Wednesday, June 4, 2008

seems like its been forever since you've been gone, please come back home

okayi alright say hi to strawbeary, sunkiss' (number two) best friend! :D

not bad sia, i think its been ages since i came to my grandma's house cos i just realised that they do have internet access after all! thrrreeeeeeee cheeeeerrrrrrrs
but then there's only like this one freaking laggggg laptop and everyone in the house queues to use it (and somehow i'm always last in the line grr).
anyw yes i am gonna stay here (at my grand's) for six days (oh die thats like so long) because my grandmommmm went to macau and she left her dearest dog in singapore, so we've gotta take care of it.
elmo (the silver mini schnauzer) is so very pampered he/it cant sleep anywhere else but here so the whole company (parental department + co-units) has to stay over.
big-shot dog.

went over to trik's house after training and boy am i terribly sorry for sorta um, pangsehing rae yeyun lois kristal (cos i didnt go to vivo in the end)
i'm sure those magnanimous people will forgive me/trik, yes yes yes.
watched like a few episodes of this super exciting hongkong serial (if i'm not wrong its called the best ever crime-fighters or something like that loh) and livia hyung joined us!
watched and watched and watched and we shared a slice of cheese.
thaaaat cheese went up my nose! and i blew it out!
(hahahah hyung the pastamania incidentttttt) it was really gross.
i can still smell that stench of the cheese (not that i mind now).
but its so strong i think it'll stay in there for the nexttt hundred days (okay i do mind can)!
ate (very late) dinner at her place.
livia says that zac (trik's eight year old brother) likes me but i beg to differrr.
sigh i think trik's maid/househelper is terribly rude to her and my oh my our dearest hyung does not deserve to be treated that way!
walaoeh, dare to bully a bully ganggg member siaaaaa.

the skirt incident in schoool.
i hope kristal has found the/her correct skirt! :D

i think my computer time is almost up - we have internet rationing here, tsk.
my brother the irritating is screaming in the background.
okayi this is so abrupt goodbye and goodnight.

i miss you and i will continue to the next six days :(

p.s. post dedicated to my momo will come up when i return to my yew tee home. happy waitingggggg my deaaaaaars.

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