Saturday, February 21, 2009

life's been good enough for me to be a LG spokesperson

it can be closer to perfection if only i could convince T to go get a mohawk.
that's a downright hint you're a loser if you dont get it hahaha

thursday was so blissful i tell you !! when i went to talk to ms loo she passed trik and i an MC postcard each (kristal shutup i know you got poster)! then in the evening when i went for club trg, i met her (MC) !! hahaha i was like the happiest kid there at KNC because she hit me on my arm. the prev sentence sounds weird.
anyw, i am reallyyyyy looking forward to club trgs nowadays because NSL teams train at that exact same time too! my court was just opp MC's that day. well okayi enough of MC i'm already hyperventilating and if i wanted i could rant on and on forever about how i kept glancing across to the other side where she was (instead of focusing) so on and so forth :) :) :)

on friday i rushed to meet funny at clementi mrt station right after class (which ended late) !! then i changed into PJC netball tee which was like as long as my pyjamas (not that i wear pyjamases but). went to support RV basketball and they beat dunearn :)
apparently some people thought it was quite dangerous to go support because AES wanted to fight? whatever. nothing exciting happened anyw.
funny was a bit crazy supporting both schs/ cos RV's my sch and dunearn's her ex school.

then we went to queensway shopping centre to look for tumblers! and this is where the first lot of pictures come in.

really cute ten dollar tees.

then we bused to vivo where we ate very nice char kuay teow and walked around and sat a bit and laughed every minute till 8+pm

i took it.

i stayed at vivo till my family came then we had swensens (my brother's all time favourite restaurant favourite chicken baked rice favourite sticky chewy chocolate) to celebrate jerald's birthday !!
i bought him a nike shirt, no joke. am now very broke but its once in a year so i'm not really feeling the pinch :)

although the limelight wasn't on me that night, the parental department felt generous enough to buy me the NUM bagpack i was eying while walking about with funny !! :D :D
it's boston blue, and i think its very cute no matter how silly it really is.

so... saturday (aka today) i was late by half hour for health ambassador's thingy. did up the weird health notice board for 3L.
went to meet averil lavigne right after! then we brought xiaohui and rachel ho (happy birthday! :D :D :D) to island creamery. it's a bit saddening they didn't spam themselves with icecream. like, totally broke the binging legacy!
hahaha but overall the short time there was quite funny hahaha

then went to look for funny at her workplace (PS) cos it was her lunchbreak! like the third consecutive day i'm meeting her.
we traded goods. sounds a bit illegal.

because i was on a diet, i could only look while she ate.

hoohoo my bag funny i know you like

she had to go back to work so i left to meet my mom! at west coast plaza where we bought shirts and toiletries. and she refilled my wallet with notes.

then guess where i went?
for dinner.
HAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHA a bit stupid right
had pizza and banana choc cake (from secret recipe, sinful indulgence grrrrrrrrr)
when she had to go back to yamaha to be a cashier i left for home so here i am :)

mental note: the next time i meet up/go out with funny (mental note 2: tuesday trg), wear metal plates because she spanks people like it feeds her soul.

oh no. this post too many funnys alr.
funny quite funny.
okayi, enough, NO MORE FUNNY

oh yar maths test on monday. chemistry presentation also on monday.
time to study?
no luh time to look for excuse to skip sch on that day hahaha

and hi funny if you reading this!


Anonymous said...

funny is a person? 0.o

unrevealed love said...

to anon:

Anonymous said...

psssssst! i didn't know it was so not dangerous la ok! they say until so dangerous make me so worry but so sad nothing happened i went home disappointedly. i mean went back school.

unrevealed love said...

to averil lavigne:
this is so coincidental you commented just one min ago :) :)
hahaha to be frank i was waiting for some action. not that i wanted anyone to get hurt but there's much kick being involved in stupid things like these once in a while!

Anonymous said...

i'm impressed you actually saw it.

unrevealed love said...

to GAIL:
my dear gail, you underestimate me :)
whatever it is you know i'll always be supporting you guys!