Thursday, February 26, 2009

MCFC, this is for every single one of you!

i know, i know! but don't get so excited just yet, i'll explain it in a moment, somewhere in this predictably long post :)

i have nothing much to say about classes for now, except that i was really delighted and rather relieved cos we didn't have to present our CID P.I. in LT today. but some things i cant avoid forever, so next week grrrrr i am the forced speaker :(

after school i did corrective work order for forty five mins cos i've been late four times this year already. i went to all the year 1 to 3 classrooms to count tables (which has under-desk, which doesnt etc) !! then i had to tidy up some unusually dirty classrooms. so anyw, if you realise that your class is somehow cleaner than it's supposed to be, or if your desks are perfectly aligned but no one is admitting to having done extra duty, YOU KNOW ITS ME :) :) :)

stayed back for RV vs Yuan Ching game and it was quite close? but keep going RVNB take them all down one at a time and when you reach the peak you''ll see how wonderful it is to have everyone looking up to you :)

kristal randomly suggested going to cold rock right after the match ended so she lois jiarui and i rushed to holland v to fill ourselves with the most awesome mix-in icecream !!
we ate more than three mere kiddy scoops!

spent like, more than thirty bucks in all? could've stuffed ourselves silly, literally, had we lavishly used the money at island creamery, but it was worth it cos it has been ages since i last went to cold rock! bubblegum icecream :) :) :)

then we went on to party city to get a helium balloon for miss chen !!
a pink heart-shaped one, baby :)
then we decided to decorate it with (three, to be exact) post-it notes and this is where all the excitement comes in !!

so.... i brought the really sweet surprise all the way to KNC. on my way i bumped into many people. they got really irritated but i suppose the stares fixtured on me were worthwhile :)

SO I GAVE THE BALLOON TO MC IN A RATHER UNEXPECTED WAY? like i asked her to help me hold it then after a while i told her it was for her heee :D
we conversed a bit too, hahaha like, more than fifteen exchanges?
about myself, about RVNB, about my club, about ML buying us bubble tea for v-day, abt kristal writing a compo on her and getting A1 for it (to which she replied something really egoistic but awesomely cute!) and stuff :)
anyw, she advised that i should tell ML about speed7 so i shall do it tmr morning :)

training wasn't exactly good for me because i feel that i've lost my play. it's very troubling and disturbing, really.
my sprints/drives no longer have that take-off burst, and my passes are becoming complacent and really slow.
yes, i'm losing the netball touch even during club trainings grrrrrrr
jas' dad sent us home so i got back relatively early, like ten minutes to eleven pm

so i've got bio test tomorrow morning. it is approximately eight hours away.
that's all the time i have to study (that is, if i dont sleep at all).
i haven't started oh no its 11.51pm

am now going downstairs to meet T and joonghan for a quick round of soda+rum to freshen up. i need something/someone to keep me awake through the night
i'll be back in less than an hour

then again i'm contemplating if i should skip school tmr
maybe not cos after all i've been absent more times these two months than i have been the whole of last year
a bit suspicious
a bit not very good
a bit only


Anonymous said...

you look like a kid next to kristal, you really do! :D
(anyw i forgot to reply you about the nsl thing i'll be going if tsy goes sms you very soon i know opening ceremony's tmrw! :O)

unrevealed love said...

to christabel:
hahah and you look like a kid beside me :) :)