amos McCafe starbucks.
yay are we going out on thursday are we are we? :D :D

at abt six i left for my grandma's.
reunion dinner 1 with my grandmother, aunt, uncle-in-law, uncle, dad, brothers and one cousin was awesome to the max. it wasnt just because of the good food
:D x 100000000000000000000
"do it softly" hahaha GOH (and a bit of liew) FAMILY FTW!

janelle my grandmother and i :)

so like any other sunday, went to church in the morning.
i was a bit mad at my mom cos she didn't let me wear my own choice of clothings.
anyw, sermon by uncle peter was about being a christian worker :)

after that i had another shopping session with my aunt and uncle-in-law and janelle my favourite baby in the world! :D
nike surfer paradise and topshop made me an extremely elated kid.

rushed to my greatgrandmother's whr i had reunion dinner 2! this time with my 10 grandaunts one granduncle greatgrandmother and greatgrandfather.
something(s) which i dont want to be reminded of happened after that.
cant seem to get it off my mind though :( :( :(
why did you have to fking ruin everything?
then the family minus my lazy second brother jostled with the crowd at chinatown! i'm now a bit too lazy to elaborate.
sknaht for being there? :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

swoon this is the same old blood rush with a new touch

i am safe, quaint and eloquent.

quite an exciting day, i might say.
i get all jumpy just wondering if the MCs will come back to RV for CNY celebrations! :D :D

i got a message that ms puva was trying to contact me (rather urgently). i called her right after class ended and she landed me my first-ever coaching job!
well it's a job cos according to her, i'm going to get paid !!!

so instead of supporting at the RV against Pioneer match (quite one-way, as i heard from some), i dragged fernshen along with me and we went to henry park pri school!
we stood in for MP and led the kids through their training i thought it was mighty fun! some of them are really good, not very surprising since they're MP's girls.
i mean, just look what's become of us! :D
hahaha i'm just joking dont slap me
actually it was a bit tough at first cos everything was just so confusing but i guess we werent undeterred and it certainly paid off!

it's been quite a long time since fernshen and i spent time tgt like that! we had club sandwiches (ahhhh, delish :)) from 7-11 before and after the trg :D
i just want you to know that... you know what i mean!
please dont any o' how think anymore cos... you know what i mean too!

yes, here it is after so much procrastination! my new year resolutions :)
serious business.
in no order of importance, really.
  1. watch a horror movie (and try not to coward out halfway through).

  2. to reinvent myself as someone trustworthy and to get my name of the teachers' literal black list.

  3. get back on track for netball.
    boy thr's really so much i have to work on. yes i remember saying that the flame for the game has officially died down and i still mean it. but come to think of it, who else am i, if not a netballer?
    this is my identity. for speed7, for the rest who still believe in me :)

  4. go for careteam and bible study sessions!

  5. to lose 5kg.
    hahaha i have one whole year to do that. this shd so be a one-month resolution.

  6. to learn to play my (pink) eucalele!

  7. more piercings, as and when and wherever i feel like it. or at the very least one at the upper ear cartilage.

  8. grow fringe and never do anything stupid to it again.

  9. GPA 3.5
    it's after all, a resolution so dont stare at me like that.

  10. keep my friends.
    maybe in my pocket? hahaha

  11. work and get 500 dollars by myself.
    note: earnings from being a daughter or granddaughter or grandniece do not count.

  12. get my second golf PC. start playing all over again :)
    that will really make my dad happy.

  13. improve relationship with parental department and co-units alike.

    truth to be told, i just didn't want to stop at 13 but i cant think of anyth else hahaha. label me "superstitious" but i wont take the risk since CNY is just days away.
making resolutions is one thing, doing them is another.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

because if i looked away i would never have seen the sign of a better, brighter, more beautiful day

and i marvel at how perfect this all is.

i have awesome juniors !!! :D :D :D
after sch we (referring to christabel weilin kirsten a few of their friends and i) went to watch the basketball match (RV against tanglin and once more, congrats heehee:D). a bit shocked at how unrefined and unsporting the other sch's supporters were. but move on anyw,

then we went to KFC and us four netballers shared two zinger meals generously sponsored by christabel! hahah congrats on your pocket money increment btw :)

i finally found someone who eats mash potatoes with chilli.

who laughs insanely at the most ridiculous 0.0 stuff.

whom i can hysterically giggle/vibrate (as in no-sound-laughter) with for a whole two mins. weilin even recorded it down hahah so lame but so fun looking at the vid had us in stitches all over again!

and we were the last to leave clementi cos we explored two levels of the new clementi shopping place. "we can medi-pedi!" "hur?!" "we can medi-pedi!" "hurrr?????!!!!!" "WE CAN MEDI-PEDI!" HHAHAH CHILLI PADI

none other than christabel yang.

jnrs next week let's go to sumo house! the jap food place, not the wrestling ring!

one more overdue picture!

anyw, i cabbed to sch today! was still late. as a matter of fact i reached at 8AM sharp hahah.
!@#$%^&*( the fare was thirty one dollars so here's a warning! never, never, never ever call for a taxi from yewtee to malan road at 7AM unless you're willing to get swindled legally
thanks happy kid 3 for coming out to pay :)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

give them an inch and they'll take a metre.

yesterday some anonymous person commented that my blog is "commercialised siol!"
word for word.
i take it that whoever he or she is thinks that my words are shallow and sell-outs, so today i attempt to do justice to myself. i am going to give my valuable insights on Barack Hussein Obama's step into history books as America's first black president.
(well if i'm not wrong he is grasping the reigns of power today. either that, or he has already done so.)
hahahah lighten up people! i'm just joking i dont think anyone will live to see me embark on such an adult topic.

RV won their match against nanyang. which makes them/us top of the group for this round! :D :D
keep it going whoooosh!

schools like commonwealth came down tdy too, so i got to see qiuying rima lycia and della (whom i now affectionately call lala hahaha)! :)
congrats on your win against hillgrove too!

i gave in to the temptation so i got myself a ramly's burger while lois and i were at JE's pasar malam!
v unhealthy, i know! tanya the health nut would have been disgusted but it's such a joy to eat i'll try to burn it off somehow :)

anyw, lois coaxed me into not going for tonight's 8k run! !@#$%^&*(
hahah so i decided to do two sets of faux abs and one set of skipping to feel less guilty.
however while i was skipping, a golf ball from my bro's (golf) putting mat rolled to where i was and i stepped/hopped/jumped/landed on it cos the warning shout came too late.
now i have a twisted vein (?) in my left foot :(

oh speaking of exercise, i'm quite happy with my timing for the interval runs i did during PE today! i came in under 1min 48secs for all four rounds and it's quite nice to be in unfit club for reasons i cant pinpoint myself

i was planning to do out my new year resolutions right here right now but it's already nine and i feel a bit lazy (excuses! ha ha!) so i'll do it next time :)
for now, its 1920 x 1080!
ha ha again!

i feel silly billy

now how brown cow?

Monday, January 19, 2009

of or relating to an event in which all outcomes are equally likely, as in the testing of a blood sample for the presence of a substance.

someone just moved into the five-room flat two apartments away. let's just say i am unsure of the new neighbour's gender.

i have something to confess to.

not the kissing, silly.
i have a whole collection of betty&veronica's slash archie&friends' comic books, whether double or single digest. i used to read it a lot, everywhere, even on the bus, even in the toilet.
but that was a long long time ago.

ponyo ponyo ponyo sakana noko!

today morning i took 97 to school with gail (my junior) and tseyin (my ex-tm). quite a weird trio but it was okayi cos i was around :) heeeeeee

i have something else to admit!
fine, maybe i like jay chou a bit.
maybe a little bit more.
and a weeee bit more.
plus a tad more.
oh and ytd was his birthday hahah i called trik so that she could accept my well wishes on his behalf :D

well in lang arts class miss hia caught me eating but she didn't say much about it.
as a matter of fact, she was smiling when she commented rather jovially, "sarah.. quite delicious? yummy." or someth along that line.
i feel quite guilty about it so i resolute to try to not eat in class for the next one week :)

happy birthday shawn sim! :D

mr liu (maths tcher) and mr imran (chem tcher) both didnt come to school today.

i would like to congratulate c'div for their win against nanyang!
well done, it was a great game to start off with :D :D :D
hope you guys did get the cookies (which are a bit hard) eventually!

ytd 2B-pencil 08 (or rather, half of us) met up for a food feast! it was potluck-style, so we met at JP to buy a variety of food. then we bused down to joshua's relatively small function room whr we ate for like fifteen minutes and stoned for the next few hours.
hahah i was joking. as in, we walked about and talked a bit and played lame games :)
its the company that counts anyway hahaha :D

my mom went shopping ytd and she paid abt three hundred for a pair of DKNY jeans. and that was only like a third of the spending.
my dad went on a rampage after knowing about it.
with my brother, on counterstrike, at a LAN shop.
recession, honey! !@#$%^&*(

i'm quite broke now. dee please return me money so i can return other people their money

i like siannee's handwriting. it resembles a font. i dont remember what, but it does. really cute :D

trik's right (and a bit of her left) leg was my canvas for the day. i drew a lot of MC-related stuff on her thigh with many different colours. she eventually got caught (and i think scolded) by a science teacher for self mutilation(?) and was made to scrub everything off. i was quite sad.
hahah it didnt manage to get erased totally though.

my name has been recorded twice in the management diary thus far :(

jiayou happy kid no. 3! thr's still wednesday! :) :) :)

i just realised my wangleehom's album is pirated! it was given to me by, ahem, momo.
hahaha i didn't know until like, yiyao and trik and some of the rest pointed it out to me! and cynthia yes i'm rediscovering them right now.

although i have a lot of work to do.

i drank my first oreo-chocolate of 2009! sweet talk is polluting singapore but not like i mind.

hello (can be goodbye too)!

CH-AN BAEN KON SIN-KAR-POH (hahah it's just really fun to pronounce "singapore" with the thai accent!)
i am a singaporean

thai food is delicious!

leaf cloud, i'll always be here for you!
-inserts a million hearts, none of which is mine-
i'm kidding! love you and dont scare me anymore :)

in case you havent realised, this post can be concluded with one word.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

just a whisper, a whisper, a whisper, a whisper

come back and look for me, look for me, when i'm lost.

i woke up very very late today! so i wasn't in time for street netball in sch with jnrs :(
i ate a lot of the weird delish stuff my dad bought from taiwan last night, thinking that i'd be able to burn all the fats and calories away the next morning! uh-oh now what

anyw, i had a nightmare! i have been having a lot of bad dreams but i cant say they were all nightmares. this fateful one however, was funereally melancholic!
i cant exactly remember what happened. it was just very dark

on a much much much brighter note, ytd was good! at least for me :)
3Laughtards slash Laxatives (whtvr the name is) is awesome.
inexplicable, undescribeably awesome.
okayi actually i find that prev sentence (up there) somewhat ironic.
like, don't the two adjectives already describe the word (awesome)?
how so can it be inexplicable and undescribeable?
nvm if you dont get me slash dont think it makes sense.
forget it forget it hahaha

we (some of the girls) played basketball (the anyhow style) during free period and it was like...

oh but before that, charlene yiyao grace -(oops i forgot your name again!)- and i were kicked out of lit class for abt five mins cos we were late. meaning we were made to stand outside the class. it was a tad embarassing and a bit sad but even so, being out thr with them was very fun hahaha

I MISS 2B! pencil 08.
am looking forward to tmr's class reunion lunch :D :D
sigh but i had to choose between that and tdy's bowling outing with PP youths

lastly, congrats RVNB :)
first win! many more to come i am sure of it.

oh and i solo-trained the three sec ones (whom i assume are the better few) who went for c'div's trg! :D

what an unorganised post

Thursday, January 15, 2009

this is how you remind me

of what i really am :)

damn. i hate to start the post with such a word but really, this is so annoying! didn go for rvnb's short morning training cos i was supposed to run 8km today, but it got cancelled. now tmr's speed7 training is postponed too!
so that leaves me with almost no exercise for the whole week! !@#$%^&*(
no way am i missing jnr's self-training slash street netball session on saturday then :)

after school today about ten of us 3Laxativers had to stay back for a nearly-forty-mins remedial because we didn't hand in our three-days-overdue maths homework (the first one at that).
well the point is, with the exception of angelic angel, all ex-pencils (which makes eight of us) were thr! not very shocking but still.
the 2B spirit reigns forever :D

stayed back to ball-pick for estee (again) and to play half-court with juniors (again).
the latter part of the above sentence isnt very true because we barely played ten goals before scooting off to support peilynn and nicole. they attended track training voluntarily!
thanks christabel for staying behind after everyone else left and walking abt the track was so random! :) :)

had dinner at BB's mac with ex-tm!
hahaha a bit or remincising here and thr it's like our favourite thing to do.

anyw, my dad has returned from taiwan! he bought us kids a toy helicopter each! :D :D :D
it's magnificent. piloting it is very fun although i've crashed about a million and one times i broke a wine glass just now.
he brought back lots of card trick decks too!
i sound like a boy. a very excited one.

RVNB b'div's gna have their very first match tmr. against CT.
all the way! you guys can make it far i'm sure! :D :D :D
and estee, i'll be saying "jiayou!" with every shot you attempt :)

shd i go with 3N or 2B tmr?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

their words mostly noises,

ghosts with just voices.
your words in my memory,
are like music to me :)

it's alr seven but the sky's astonishingly bright. like melbourne's. there, the sun doesnt set till nine and the crowds don't disperse till much later. very happening city.
hahah okayi that was random but i havent got much to post lately.

tdy was cool cos we spent like half the PDP lesson brainstorming for a class name!
the ultimatums:
  1. 3 long legged monsters
  2. 3 little lamb, mehhhhhh!
  3. 3 long live majesty!
  4. 3 lively labouring men
... there were a lot more okay hahah do you freaking get it?
anyw, if you didnt, too bad for you because our form tcher ms hia did!
and she refused to accept those mentioned names

3Laxative FTW :D :D :D

after school went along with a lot of (year2) juniors to support bballers at clementi sport's stadium.
t'was the first match of their season and well, congrats on like pwning chestnut sec!
had dinner at KFC with them (jnrs, not bballers duh) then we went to search for the $1 bubble tea shop i'd never heard of.
yes i know !@#$%^&*() cheap but its such a pity they dont sell oreo choc or i'll be a regular patron.
hanging out with juniors are much fun! they are very lame and i guess i sort of like lame people?
not exactly but oh well :D

sanjay is coming over in about an hour with a whole tray of sushi!
sounds more like (very very very early) supper than (second) dinner to me but who's complaining? :)

i'm a bit jealous because my grandaunt just came back from the states and she bought my brother a nike hoops messenger bag! it's apparently not sold in singapore anymore.
i'm still eyeing crumpler bagpacks but they are not coming up with newer and brighter colours! :(

congrats flower boy on topping your class for this term! poly life sounds very hectic but jiayou this is an awesome start to the year! :D :D

i want to watch Changeling but it's NC16 !!!
about this mother who would stop at nothing to find her missing kidnapped son.
it's rated five stars so who cares whether there are eye candy in the movie or not

sad to say,
literature in english is quite a bore.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

someday i'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me

where trouble melts like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me.

lessons were as per usual today, though i have to say that break (slash eating porridge) with the 3L girls was so hilarious :D
hahah sharlene and her LJF (inside joke) + grace's contagious laughter = noise noise noise and more noise!

after school yeyun liv and i went to west mall's eng wah to catch Australia!
it was totally awesome for a movie that's that lengthy, hello 2hours 45mins! as quoted from livia, "it was not boring at all."
well liv cried the most and yeyun, the least throughout.
quite a tear-jerker.
definitely a must-watch if you liked 1) a walk to remember 2) the notebook 3) titanic 4)p.s. i love you.
okayi i'm gna stop trying to critic here lest this post turns into a boring movie review

school's been going on well thus far. that's more or less a lie, really.
cos trik and i were the very first two people whose names were written down in the class management diary for not doing one freaking homework question.

and the shoelace method (maths stuff) gets on my nerve. i have a whole worksheet on that.

oh did i tell you, that i think i understand french better than chem? okayi not really, since i dont think i will ever get past bonjour and je'taime.

well, academic related stuff aside.
i am morphing.
(a butterfly?
i wish.)
into a L-A-Z-Y-B-U-M.

cos i just turned down tanya's request to go for a run tmr evening, and am going to have my nice sumptous delish sakae dinner with sanjay instead!

does bowling count as a form of excercise? burn calories? cos i think i'll most prolly be playing with PP youths on sat :)

it's getting a bit boring here

Monday, January 12, 2009

happiness is finding joy in life's simplest things.

today was awesome because after school, dee law and i caught the 4.10PM PONYO ON THE CLIFF BY THE SEA at vivo's golden village! :D :D :D
i highly recommend it because cute factor is 101%.
everyone goes "ooooooooh" when ponyo appears on-screen! dee the muscular soccer guy is no exception.
plus i learnt simple jap conversational words like "moshi-moshi" which means hello, "kawaii" which means cute (i know everyone else knows that alr but still), and some other words that's slipped off my mind for now.
went to walk around for a bit after that and we saw a poodle hump another poodle at the pet shop it was very funny hahaha

might be watching Australia with yeyun tmr and my ticket will most prolly be paid for :D

i'm going to wake up at 3AM to do math ltr.
cos right now i can't concentrate at all.

talking to flower boy ytd was quite fun!
hello if you see this :D


Sunday, January 11, 2009

and i don't know how to be fine when i'm not

cos i don't know how to make a feeling stop.

i'm so over bai se feng che. now i'm listening to just so you know - jesse mccartney all over again :D

went to support averil and tseyin (and the rest of the runners from RV duh) at bukit gombak ytd. they were having some kinda race slash heats slash whatever the term is. some SAA allcomer's meet! anyw i think they are like really cool people, as in all the trackers (nationwide) in general.

after that averil tseyin and i went to lot1 to have dinner and stuff :)
they're both very childish people no joke hahaha
went to JP after CEO left then i went home at about eight plus going nine.
something really scary and traumatising happened on the way back. i shall not elaborate. you may ask me and i'll give you the details in exchange for a lollipop!
strawberry flavoured tyvm :D

my dad's still in taiwan, so tdy morning mom and i woke up really early and took public transport to church. we stopped by this small coffeeshop at yew tee to have (quite an awkward) breakfast and i must say, it has been ages since i had such quality time with her and her alone. i love my mom. really. i just don't know how to show it, and i used to be so immature and everything so we drifted quite far apart last year sadly we still havent managed to close up the gap.

went to chinese congregation for their sermon and i thought uncle anthony did a magnificent job in conveying the message. the lesson was about loving your neighbours slash brothers as thyself. yep, very commonly discussed and preached about, but it was good. it spoke and reached out to me.
well, all of us tend to flare up at the people closest to us, we don't usually show our bad angry side so much to others we're not as familiar with. we tend to overlook that love and care from the people dearer to us, esp our family members, should not be taken for granted.
it's like, sometimes we have two sides.
in church or school or at work, we're jolly smiley happy nice fun.
at home we're like, screaming at our siblings or spouse, showing disrespect to our parents, ordering our house helpers around and stuff like that.
this shouldnt be the way, cos how do we love god whom we've never seen nor touched when we cant even cherish the people around us whom we see and communicate with so very often?
i think this really applies to me because i've been neglecting my bros so much. i brush them aside when they ask me for help with their homework just because i'm on the phone with a friend, or when i'm watching hongkong dramas etc.
feel guilty now.


oh then after service i spoke about netball and school issues with mag and hannah (cos she's a netballer too, ex-CT :D) and i'm glad i did.
thank you very much, if you guys ever ever ever see this! i hope i can join you guys for careteam soon :)

now i'm home.

and it feels like home :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

and i'll carry you when you need a friend,

you'll find my footprints in the sand :)


edited at 8.54PM (cos i am really quite bored now).

cos averil soh the CEO tagged me.

1o random facts about yourself.
  1. i eat my pizzas backwards sometimes.
  2. almost everyth i do is subject to my mood.
  3. I LOVE MC !!!
  5. bai se feng che is playing in my mind for the nth time tdy.
  6. my best friend is in UK i doubt she's ever coming back but i love her anyw :)
  7. i like sunflowers.
  8. and stars.
  9. and carebears.
  10. i have achluophobia. but not always.
9 good things in your life.
  1. GOD
  2. on2yourright/jamsters
  3. all the netballers who've been with me
  4. 2B-Pencil 2008 and 3L'09 (maybe, i'm hopeful :D)
  5. how can i forget the rest of you friends (or more) who dont fall in the categories above? :D
  6. oreo chocolate and chicago cheesecake and fruit tarts and sushi and mango pudding
  7. music
  8. travelling.
  9. twilight slash edward cullen i insist he is mine sorry very much.
8 things you wish for.
  1. a closer relationship with God.
  2. to move house asap.
  3. that you'd do this every single day :)
  4. money. very realistically.
  6. to meet zac efron.
  7. to one day get to play with MC on court. cooperatively.
  8. less ambigouty in my life.
7 people (or groups of people) who makes you smile.
  1. MC
  2. netballers
  3. al (your name's here only cos you've been awfully nice :D)
  4. 2B-Pencil'08 and 3L'09
  5. my greatgrandmother.
  6. dee
  7. actually, all whom i know have made me smile. it's not that hard, really.
6 bad things in your life.
  1. poor relationship with parents. but it'm improving so much, believe me! :D
  2. anemia
  3. heartbreaks
  4. my bad attitude towards certain things.
  5. ambigouty, like i've mentioned.
  6. expectations which sometimes seem so unreachable.
5 lame things you have done.
  1. just today, because i was dared to by trik and rae.
    at stall one in canteen.
    me: aunty, wo3 yao4 xiao3 ji1.... .... .... .... .... .... zhou1.
    aunty: xiao3 mei4 mei4, ni3 hen2 ke3 ai4 lei!
  2. tapped someone on the shoulder and ducked away.
  3. given out flyers with someone else's contact number printed on it. at orchard.
  4. limp. like duh.
  5. hahah did you get the joke? yeh, that was lame.
4 nice numbers.
  1. 15 (me! 3L class reg)
  2. 11 (me! 2B class reg)
  3. 32 (me! PP jersey)
  4. 1 (me! that's what i am)
3 cool songs.
  1. bai se feng che
  2. bai se feng che
  3. bai se feng che i cant think of anyth else my oh my its so awesome bai se feng che!
2 things you have ever regretted doing.
  1. starting to drink.
  2. let a chance slipaway. it changed my life.
1 thing you wanna do right now.
  1. watch ponyo!
9 people you would wanna tag.

  1. al
  2. trik, only that she doesn't have a blog
  3. huey chyi
  4. livia
  5. joonghan
  6. cleo
  7. joanmak
  8. MC, srsly
  9. tseyin
State the best thing about 3 and 9.
(huey and tseyin) they always amuse me.

The number of branded things 1 owns.
(al) perhaps a million.

Your relationship with 7.
(joanmak) a church bestie of some sort! friends since like quite a long time actually yay :)
it's quite a love-hate relationship. love her for watching twilight with me hate her for prefering carlisle to edward.

How you met 5.
(joonghan) through a church friend's friend's friend. and through booze.

Two reasons why 2 would be enemies with you.
(trik) i killed jay chou. i stole all her purple stuff.

One random fact about 4.
(livia) she... is very random. random enough? :D

Why 8 makes a good friend.

Whether you think you can last in a relationship with 6.
(cleo) no matter whr you are, best friends forever. yes, of cos.

OKAYI NOW BYE! was quite fun hahaha


so ytd was the most tiring day of 2009 thus far.

after lessons with the fun-loving 3L, watched estee shoot and offered free labour (pick balls).
hahaha talked abt very random stuff.
after that christabel gail meredith and i played 2-0n-2 street and it somehow evolved to some kinda rugby + tickling game that left us all laughing insanely and rolling about and running around and. and.
got to know many many many inside-info stuff abt the jnrs that left me very much intrigued.
hello you people if you are reading this! :D :D :D

waited till track was done with their session, then huey accompanied me to KNC for speed(7) training (8 to 10PM) :D :D

FITNESS TRAINING WAS !@#$%^&* (i apologise for not being able to express myself better).
warm-up itself was a run in the vicinity!
actually it would have been perfectly a-okayi if not for my aching leg muscles derived from a lousy 2.4km two days before.

anyw, court training was so x 100000000 much more endurable. seven played with speed - performance wise, mine was quite disappointing.
but, go SEVEN-UP! :D

even though i got sent home (in a cab with al), reached my place at about 11.30pm and i was so freaking tempted to sleep without showering first.
my eyes were barely opened. but that was before the cold bath.


so today concludes the end of sports CCA trials first round so i doubt there will be any more skipping of lessons. which is good in a sense that i will feel less lost in math class. and bad because it means i have to do all my homework and hand them in on time. year3 life is very fast-paced. i need a tutor for chem and math.
please volunteer yourself i am very friendly and hardworking (did i mention, only when i feel like it?)

had match with northland and RV emerged victorious with a score of 29-25.
played in the very last quarter.

took hanni's car home, thanks (for letting me eat inside if you see this :))!

and you! thank you too. i wish you would do this everyday, seriously :)

on my nose slash cheekbone area. it's a wee bit red but it doesn't hurt

xoxo love you!

Monday, January 5, 2009

so how long did I expect love to outweigh ignorance?

by that look on your face I may have forced the scale to tip.

okayi so ytd was mighty fine :)
dont think i could have spent it any better because i had very nice company!

church in the morning and instead of the usual bible class, we had combined at the worship hall. was upstairs catching up with matthew. well, sort of.
then thr was the first sermon of the year and it was good because i paid my fullest attention!

after that was quality family time! lunch + shopping at bugis and there was a lot of love involved. and not to mention hilarious exchanges and contagious laughter. so much talking, so much sharing. i wish every sunday was like that :)
it's true that family love never fails.

at about four, daddy fetched me to harbourfront where i met hweeling and fernshen. attempted to start on my commonwealth essay at macs. note the choice of vocab.
abt two hours later (zomg it didn't feel like that long) hweeling left so fernshen and i went to have dinner at pastamania. that outlet is supposed to be like the best one of all but their unagi pasta disappointed me quite badly :(
oh here's a picture!

we stayed on for a bit in the eatery to do plain talking then we went to gift-a-name and bought each other a necklace!
mine looks like this. hahaha its the same as hers actually :D

so at eight thirty thr about, we split ways and i went to look for the parental department who was somewhr in vivo slash harbourfront as well.
so we went for another round of shopping till about ten thirty! didn't think they would have stayed out with me till that late since thr was school the next day but guess i was wrong. anyw, i (finally) got my long sought after cargo pants and a hoodie from zara kids! so though very shagged, i went home as a happy kid.


today was cool too! in a way.
i'm beginning to feel more at home in 3L hahaha. don't get me wrong i havent forgotten the pencils, you guys are all tucked somehwr inside my heart.
so miss hia's lesson was awesome! she's kinda hip i suppose, though so much more egoistic than let's say, king-of-ego ian hahaha
best lesson of the day :D

and time passed so fast!
it's not that sad that trik's my tablemate actually! :D :D :D
oh and if you're reading this, i've got a nice surprise for you!
no sarcasm intended :)

and container classroom is a very conducive place to study in! though hysterical giggles echo throughout and the softest whispers will never go unheard.

anyw, after school, had a convivially entertaining teens session. quite mean of us actually, considering that we were laughing at someone else's misfortune :S
and i never knew that thr was alcohol poisoning till like, then.

left for kallang before the netballers started trg. and !@#$%^&*( the briefing was merely five minutes.
met al shortly after and we cabbed here, back to my place.
That's frolicsome! says:
i love..

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} (happy kid) says:
hahaha yes, go on!

That's frolicsome! says:
i love y..

That's frolicsome! says:
it is very hard to say out.

That's frolicsome! says:
i love yo..

That's frolicsome! says:
i love yo..
That's frolicsome! says:
i love yoghurt!



Saturday, January 3, 2009

it's been a long and winding journey, but i'm finally here tonight

picking up the pieces, and walking back into the light :)

i missed flag-day thing cos i am sick (again)! !@#$%^&*(
when i came back from the doctor's, i was greeted by a very excited younger brother who was chiming, "ka-ka's at the police station! ka-ka's at the police station!"
(in case you didn't know, we warmly address our maid as ka-ka, which means sister in malay.)

my grandmother's maid (MGM for short) ran away, she's sort of missing now. so my ka-ka was called down to the police station for questioning or something. the last i heard, they were close friends until MGM stole lingerie and money and a phone from her.

whtvr. the point is, we have no home-cooked lunch! so we're ordering mac and my brothers are dancing around in jubilee

that's great, because i can put my MC (for monday) to use!

hahaha maybe not.
does anyone realise how bored i am? i am bored!
i think it is uncool to admit it, but... I AM BORED. VERY VERY BORED.
though i'll prolly cough in their face and they'll run away in disgust.

oh and when hannah told me about ponyo (the fish on the cliff or someth) i thought it was quite stupid. and it sounded like a porno. or a horror. but after i watched this trailer, i changed my mind drastically 180 degrees
it's so ker-yute!

you mean, you didnt know i youtube?

i'm dying i'm so bored but i refuse to do commonwealth essay

i know what i'll do. i'll call mac and order the food stuff one at a time.
like this:

macman: hello, mac here what would you like to order?

sarah: hello, sarah here i would like a large fries.

macman: that's all?

sarah: that's all.

macman: your address please, etc etc

sarah: my address, etc etc

-end of conversation-

one min ltr...

macman: good morning, may i have your order please?

sarah: good morning, i would like a large coke.

macman: that's it?

sarah: that's it.

macman: may i have your add etc etc?

sarah: my add etc etc...


-end of conversation cos i hung up on him-

one min ltr...

macwoman: hi, welcome to mac, your orders please?

sarah: i would like a mcspicy.

macwoman: that's all for you, mam?

sarah: yes, please.

macwoman: may i have you address etc etc

sarah: address etc etc

macwoman: one moment please, didnt you just order?

sarah: i cant order again meh?

macwoman: no i'm not saying that, i'm sorry.

-end of conversation-

one min ltr...

and i start ordering my two other brother's meals in the same way.

guaranteed to kill time, no?


Friday, January 2, 2009

stars are the street lights of eternity

foreword: this was supposed to be posted a long time ago 12/28/08. this post, is so last year.

hello i'm back i hope christmas was good for you! at least mine was!
anyw i really wna blog abt melbourne so here i am. the grass is a bit greener on the other side.

the good:
  • there was a lot of sibling-bonding! and yes, this is an extremely rare occurrence

he fell first (but only because i pushed him).

didnt like this thingy cos it showed that i was heavier.

see what i mean? even so he kills me with every presented opportunity.

  • our hotel room we checked into at phillip's island was so huge! it was so much more than our expected "humble abode".

this is what you'll see upon stepping into a typical normal suite room. minus the two shocked and elated girls of cos.
double decker beds + a single one.

"quite small lei," you may think.

the toilet. quite a pity i didn't get to lounge in the spa thing.

the other half of it.

hahaha not that small after all! this is the other half of the room, and thr's a queen sized bed! along with cosy corners and flat screen TV.

a balcony we were, sadly, not allowed to go out to because according to my aunts thr were lots of insects.

my roommates for the whole trip, my fifteen year old aunt samantha...

and my eleven year old aunt sabrina :)

  • the shopping, especially with those two sisters, was a blast! we tried to go around the streets of melbourne (bourke etc) as much as we could. we spent every single free min we had away from the tour scouting for pretty things! we didn't waste any time :)

these are my findings by the third day!
total amount spent: 100 SGD +/-

we took time off to view exhibits too. one such is dame zara bate's, ex-president harold holt (he died in a weird drowning accident but his body was never found)'s ex wife's doll house. it's amazing, as in the structure of the house and all the intricate wooden furniture. but its a bit creepy because the dolls' limbs are like falling off and their faces are disfigured too.

and look! the toy piano i almost died for last year! i never did find it in singapore. saw it at an antique toy shop in a small village up on a hill.

  • i forgot which day it was, the fourth perhaps, but it was splendid! why? because thr were both WINE (tasting) AND STRAWBERRIES!

i handpicked and plucked my own strawberries! big, red, juicy and absolutely sweet ones (sounds like apples hahaha)! the best i've eaten all my life :)

the strawberry field! heavens, a whole year's supply all contained right thr!

this is happy samantha!

move on, move on, wine tasting! realise that i prefer mild, sweet ones (like 'vintage juliet) to the stronger and more flavourful type, unlike sam. acc to australian law, all those under 18 are not allowed to drink, but we all did anyw (secretly, at the back of the cellar). sam and i had quite a lot, the glasses were refillable! hahaha but it was really quite funny to see my bro jovan's face turn all red after a single sip. went he boarded the bus after that, he drank like a whole bottle of water. silly boy who's too young to enjoy the thrills and divine tastes of wine (and booze)!

i had a feast that night! more booze and more strawberries! :)

i mean, they were right before my very eyes.

the combination was irresistable.

  • nights in the hotel room were fun to the max! :D
    we had sushi for supper every night for three days! and we took crazy jumpshots...

like this...

and this...

it was all the better on christmas! we watched 3 episodes of drake and josh + their christmas special! and we took more pictures in between advertisements :)

  • we went to this ashcombe maze and lavender garden (sort of nature reserve slash park) place. it was boy oh boy, so enchanting.

we had this little game quiz thing to complete :)

we were supposed to look for gnomes like these.

and fairies like these. and fill their names on that piece of paper shown above. we would then get a lolly each!

it's so fairytale. the pictures dont show much, though :(
some things are meant to be kept in the heart, still.

oh here's my brother jerald! we were wandering in the biggest and oldest maze in australia, and i found him :D

  • we went on a puffing billy! it was thirty minutes long, but it barely felt like five mins! it's so very cool, the most enjoyable train ride ever!

this is the correct and encouraged way of sitting on the train. no joke.

this is the classic, old train station :)

pictures i took along the way. see how long the train is? the ride was magical, anyw.

at the other station, menzies creek, after we alighted.

here's a picture of the gang of cool kids :D

  • i have no visual aid for this, but believe me, their scones are insanely heavnly mighty delish! i can have their scones and cream and jam for breakfast everyday all my life and i wont get tired of them, ever. i think. hahahah

  • beautiful scenery! these pictures were taken at great ocean road, five freaking hours drive from melbourne city! i'll kill you if you give me negative comments about them because. we took forever to get thr. and back.

    this was taken at phillip's island.

    their beach's like perth. for a moment i asked myself if i really was at melbourne.

  • M-O-H-A-W-K-S! funky ones in all varieties of colours! i like :D
    i saw more thr one week in melbourne than i ever do for a whole year here in singapore! mailto:%21@#$%^&*(

  • we went on this city tour via a horse carriage!



    thr were these two guys who posed for me and requested that i snapped a shot of them! :D

    look at those yellow taxis on those streets! does it remind you the slightest of the notorious game, grand theft auto? cos my brother was yelling mad he was telling me that this place is vice city (a place in gta)! hahaha








    i sort of know how to go to these places by foot. that place is very tourist-friendly :D

  • the guide was friendly! and thr was a toilet in the coach!

  • i now like penguins because i saw them waddle (is that the correct word for it?) onto shore from the sea! we weren allowed to take pictures though :(

now, the bad:

  • jovan developed a bee-phobia because he was so mighty sure one flew into his ear! it didnt, really.
    quite funny la hahaha but he cried! :O

  • my grandaunts were overly-anxious, overly-paranoid. they shushed us and scolded us and got mad at us for the slightest, teeny weeny reasons. dampened the whole holiday mood.
    my brothers say they never want to go on a holiday with them ever again. actually, me too. i know i sound like such a brat and i should be so grateful to them because they paid for my expenses, but seriously i think i did well in trying to keep my temper from blowing thr and then. you have no idea, it was so huge a crime to even JUMP. or stray five metres away from the tour group.

  • i had flu and sorethroat from day 1 - 3 so i was really grumpy then.

  • on day 4 i lost my voice so it was worst!

  • flies, flies! and humongous ones at that! they followed us up on the coach so half the time we were scurrying around changing seats to avoid the them.

  • i wish thr was more shopping time.

  • i wish three quarter of our meals werent chinese food.

  • it was really short. not me, the holiday i mean.

  • we bought wine, lots of it, like eight bottles of good vintage. but my silly and dare i say, stupid grandaunts were afraid the bottles would break so they didn dare leave it in their luggage. they packed it in their handcarry instead. albeit knowing that thr's this custom regulation that if you dont pay tax you cant hand carry back, and that thr's this 100ml liquid rule. everything got confiscated in the end.

  • i missed a lot of people! :(
    hahaha someone took a picture of me calling back to singapore to talk to one special person :)
    and bri played with my hair okayi or it wouldnt have been like that!

  • my iPod ran out of battery and i áctually forgot to bring the charger along. brilliant. i was reduced to sharing music with my brother, who pathetically only had two songs (cascada's everytime we touch and jb's when you look me in the eye) in his samsung player.

  • we broke a lamp in the hotel room while pillow-fighting. didn't pay though.

  • NO STARS! cos we were living in the city :( :( :(

to end it all,



it's half a candid!

today was first day of school and 3L seems to be quite a promising class alr! :)
:( :( :(
all you year twos, cherish all the time you have left with your class!

okayi now i'm really !@#$%^&*( worn out the pictures took forever to load and my back aches!