Wednesday, November 19, 2008

though it was built to last

my whole world has just crumbled because i've lost my favourite church camp footprint tee.



this post is gna be very anal.

i hereby announce that i will be anal to everyone and anyone till i find that very tee.
if you wna save the world you can help me find it.
nah just joking.

speaking of being anal, was talking to joan during worship last sunday (instead of focusing on the sermon preached). i am sorry was very distracted that day lord forgive me. i promise that i'll pay full attention next week, i'll even take down notes and post them up so as to spread the gospel :)
whr was i?
yes. anal.
she told me abt this totally anal schoolmate (or was it classmate ar whtvr).
that schoolmate (or was it classmate ar whtvr) had a very sweeeet boyfriend who is (according to joanie) apparently quite cute. but she was very x 10000000000 mean to him!
oh joan gave me a few scenarios and i was like wth-ing all the way.
if my boyfriend was sweeet/cute/hot i wouldnt be anal to him.
as a matter of fact i wouldn be hell anal to anyone at all.
not even to you

on a random note, combi allocation is out and yay i successfully appealed into ChemBioLit along with around 30 other happy people!
roughly know who i will be stuck with in yr3 and i think the class dynamics is quite interesting! :D heeeeees
i do hope i wont get a female chinese form teacher because they are supposedly anal abt even the most trivial stuff.
hello i have first hand experience myself.
but come to think of it, she had our interests at heart. tsk

after the match against PLMGS at CCAB (btw you guys played fantastic !!!), we went to eat at island creamery.
"but eating is such a joy!" - ethel huang hui fen.
yes awesome awesome awesome comfort foood :D
mudpie + teh tarik + soursop
i envy rich kids like yeyun who bought a tub home.
speaking of icecream, someone (you know who you are hahaha) owes me a tub of ben&jerrys.
and someone else (you know who you are too, hi hahha) owes me like nineteen scoops
and no cynthia choo, you do not look like a rooster

that's all, folks.
pictures another time


Anonymous said...

aww. so sad. dunno what to say.

Anonymous said...

eh! dont let your world crash down just because of a teeeeee (huixian). haha. erm and CUT. :D

unrevealed love said...

hahah who are you!
yes it is very sad indeed :( :( :(

hello TM hahah meeting you at bg was so damn coincidental :D
CUT-ed. guess why! :D

XiaoQiGui said...

what a nice BEAR!! CARE BEAR!! hmmm.. do i owe you any ice cream?? haha!!!

unrevealed love said...

hey averrrrilll :D
its a short form for anal-retentive,
which means everyth totally bad. like greedy, control freak etc.
if you're anal abt cleanliness, it means you're overly obsessed about it, often in a bad way.
i think. hahaha

hi small air ghossstt! yes its so rly rly rly cute hahaha
why will you? hahah awesome island creamery

Anonymous said...