Tuesday, November 4, 2008

and the day i thought i'll never get through

i got over you.

i'm gna let go totally and it wont be easy, but i know you guys will help make it as painless as possible :D
i havent felt like that in a million years. i actually feel myself.
i dont have to conform to anyone else's ways so as to please the person; i am not burdened with worries; i am no longer tied down; my world does not revolve around that one dot anymore.
feels awesome.

hereby, i am sarah considerate punctuality rapturous goh hui xian.
all hail the queeeeeeeeen hahaha

sknaht tm for cheering me up hahaha and averil soh you are so damn pretty awesome i'm gna link you !!! :D

so. training started with fitness tdy and it was kinda peculiar!
we did boxing! complete with all the gears such as gloves and shield/whtvr you call that.
was fantasticly funnnnn though my arms ached quite a bit after all that.
i like i like i like. and ms loo has the boxing stance.
trik you dont

second part was court and we did centre third throw-ins.
i thought we did quite fine until we were told to end of with last 5.
ummmm but i felt less lost on court tdy :D
hahah go RVNB :D

i dont want 2B to split. if given a chance i would have opened up to you pencils eeeeeeeeons ago.

i can beat everyone else, i can win marginally.
but my greatest challenger will still be myself.


p.s. i promise to do the quiz thing tmr


Anonymous said...

All hail sarah considerate punctuality rapturous goh hui xian, queen of her own imagination!

unrevealed love said...

imaginery servant:
i know you are ang wei jie.
hahhaha hurry kneel down before me and say "long live your highness".
before i banish you to a faraway land

Anonymous said...

I not ang wei jie lor!


unrevealed love said...

old junkie (chang kee):
hahah read/see me only then smile so widely alr luh.
you have 10000000000 nicknames. shd i list them all out?

Anonymous said...

you dont want me to :D is it. okay mo man tai (in cantonese).
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

hahaha maybe you should :P

unrevealed love said...

old chang kee:
smile in your spastic way luh :D

ongtseyin, rafflesia, tm, cauliflower, copycat/pig/dog/whtvr, old chang kee, ummmmmmm.
got more not?

Anonymous said...

hahaha yes ma'am.

ah fat.

hahaha yes mum.

unrevealed love said...

hahah oh yeh ah fat!
since you're so damn plumppppppp the next time we go to ben and jerry's you can like, give me your share

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

tseyin said...

how dare you expose my identity you unscrupulous imaginary servant! how dare you insult your highness, the queen of....

"old chang kee pte ltd"

unrevealed love said...


hahhahhahahahah this is hilarious.
i shall banish you far far away
you will not sit beside me next year.


Anonymous said...

hahaha fine.. 11 comments liao. siao lor. spam until like that. and why you wanna banish me! dont want me to sit beside you is it