Saturday, August 23, 2008

search me

"you just dont know how much you miss us. dont live in self-delusion any longer, with open arms, receive us. you will realise the joy we bring :D"
to the one who resides in my heart (permanently).

trik and i are currently comparing the depth of our love. as in not OUR love as in she and i but, our love FOR someone yeh.
here are snippets of our conversation that you might not fully understand:

[i am:](BECAUSE) I LOVE MC/ says:


see how much

i love mc

[she is:]yep says:
seee see seee seeeeeeeee saw
yep says:
you tihnk you very good ah!

[i become:](BECAUSE) I LOVE FERNIE/ says:
i call her fernie lei

[she becomes:]because fernie chen huifen loves me! says:
because fernie chen huifen loves me! says:
mine nicer la

[then i say:](BECAUSE) I LOVE FERNIE/ says:
she loves me even morer!
[then she says:]because fernie chen huifen loves me! says:
she loves me even morest!

okayi then we both got very agitated and the rest is history.
R(est) I(n) P(eace) tricia kok yi(n) tong - you will be dearly missed (my foot my knee my hip my arms my face my fernie).

do you know how good it feels to be able to like, love someone openly? hahaha

anyw, i have concluded that contact lenses, yes that thing i once announced was the greatest invention of all time, causes madarosis. go find out what it means luh
(most of the) everytime i try to put my contacts on/take them off i lose one (or sometimes even more :O) eyelash. and according to wiki, "eyelashes take about seven to eight weeks to grow back if pulled out."
and my mom said that 'your baby eyelashes are the longest ones.' of cos she didnt put it in a sentence as structurally correct as that.
"An eyelash or simply lash is one of the hairs that grow at the edge of the eyelid. Eyelashes protect the eye from debris and perform some of the same function as whiskers do in the sense that they are sensitive to being touched, thus providing a warning that an object (such as an insect or dust mite) is near the eye (which is then closed reflexively)."
well, when i lose enough lashes i might consider growing whiskers as an alternative. thanks wiki

there was this complain program on the radio ytd and i was listening to it. it was quite hilarious cos it really showcased yours truly singaporeans
ERP, toilet paper, tuition, government, school uniforms, fish, sentosa and whatnots.
because i was talking (okayi not really, more like laughing 90% while he just 'whaaaaaaaaaat'-ed the whole way) with sanjay on the phone, i asked him to tune into that program
and he said, "why would i? no point what, i listen to your complains on a daily basis."

common tests are almost over. just one last maths paper to go.
um i'll most prolly get a single-digit score for my chem test.
kissed my new laptop goodbye and i am awaiting damnation

um watched olympics diving tdy morning.
finally dawned on me why so many people are hooked onto the many events. tanya especially, who wouldnt miss a guy's event for a fun-packed morning (run) with yours truly.
some of the (male) divers' bodies were reaaaaaaaaallyyyyyy hot.
hahahaha but
[hueychyi aka:]No pain, no gain says:
No pain, no gain says:
cmon lah
No pain, no gain says:
u dont watch sports jus for the bodies

actually.. i'm kinda like, blogging in the middle of my younger bro's birthday party. he is turning eight (on 25 AUG).
its not my fault that i'm being so anti cos i really dont know how to communicate with them! i asked this (really cute) six year old brother of my bro's friend, "hello what's your name!"
and he pointed his (or rather, my bro's) gun at me and shouted "bang! bang!" then he ran away.
then i tried to watch TV with them but they changed channels every ten seconds. i got all dizzy and stuff. even thought i was migraine-risked
so i am back in my room.
waiting for the cut-cake-time

and i shall start mugging for math. like real


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! crazy girl!
you're helping the army recruit their men back for re-service?
anyw, play and train hard with ur new club. name of the club is quite cool yea? speed seven. just rmb what i told u the other day regarding training performance.
andandand, u don't have to tune in to the olympics chnl to see hot bods, thr's one right here.;)
bye girl!