Tuesday, January 20, 2009

give them an inch and they'll take a metre.

yesterday some anonymous person commented that my blog is "commercialised siol!"
word for word.
i take it that whoever he or she is thinks that my words are shallow and sell-outs, so today i attempt to do justice to myself. i am going to give my valuable insights on Barack Hussein Obama's step into history books as America's first black president.
(well if i'm not wrong he is grasping the reigns of power today. either that, or he has already done so.)
hahahah lighten up people! i'm just joking i dont think anyone will live to see me embark on such an adult topic.

RV won their match against nanyang. which makes them/us top of the group for this round! :D :D
keep it going whoooosh!

schools like commonwealth came down tdy too, so i got to see qiuying rima lycia and della (whom i now affectionately call lala hahaha)! :)
congrats on your win against hillgrove too!

i gave in to the temptation so i got myself a ramly's burger while lois and i were at JE's pasar malam!
v unhealthy, i know! tanya the health nut would have been disgusted but it's such a joy to eat i'll try to burn it off somehow :)

anyw, lois coaxed me into not going for tonight's 8k run! !@#$%^&*(
hahah so i decided to do two sets of faux abs and one set of skipping to feel less guilty.
however while i was skipping, a golf ball from my bro's (golf) putting mat rolled to where i was and i stepped/hopped/jumped/landed on it cos the warning shout came too late.
now i have a twisted vein (?) in my left foot :(

oh speaking of exercise, i'm quite happy with my timing for the interval runs i did during PE today! i came in under 1min 48secs for all four rounds and it's quite nice to be in unfit club for reasons i cant pinpoint myself

i was planning to do out my new year resolutions right here right now but it's already nine and i feel a bit lazy (excuses! ha ha!) so i'll do it next time :)
for now, its 1920 x 1080!
ha ha again!

i feel silly billy

now how brown cow?

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