Saturday, May 31, 2008

lubdub my hyungs are the coolest!

and so we wanted to go to KNC at first.
but then it was raining so very heavily and we werent sure if *ahem* was there.
in the end we headed down to CCAB/botanic gardens, supposedly for the change concert but there was a sports carnival/event so we went there instead.
it was freaking random lah. SEE!

hahah and we didnt know if any admission tickets were needed. we just like stepped into this whole um, space(?) and started laughing like crazy idiots. i mean, we didnt even know what the event was about! intruders sia.

i thought it was an elephant from afar (like very very far).

we even got three free cans of redbull!

there was cheap food but we had to cough out five bucks to buy the coupons or something.

this guy tucked in his shirt so freakinggg high, couldnt help but take three pictures of him. bet he thought he was cool.


okay that guy(in the black box)'s middle name is tall and he is kinda cool. he was wearing a catholic high jersey and quite pro luh.
the other guy(in the white box)'s middle name is taller. another catholic high giant. he was like doing all kinds of bball tricks/stunts, and all the while he was stealing glances at us! there was this thing he did - he held the ball with one hand and he started swinging that arm like a pendulum. however hard he tried to impress us (haha) he looked reallyyyy stupid doing that lor! and then he lifted up his shirt and i think there are like ten packs in there. thus, we nicknamed him the ten-pack clock! and cos he was like secretly looking at us, the hyungs dared me to do something. well i was supposed to like wink when he caught my eye and sort of like do this hand thing \m/ to my ear (as in ask for phone number lah) but walaoeh my reaction wasnt quick enough/bad timing on my part.
ahya but then again:
they were/are both really ugly.

um nice sky i suppose.

poor thing she looks lost.

anyway it was like a whole hour of almost non-stop laughing and i swear its been quite a long time since i had so so so so so much fun!
but it was like at all the people's expense um ahhaha.

well i love you hyungs for all the adventures (and misadventures) since day one! i kinda wish livia was with us though :(


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