Saturday, February 28, 2009

bestfriend, meet the boyfriend.

i overslept today so i missed my morning run! i made it up to myself by doing five sets of abs in a span of six hours.

i watched "hearts of fencing" on for like, the whole morning till late afternoon! it's surprising good even without veteran hongkong actors; i'd thought that it was all just lackluster acting by novices !!

half past four, i got out of the house to meet up with the speed people at yewtee/cck/je then we went to JE sports hall for NSL. i prefer TPSH because they allow food and drinks to be brought in grrr!
the teams i support both lost, but whatever my faith in them is unwaivering hahaha
it was really cool cheering for charmaine soh !! we were shark supporters and we clapped/whoooooo-ed every single time they scored :) :) :)
some of the new faces really had me in awe, like ..cassandra (?) from sharks/SRC.
MC's playing for mannas tmr !! :D :D :D

so cleo's busy as a bee so she had no time for me today.
my world feels more complete with her return and i am not exaggerating one bit.

today i am happy as a lark (wait, how do we know larks are happy? or is only one lark happy? what is a lark anyway?)

all i need is a call from someone special to complete my day <3


Friday, February 27, 2009

you're my favourite old pair of dentures

this is for the one lovely person i miss incessantly, who gave up the vastness of the entire united kingdom for my contrite, sin-stained, petty little heart.


Then I spotted her. It was just a glimpse of that familiar looking eyes set on a beautiful face bobbing among many others, but I instantaneously recognized her.

I fixed my vision on her, never looking away even as words, voices and sounds swarmed into my ears. I stood alone - straight, stiff, tall, - in the middle of teary-eyed, happily rejoicing, reunited families, couples and friends.

The crowds around her, tour groups i presume, started to disperse, and I could feel my heart pound the beat of my increasing excitement. I could see her ever more clearly now.

She heaved her bright red luggage from the conveyor belt and wheeled it towards the arrival gate, heading in my direction.
She was still, true to her dancing origins, as graceful as ever. Her dark tresses lay over her shoulders, sashaying from side to side along with her hips.
"What a woman she's become," I thought.

Suddenly, abruptly, she stopped short in her tracks. Her mouth flew open, gaping wide. She had seen me. We stood there. We still stood there. God made the world in seven days but my world stopped just right there in a matter of seven seconds. Nothing else seemed to matter the very instant we locked eyes. It was a timeless moment.

Something in my chest - something in my heart - was building up so intensely i thought i was bursting anytime soon. There was only one glass door between us now.

"Sarah." she mouthed. I did nothing but look straight back at her. Previously, when we were literally half the globe apart from each other, I had a million things to tell; I had so much to say I thought it would have taken me an entire lifetime. Yet now, when she was right there before me, meters away, almost within reach, I was lost for words and all actions.

She ran, pulling along her luggage, into me - not towards, but into. She didn't stop when she was already directly in front of me, not even when a centimeter was all the gap of space between us. The impact of her affection had me stumbling two steps back.

She threw her build on me, wrapping her arms around my relatively smaller frame.
"This is what it feels like to be back," she whispered in my ear.
She shut her eyes tight, as if the light of the world would tear us apart.
A tear trickled down the side of my cheek, completing the canvas of unspeakable happiness.

"Yeah," I replied. I dropped everything on hand - my phone, my bag, the rose - and hugged her back as tightly as I could. "Yeah."


just so you know, the brilliancy of that moment is inexplicable, not even in words.
nothing comes close to describing that joy, like my heart was set ablaze.
i love you.

welcome back to singapore, cleo tang.
welcome back to being my best friend forever in the whole wide world :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

MCFC, this is for every single one of you!

i know, i know! but don't get so excited just yet, i'll explain it in a moment, somewhere in this predictably long post :)

i have nothing much to say about classes for now, except that i was really delighted and rather relieved cos we didn't have to present our CID P.I. in LT today. but some things i cant avoid forever, so next week grrrrr i am the forced speaker :(

after school i did corrective work order for forty five mins cos i've been late four times this year already. i went to all the year 1 to 3 classrooms to count tables (which has under-desk, which doesnt etc) !! then i had to tidy up some unusually dirty classrooms. so anyw, if you realise that your class is somehow cleaner than it's supposed to be, or if your desks are perfectly aligned but no one is admitting to having done extra duty, YOU KNOW ITS ME :) :) :)

stayed back for RV vs Yuan Ching game and it was quite close? but keep going RVNB take them all down one at a time and when you reach the peak you''ll see how wonderful it is to have everyone looking up to you :)

kristal randomly suggested going to cold rock right after the match ended so she lois jiarui and i rushed to holland v to fill ourselves with the most awesome mix-in icecream !!
we ate more than three mere kiddy scoops!

spent like, more than thirty bucks in all? could've stuffed ourselves silly, literally, had we lavishly used the money at island creamery, but it was worth it cos it has been ages since i last went to cold rock! bubblegum icecream :) :) :)

then we went on to party city to get a helium balloon for miss chen !!
a pink heart-shaped one, baby :)
then we decided to decorate it with (three, to be exact) post-it notes and this is where all the excitement comes in !!

so.... i brought the really sweet surprise all the way to KNC. on my way i bumped into many people. they got really irritated but i suppose the stares fixtured on me were worthwhile :)

SO I GAVE THE BALLOON TO MC IN A RATHER UNEXPECTED WAY? like i asked her to help me hold it then after a while i told her it was for her heee :D
we conversed a bit too, hahaha like, more than fifteen exchanges?
about myself, about RVNB, about my club, about ML buying us bubble tea for v-day, abt kristal writing a compo on her and getting A1 for it (to which she replied something really egoistic but awesomely cute!) and stuff :)
anyw, she advised that i should tell ML about speed7 so i shall do it tmr morning :)

training wasn't exactly good for me because i feel that i've lost my play. it's very troubling and disturbing, really.
my sprints/drives no longer have that take-off burst, and my passes are becoming complacent and really slow.
yes, i'm losing the netball touch even during club trainings grrrrrrr
jas' dad sent us home so i got back relatively early, like ten minutes to eleven pm

so i've got bio test tomorrow morning. it is approximately eight hours away.
that's all the time i have to study (that is, if i dont sleep at all).
i haven't started oh no its 11.51pm

am now going downstairs to meet T and joonghan for a quick round of soda+rum to freshen up. i need something/someone to keep me awake through the night
i'll be back in less than an hour

then again i'm contemplating if i should skip school tmr
maybe not cos after all i've been absent more times these two months than i have been the whole of last year
a bit suspicious
a bit not very good
a bit only

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i'll meet you halfway round the globe

even if you couldn't come right back to singapore :)

today i finally put my singtel unlimited sms plan to good use :)
just this evening i sent about 300 messages in total to the whole of RVNB b'div squad + some c'div players, my 2008 class, jamsters and some outside friends to promote NSL !!

if you guys intend to go for it, please register under me because it is somehow beneficial to my club!
all you have to do is give me your name, confirm attendance, and turn up.

venue: jurong east sports and recreation centre
date: (selected sats and suns from) 28 february - 25 april 2009
note: do not have to go for every single one, however opening ceremony is a must.
incentive: miss chen will be playing (for mannas, do look out for her)!

a lot more details can be found here.

i think the response might be a little too overwhelming thanks to you many supportive people who already replied :) :)
so i may or may not use your names! but in any case, thanks truckloads!

on my way back home today, kristal messaged a few of us cos she saw a seven-coloured rainbow! not the usual whateverish three-coloured ones!
and guess what ?! i saw a really bee-uuu-tiiiii-fulll one too! i'm not quite sure if it was what kristal was referring to, but i took a snapshot of it anyway!

lois and trik saw rainbows (might be the same one, who knows!) from wherever they were too cool to the max :D

i'm failing my math test for sure,
i still havent cleared my homework debt nor my undertable,
i am neck-broke
and i havent satisfied my island creamery craving
today was not exactly a blast because i spent three hours waiting in vain
i ate so much today was anything but dieting day

but i am still, a happy kid :) :) :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

there used to be a greying tower alone on the sea

you became the light on the dark side of me
love remained a drug that's the high and not the pill

so yesterday at i went out with samuel the pretty boy with the many piercings and tattoos, for the first time. we are from two different worlds. but it didn't really matter :)
we had mad jacks for lunch then i brought him across the road to island creamery heehee! burnt caramel, teh tarik, reversO, a bit of nutella, and cookies and cream and i was satisfied for the day. i am, afterall, still on a diet.

stayed there listening to music, talking, eating, trying to study (i gave up eventually) and all... then we left for fareast to meet his friend christine! i didn stay long cos i had to rush back to cck.

i met funny at cck then we proceeded to my house! she gave me tuition !! :) :) quite productive i must say! i can finally complete the square !!! hooray! hallelujah !!
well i am quite proud of myself cos i think i was rather serious and i settled in BEFORE she had to leave and at the end of the day i got the hang of the concepts :D
math can be quite a fun and enjoyable thing to do if you know it well. like, the feeling i got upon completing each question is akin to me ... getting a lollipop.

didn't go to school today. trained down to commonwealth (where i saw cynthia choo were you late?) then i took 147 to my grandmother's. then i slept till near 12, had lunch, then went to the clinic. umz, i have a migraine problem so now i have many many many pills prescribed grrrrrr
i prefer the syrup kind cos it has taste but they say i'm too old for it now

i never want to grow up sometimes

oh and just today, only today, did i realise that boonlay is no longer the end (or the start) of the greeeeen line! there are new additions like pioneer and joo koon (which sounds like and reminds me of joonghan haha!) !!!
okayi i know i'm rather lagggg and stuff.
and do you know that new trains are like, way cool? i stood in one the other day on my way home with lois. they have like, LED lights on the train station map that shows where exactly/which stop we were at.

okaaaaayi i have to get back to math!

commonwealth match tmr?
i'm feeling the jitters, its gonna be weird playing against lycia rima qiuying

Saturday, February 21, 2009

life's been good enough for me to be a LG spokesperson

it can be closer to perfection if only i could convince T to go get a mohawk.
that's a downright hint you're a loser if you dont get it hahaha

thursday was so blissful i tell you !! when i went to talk to ms loo she passed trik and i an MC postcard each (kristal shutup i know you got poster)! then in the evening when i went for club trg, i met her (MC) !! hahaha i was like the happiest kid there at KNC because she hit me on my arm. the prev sentence sounds weird.
anyw, i am reallyyyyy looking forward to club trgs nowadays because NSL teams train at that exact same time too! my court was just opp MC's that day. well okayi enough of MC i'm already hyperventilating and if i wanted i could rant on and on forever about how i kept glancing across to the other side where she was (instead of focusing) so on and so forth :) :) :)

on friday i rushed to meet funny at clementi mrt station right after class (which ended late) !! then i changed into PJC netball tee which was like as long as my pyjamas (not that i wear pyjamases but). went to support RV basketball and they beat dunearn :)
apparently some people thought it was quite dangerous to go support because AES wanted to fight? whatever. nothing exciting happened anyw.
funny was a bit crazy supporting both schs/ cos RV's my sch and dunearn's her ex school.

then we went to queensway shopping centre to look for tumblers! and this is where the first lot of pictures come in.

really cute ten dollar tees.

then we bused to vivo where we ate very nice char kuay teow and walked around and sat a bit and laughed every minute till 8+pm

i took it.

i stayed at vivo till my family came then we had swensens (my brother's all time favourite restaurant favourite chicken baked rice favourite sticky chewy chocolate) to celebrate jerald's birthday !!
i bought him a nike shirt, no joke. am now very broke but its once in a year so i'm not really feeling the pinch :)

although the limelight wasn't on me that night, the parental department felt generous enough to buy me the NUM bagpack i was eying while walking about with funny !! :D :D
it's boston blue, and i think its very cute no matter how silly it really is.

so... saturday (aka today) i was late by half hour for health ambassador's thingy. did up the weird health notice board for 3L.
went to meet averil lavigne right after! then we brought xiaohui and rachel ho (happy birthday! :D :D :D) to island creamery. it's a bit saddening they didn't spam themselves with icecream. like, totally broke the binging legacy!
hahaha but overall the short time there was quite funny hahaha

then went to look for funny at her workplace (PS) cos it was her lunchbreak! like the third consecutive day i'm meeting her.
we traded goods. sounds a bit illegal.

because i was on a diet, i could only look while she ate.

hoohoo my bag funny i know you like

she had to go back to work so i left to meet my mom! at west coast plaza where we bought shirts and toiletries. and she refilled my wallet with notes.

then guess where i went?
for dinner.
HAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHA a bit stupid right
had pizza and banana choc cake (from secret recipe, sinful indulgence grrrrrrrrr)
when she had to go back to yamaha to be a cashier i left for home so here i am :)

mental note: the next time i meet up/go out with funny (mental note 2: tuesday trg), wear metal plates because she spanks people like it feeds her soul.

oh no. this post too many funnys alr.
funny quite funny.
okayi, enough, NO MORE FUNNY

oh yar maths test on monday. chemistry presentation also on monday.
time to study?
no luh time to look for excuse to skip sch on that day hahaha

and hi funny if you reading this!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

no one is perfect,

but i still love you for who you are. even if you have a scar from the edge to the small of your back :)

forgive me for starting my post with a cliche.

i had chem make-up after classes ended today. because i was absent last thurs. i paired up with joyce (even though we were not allowed to, got found out in the end anyw grr) and i think she's a really nice person! :D
so jerome teckchye and whoever boys, bitch-cleaning will NOT exterminate half the entire sg population hello.

after that i camped at the grandstand with lois eva yeyun kristal livia again! must say, caught up with them quite a bit. now i know kristal hated me for a bit earlier on this year (which is actually quite recent, and fyi she told me herself hahaha) !! and more stuff.
we did the YO! PSSSSSS and the GOO GOO JELLYFISH and the BIGGER JELLY FISH !!!
so awesome so awesome so awesome i cant stand it i'll have to sit down!
i have videos so insane but they refuse to let me post them up.

oh and we (non sch team players) have a match against commonwealth bdiv next tues! and perhaps another match this fri? i'm not sure i forgot what ms loo said.

anyw speaking of ms loo, HAHHAHAHAHAH
today in bio lab when we were doing prac, trik saw her sweeping/cleaning up the netball court and repairing our "carpet" !!
and the funniest thing was that, from where we were, we could see the cleaners in their yellow and blue uniform sleeping at the grandstand while she was doing all that work.
do you like get it?

then cabbed to the warrens whr i played tennis with chengyong and melanzzo again! third time thus far boy was it fun :) x 100000000000000
maybe cos thr were lights!
there were times i couldnt really return the ball but once i had it going, i have it going.
i am not to be underestimated, need i repeat myself? hahaha

dont think i'll have the time to blog tmr because thr's speed trg in the evening! selection for NL team grrrr !@#$%^&*(
meeting up with yongjia, funny, and perhaps della (?) before going to KNC :)

i want it all :)
my t-bone steak!

Monday, February 16, 2009

curly brown

is not curly at all.

i dont know how much trouble i will get into for skipping mr chng's math remedial and going for mr liu's instead.

camped with the score-card netballers at the grandstand when i was done with the complicating number session. we got the very young (and cool) umpire to teach us CHENISTRY. no its not a spelling mistake :) :) :)
i know i should be getting my nose buried in my notes right now but i cant find them. please do not remind me that the test is first thing tomorrow at 8AM in the morning. i will whack the hole out of your ass.

anyw, went home with lois (and gail) today !! realise its been so long since i truly spent time with her! it was so awesome in the train to cck hahaha i am at lost for words.
well here is a summary in fragments: we played nurse, story-told, laughed so much, baby delivery badges, baby delivery insignias, company bags, ms loo the head nurse etc
i love you medium ears !!! :D

oh i forgot to mention, it was such a coincidence i met my fat brother at JE.

i have many houses! at lau pa sat, boat quay, clarke quay, and even at the parliament house and singapore zoo!
i own train stations too, cityhall for one, raffles interchange is the second.
i earn two thousand dollars every eight minutes.

that is the high life.
hahah i wish! well my dad just bought us the singapore edition monopoly
well we could've gotten the world edition one but i thought money looked much more alluring than (swiping) cards.
i regret my decision now.

T !!! !@#$%^&*(


Saturday, February 14, 2009

valentines day update part 2

  1. breakfast at macdonalds with alfred and joonghan! it was a great kickstart to this beautiful day tyvm :) :)
    they got me a very very luxurious 3-storey hamster cage !! its so amazing with all those tubes and little hiding places and houses !! well apparently they dote more on raffles (my cute little pet) hahaha
    no pictures unfortunately cos i went out in a blur without my phone and wallet.

  2. near 1pm i went to cck to collect my gift from sanjay hahaha so thoughtful of him to give me 12 batteries for my keyboard.

  3. at 2pm i met up with daryl because we were going to his friend's church for the v day event!

oh and check out the muscles, so humongous its scary.

well for one, their church is really different from PP.
it was more like a concert than anything else, it was really wild but in a good way i suppose, to see everyone so hyped up worshiping god :)

thanks much for the pup in the dish (which i eventually detached!!) and the toy rose and for taking the pictures with me over and over and over and over hahaha

4. 6.30PM ian picked me up from P S and we cabbed to marina square. walked around a bit then we started looking for places to eat. well the options were like minimal because the man insisted that it was v day so "no fast food, yoshinoya included, kopitiam/coffeeshop no-no either."

in the end all the restaurants (swensens, jack place, tony rama, sakae, cafe cartel etc) had very long queues so we settled on carl's jr. !! it was my first time hahaha
i like the fries !!

when we were done eating we walked to/along esplanade, then watched/listened to matilda (from first season of singapore idol) perform at the waterfront stage!

at about nine we left and he sent me in a cab back home :)

and how can i thank you enough for the breathtaking (seriously) bouquet of sunflowers and the famous amos cookie with my name on it? :)

much love to everyone else too like all the chocolates, coookies and muffins (christabel weilin kirsten i know you guys stayed up till 5am just to bake!!) sweets lollipops snackbars stickers and rose (from netballers) and badge + super cute white triange thing with carebear (also from netballers) plus how can i forget that domo from hk3 (it has become the leader of my troop) !! !!

such a beautiful day :)
there is much more i would like to say but time is not on my side.
once again,
happy valentines day!!!!!!!!

this is what's been keeping me awake

who, to be exact:

please do not belittle him, because this very person might be the sole reason as to why i'm getting over zac efron after three whole years.

how can anyone look so beautiful?
i beg of you to briefly, if not thoroughly look through all fifteen pictures of him i am posting up.

nike spokesperson too, i like.

on a note of comparison,



if you realised the boys i like look very much the same !!
can you even tell them apart?
well, i can :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

because i've lost it once,

i never want to lose it again.

i hope you are reading this, i hope you know that this is for you.
as my PM goes: no matter what you think of me, or how insignificant i am to you, i will always be your true friend however much unregarded.
this already non-existent friendship still means the world to me.
i'll always x 10000000000000 be waiting for your call :)

anyw, i skipped school again yesterday! i was a wee bit unwell and really shagged.
but i felt so much better in the evening (hee) so i went for speed training !!
quite fun as usual esp the throw-ball-in-the-air-and-catch-again thingy although i did it only once while everyone had like, five tries? :)
ended off with 2.5 quarters game (speed vs speed7) and grrrrrrrrrrr my play was very disheartening but nvm i will work very hard i promise.
i dont know what's been happening to me cos it seems like my drives are wrong and my passes are unstable and i'm running straight into defenders. i hope i get my focus back soon :)
seven-up !!

oh and shocking discovery !! realised that i am flat feeted (teehee) during trg last night :(
like after all my fourteen years of life now i finally know why my footprint watermarks are not as beautiful.

well it was A W E S O M E after training because yongjia jasmine funny (yes that is a name) and i hung out for slightly more than an hour cos we were waiting for jas' dad to pick us up from KNC/macdonalds !! :) :)

i now present you my collection of "funny" yongjia pictures! :D

we were fabulous entertainment we laughed non-stop it was hysterical !!
now we have many many inside jokes hahahhahahahahhaha so FUNNY hor FUNNY

-radio song plays-
sarah: michael buble
jas: simple plan!!

-funny makes fun of yongjia-
yongjia: i choose you! (flashes pokeball)

(right after trg) we shared a happy meal, fries, vanilla milkshake. i suppose i'll just to have another blast of diet day :) :)

i dont know if you guys will see this but thanks x 10000000000000000 for that night (although i reached home near 12am) because it totally redeemed my day :D :D
it was going rather bad at first.


i'm looking forward to next thurs! :)

there isnt much left to say because i'll update properly on valentines day and presents when its officially over.
but let's just say i hope tmr is as exciting as it sounds !! :) :)

friday the 13th? let's not believe in superstitions.