Saturday, April 18, 2009

3 things which really made my heart ache today

in chronological order:

  1. the sight of my grandmother, balding from chemotherapy and all the other various kinds of cancer treatment. i did my research, and found out that there are many more side effects like pain, anemia, memory loss, apetitie change, nausea and vomitting, swelling and fluid retention etc. there's a whole long list on it, just reading it made me feel sick already. argh i wish i have the courage to tell her, in words, personally, that i love her. that i will give anything in this world to take her pain away, or even to endure for her all that she's going through. cliche, but honestly. honestly.

  2. jovan fell from the playground and had to have his chin stitched up.
    really pained me, regardless of how irritating he can be on a regular fine sunny day.

  3. MC. don't give up.
here's to those who need it:
everything will be fine in the end.
if things are not going good, it's simply not the end.
but, the end will come soon.

remember what i said about being optimistic? that it's just lying to ourselves?

1 comment:

Linnn. said...

Jiayous sarah :)!