Wednesday, May 7, 2008

now my heart's in two and i cant find the other half

firstly, hhahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahha. secondly, hahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahahha. thirdly, hahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahha.

i think hyung trik has seen all the skeletons in my closet (shhh dont tell okayi)! and yes, i dont think she ever wants to be anywhere around here again because i think jovan has a crush on her, giggles. how true that age isnt really a factor in love.
i hate to admit this but that one and a half hours was rather unproductive!
i did like four questions and she did like, two, perhaps.
oh and we let her in on our occasional sibling-karaoke-session. and wrestling. whatever, jovan's pesteringgggggggg me cos he wants to know more about her.
die trik, die manzxc (haha).
but you never know how romantic a seven year old (who has abs yo) can be.
hahahahhaha, laughs your head off.

urgh i am going to fail maths. because after reading through the textbook and all my notes i still cant apply them in my revision papers.
coordinate geometry is one shit of a chapter (or rather, three) - i still dont get it.

my house was really really dark just now (when i first got home, before i went to pick hyung up). there had been a power trip and the supply to our whole unit was cut off. so disappointing because five minutes after we reached my place the lights came on again.
you know, just when we were expecting a really romantic candle-light session. spoil the fun manzxc.

and i vandalized the mc circle! whoops

gaaaaaaaaaaaaah, screams your head off.
unfortunately, my plan backfired :(
no matter what i do i cant seem to be able to soften nor melt you maybe only the sun who is so bright and so strong and so warm is capable of doing so nosorry i am not your sun should i go away its up to you tell me what you want your wish is hereforth my command -


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cuz ur other half of heart is wif me! XD