Monday, January 5, 2009

so how long did I expect love to outweigh ignorance?

by that look on your face I may have forced the scale to tip.

okayi so ytd was mighty fine :)
dont think i could have spent it any better because i had very nice company!

church in the morning and instead of the usual bible class, we had combined at the worship hall. was upstairs catching up with matthew. well, sort of.
then thr was the first sermon of the year and it was good because i paid my fullest attention!

after that was quality family time! lunch + shopping at bugis and there was a lot of love involved. and not to mention hilarious exchanges and contagious laughter. so much talking, so much sharing. i wish every sunday was like that :)
it's true that family love never fails.

at about four, daddy fetched me to harbourfront where i met hweeling and fernshen. attempted to start on my commonwealth essay at macs. note the choice of vocab.
abt two hours later (zomg it didn't feel like that long) hweeling left so fernshen and i went to have dinner at pastamania. that outlet is supposed to be like the best one of all but their unagi pasta disappointed me quite badly :(
oh here's a picture!

we stayed on for a bit in the eatery to do plain talking then we went to gift-a-name and bought each other a necklace!
mine looks like this. hahaha its the same as hers actually :D

so at eight thirty thr about, we split ways and i went to look for the parental department who was somewhr in vivo slash harbourfront as well.
so we went for another round of shopping till about ten thirty! didn't think they would have stayed out with me till that late since thr was school the next day but guess i was wrong. anyw, i (finally) got my long sought after cargo pants and a hoodie from zara kids! so though very shagged, i went home as a happy kid.


today was cool too! in a way.
i'm beginning to feel more at home in 3L hahaha. don't get me wrong i havent forgotten the pencils, you guys are all tucked somehwr inside my heart.
so miss hia's lesson was awesome! she's kinda hip i suppose, though so much more egoistic than let's say, king-of-ego ian hahaha
best lesson of the day :D

and time passed so fast!
it's not that sad that trik's my tablemate actually! :D :D :D
oh and if you're reading this, i've got a nice surprise for you!
no sarcasm intended :)

and container classroom is a very conducive place to study in! though hysterical giggles echo throughout and the softest whispers will never go unheard.

anyw, after school, had a convivially entertaining teens session. quite mean of us actually, considering that we were laughing at someone else's misfortune :S
and i never knew that thr was alcohol poisoning till like, then.

left for kallang before the netballers started trg. and !@#$%^&*( the briefing was merely five minutes.
met al shortly after and we cabbed here, back to my place.
That's frolicsome! says:
i love..

2B-PENCIL'o8! {11} (happy kid) says:
hahaha yes, go on!

That's frolicsome! says:
i love y..

That's frolicsome! says:
it is very hard to say out.

That's frolicsome! says:
i love yo..

That's frolicsome! says:
i love yo..
That's frolicsome! says:
i love yoghurt!



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