Friday, January 2, 2009

stars are the street lights of eternity

foreword: this was supposed to be posted a long time ago 12/28/08. this post, is so last year.

hello i'm back i hope christmas was good for you! at least mine was!
anyw i really wna blog abt melbourne so here i am. the grass is a bit greener on the other side.

the good:
  • there was a lot of sibling-bonding! and yes, this is an extremely rare occurrence

he fell first (but only because i pushed him).

didnt like this thingy cos it showed that i was heavier.

see what i mean? even so he kills me with every presented opportunity.

  • our hotel room we checked into at phillip's island was so huge! it was so much more than our expected "humble abode".

this is what you'll see upon stepping into a typical normal suite room. minus the two shocked and elated girls of cos.
double decker beds + a single one.

"quite small lei," you may think.

the toilet. quite a pity i didn't get to lounge in the spa thing.

the other half of it.

hahaha not that small after all! this is the other half of the room, and thr's a queen sized bed! along with cosy corners and flat screen TV.

a balcony we were, sadly, not allowed to go out to because according to my aunts thr were lots of insects.

my roommates for the whole trip, my fifteen year old aunt samantha...

and my eleven year old aunt sabrina :)

  • the shopping, especially with those two sisters, was a blast! we tried to go around the streets of melbourne (bourke etc) as much as we could. we spent every single free min we had away from the tour scouting for pretty things! we didn't waste any time :)

these are my findings by the third day!
total amount spent: 100 SGD +/-

we took time off to view exhibits too. one such is dame zara bate's, ex-president harold holt (he died in a weird drowning accident but his body was never found)'s ex wife's doll house. it's amazing, as in the structure of the house and all the intricate wooden furniture. but its a bit creepy because the dolls' limbs are like falling off and their faces are disfigured too.

and look! the toy piano i almost died for last year! i never did find it in singapore. saw it at an antique toy shop in a small village up on a hill.

  • i forgot which day it was, the fourth perhaps, but it was splendid! why? because thr were both WINE (tasting) AND STRAWBERRIES!

i handpicked and plucked my own strawberries! big, red, juicy and absolutely sweet ones (sounds like apples hahaha)! the best i've eaten all my life :)

the strawberry field! heavens, a whole year's supply all contained right thr!

this is happy samantha!

move on, move on, wine tasting! realise that i prefer mild, sweet ones (like 'vintage juliet) to the stronger and more flavourful type, unlike sam. acc to australian law, all those under 18 are not allowed to drink, but we all did anyw (secretly, at the back of the cellar). sam and i had quite a lot, the glasses were refillable! hahaha but it was really quite funny to see my bro jovan's face turn all red after a single sip. went he boarded the bus after that, he drank like a whole bottle of water. silly boy who's too young to enjoy the thrills and divine tastes of wine (and booze)!

i had a feast that night! more booze and more strawberries! :)

i mean, they were right before my very eyes.

the combination was irresistable.

  • nights in the hotel room were fun to the max! :D
    we had sushi for supper every night for three days! and we took crazy jumpshots...

like this...

and this...

it was all the better on christmas! we watched 3 episodes of drake and josh + their christmas special! and we took more pictures in between advertisements :)

  • we went to this ashcombe maze and lavender garden (sort of nature reserve slash park) place. it was boy oh boy, so enchanting.

we had this little game quiz thing to complete :)

we were supposed to look for gnomes like these.

and fairies like these. and fill their names on that piece of paper shown above. we would then get a lolly each!

it's so fairytale. the pictures dont show much, though :(
some things are meant to be kept in the heart, still.

oh here's my brother jerald! we were wandering in the biggest and oldest maze in australia, and i found him :D

  • we went on a puffing billy! it was thirty minutes long, but it barely felt like five mins! it's so very cool, the most enjoyable train ride ever!

this is the correct and encouraged way of sitting on the train. no joke.

this is the classic, old train station :)

pictures i took along the way. see how long the train is? the ride was magical, anyw.

at the other station, menzies creek, after we alighted.

here's a picture of the gang of cool kids :D

  • i have no visual aid for this, but believe me, their scones are insanely heavnly mighty delish! i can have their scones and cream and jam for breakfast everyday all my life and i wont get tired of them, ever. i think. hahahah

  • beautiful scenery! these pictures were taken at great ocean road, five freaking hours drive from melbourne city! i'll kill you if you give me negative comments about them because. we took forever to get thr. and back.

    this was taken at phillip's island.

    their beach's like perth. for a moment i asked myself if i really was at melbourne.

  • M-O-H-A-W-K-S! funky ones in all varieties of colours! i like :D
    i saw more thr one week in melbourne than i ever do for a whole year here in singapore! mailto:%21@#$%^&*(

  • we went on this city tour via a horse carriage!



    thr were these two guys who posed for me and requested that i snapped a shot of them! :D

    look at those yellow taxis on those streets! does it remind you the slightest of the notorious game, grand theft auto? cos my brother was yelling mad he was telling me that this place is vice city (a place in gta)! hahaha








    i sort of know how to go to these places by foot. that place is very tourist-friendly :D

  • the guide was friendly! and thr was a toilet in the coach!

  • i now like penguins because i saw them waddle (is that the correct word for it?) onto shore from the sea! we weren allowed to take pictures though :(

now, the bad:

  • jovan developed a bee-phobia because he was so mighty sure one flew into his ear! it didnt, really.
    quite funny la hahaha but he cried! :O

  • my grandaunts were overly-anxious, overly-paranoid. they shushed us and scolded us and got mad at us for the slightest, teeny weeny reasons. dampened the whole holiday mood.
    my brothers say they never want to go on a holiday with them ever again. actually, me too. i know i sound like such a brat and i should be so grateful to them because they paid for my expenses, but seriously i think i did well in trying to keep my temper from blowing thr and then. you have no idea, it was so huge a crime to even JUMP. or stray five metres away from the tour group.

  • i had flu and sorethroat from day 1 - 3 so i was really grumpy then.

  • on day 4 i lost my voice so it was worst!

  • flies, flies! and humongous ones at that! they followed us up on the coach so half the time we were scurrying around changing seats to avoid the them.

  • i wish thr was more shopping time.

  • i wish three quarter of our meals werent chinese food.

  • it was really short. not me, the holiday i mean.

  • we bought wine, lots of it, like eight bottles of good vintage. but my silly and dare i say, stupid grandaunts were afraid the bottles would break so they didn dare leave it in their luggage. they packed it in their handcarry instead. albeit knowing that thr's this custom regulation that if you dont pay tax you cant hand carry back, and that thr's this 100ml liquid rule. everything got confiscated in the end.

  • i missed a lot of people! :(
    hahaha someone took a picture of me calling back to singapore to talk to one special person :)
    and bri played with my hair okayi or it wouldnt have been like that!

  • my iPod ran out of battery and i áctually forgot to bring the charger along. brilliant. i was reduced to sharing music with my brother, who pathetically only had two songs (cascada's everytime we touch and jb's when you look me in the eye) in his samsung player.

  • we broke a lamp in the hotel room while pillow-fighting. didn't pay though.

  • NO STARS! cos we were living in the city :( :( :(

to end it all,



it's half a candid!

today was first day of school and 3L seems to be quite a promising class alr! :)
:( :( :(
all you year twos, cherish all the time you have left with your class!

okayi now i'm really !@#$%^&*( worn out the pictures took forever to load and my back aches!


Anonymous said...


unrevealed love said...

to alfred:

hahah yeh finally! so you may die now :D joking luh hello thr i haven heard from you since.. wed! besides the new year message :(