Monday, June 16, 2008

specially, especially for my one and only:

haha i know this is like what, freakinggg overdue (like library books) but momo, i am a busy person (actually just too busy for you haha joking luh lubdub)! you, sexy, have been the filling in my dao sa bao/dou sa bao (eeyur so gross if you come to think of it), the chilli in my mash potato and you are the sweetest ribena in my once empty water bottle (if you dont get what i am trying to say i am just telling you how you add flavour and colour to my life). you are zomg-ily crazaaayeeee and dont get me wrong, you're awesome okayi! just that you should really get a hold on yourself and learn to not stay up outside as much because your studies are droopppinggg shitzxc (ya lah your mom bribed me no)...
anyw your new smashing hairdo is cool! \m/
and because i have your interests at heart, i have decided not to post up your semi-nude pictures taken at the back alley with the gang that night (though if they decide to circulate it around the net i cant stop them)!
wait or maybe i will upload them on friendster (if i decide not to delete my account).
this i will not forget in an uber uber long time, hahahha: "OOPS I DID IT AGAIN!"
the jamsters are always there for you just as i am.
i love you momocleotineo.
go easy on the hugs hahaha kidding :D
last but not least,

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