Friday, March 21, 2008

tonight i've fallen and i cant get up, i need your loving hands to come and pick me up

hooray, the grandaunt and i are now on talking terms!

and i cant wait to lay my excited little fingers on eclipse.
i heard that the kite runner is pretty good too.
whatever it is i am dedicating my next week to completing my lit essays and reading a lot of books. that is, if i find the time to do so.

i embark (?) on my fourth slice of sara-lee cake.

i'm icing my ankle, i wish i could ice my heart too. cos then it'll just be... numb.
felt so _____, but i _________ playing with the ____, even if it meant i had to ___ for the game. that was really how i felt on court. so _____.
i cried so much, but really, it wasnt mainly because my ankle was hurting like shitzxcass.
the response i got when i told mk and mc how i felt, was, even heartwrenching, because it meant that it all could be seen from the outside.
why, at this crucial moment, is the ____ so _____?
i want to feel shielded, i want to be protected, i want to be able to hide under a wing when a thunderstorm strikes town, i want to know that if i falter, i will fall in safe hands come what may.
(no) thank you for making me feel so much less insecure, for sharing the pain.
i feel so tired i want to just "tie the trustband" and hide behind you and not face anything.
i want you to take the lead and take my hand and lead me on to a clearer, brighter, path.
today i finally realised that i'm afraid of the dark because its empty, i am afraid of feeling the emptiness. which is why i feel less afraid when you are here for me (its because you fill up the spaces). can i?

on a lighter note, apparently my grandmother and my nine other grandaunts plus all their somewhat intermediate families all know about my ankle.
this makes me realise how efficient the communication is, tsk.
(do they have nothing else to talk about or what? haha)
its just that them making a big fuss out of this makes me feel scared (in a way, no idea why).

and tricia kok is such an idiot manzxc. i feel so jealous.

lord be there for me when i fall,
be there for me when i call,
be there for me when i need you
"come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and i will give you rest."
- matt 11:28

flyaway, (how far?)


Anonymous said...

ah ha!
i knew you were jealous.

Anonymous said...

embarking on a cake, how cute

Anonymous said...

hahas, i totally agree wif cleo.
anyw, happy gd fri!
was so bored at service cuz no one else i knw was there. n take care of ur ankle, hrd abt it!!
netball woo jk rvnb hahas

Anonymous said...
