Sunday, March 23, 2008

because you live, my world has twice has many stars in the sky

oh no, i think i am under a be-straightfoward-spell cos i cant help but speak my mind (on some stuff to some people/person). and according to this people/person saying stuff like all that i said will lead to me gradually losing my literature touch, and wham goes all my hopes and aspirations.
i mean, i do want to write flowery sentences and abstract poems (that sometimes make no sense however you read it again and again).
i wonder if i have been too blunt (or rather have i been too piercingggg) with my insane confessions/confrontations/way of saying things you know what forget this i shall not be so sombrely pensive about this whatever blah fullstop

my ankle's not as swollen anymore and by this i mean you can see a little of that protruding ankle bone (or whatever you call it doctor).
hooray, by god's grace. havent been praying, and the only reason why i prayed that day was to ask for healing (ankle), yes i oughta do someth so stop looking at me like that, tsk.
i feel like i can walk, i can run, i can fly, i can takeoff.

the parental department seems to have completely forgotten about me (whoa, on a sunday morning somemore). for some reasons which i havent concluded/been told of, they didnt wake me up today in time for church. and no note (grr, nor money!) was left on the table. and when i asked my maid about it she seemed as puzzled, and she said that she wasnt told to pass any message of sorts.
i think it might be my ankle, as in they dont want me to be moving around and stuff.
but, church! i dont know haha this weird.
anyw i am kinda glad (and guilty) that i'm not in service now.
it means i have a lot more time and a lot more rest (and i dont have to avoid some people).

i feel like being all over you,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss you