Thursday, September 25, 2008

i'm slipping into the lava, and i'm trying to keep from going under

and, guess who blogged the previous post! :D

am immensely proud of myself for organizing/filing/stapling all my worksheets/mock tests/revision papers/notes and for gathering my studying materials within two hours last night.
i even drew up a timetable! i reckon i'll rly stick to it, though.
ah, perseverance and discipline

finished the last of batik tdy and i rly wanted the tjanting :(

also had the last ever speech and drama lesson for the year! teckchye yousheng (heee) jieru and i put up our play and it went surprising smooth. enjoyed it much, even.
hahahaha. i especially liked the part whr i told yousheng, "i say, brave knight, these paper balls [for your info they were supposed to be soft toys but i forgot to bring them to sch :S] are adorable [and we didnt have time to edit the script so we just edited it like that hahah]!"
and he replied gallantly, "indeed princess, would you like one?"
after which teck chye the evil villian jumps into the scene and starts fighting with yousheng. ... okayi, then i got to pelt teck chye with the paper balls and it was awesome fun srsly :D

everyone's been asking me "hey when are your fangs coming?"
in approximately threee and a half weeks, if nothing goes wrong in the shipping/checkpoint clearance !!!
hahaha and i've decided to bare my fangs selectively.
used my dad's visa to buy it from a US online store and i told him it was about 20US dollars
turned out twice the price, but i bought it anyw. hope my dad doesnt blow up when he gets the billing

randy asked me out on a golfing date! 9 holes !!!
zomg srsly. what, the last time i played was in... i forgot. a few gahzillon years ago
my arms have been itching for a swing but i dont know lei, i'm not prepared to get owned by him hahaha.

imma start mugging. i promise to get a life after EOYS


1 comment:

WeiJie said...

erm hi.

Work hard for your EOY.
