Tuesday, May 27, 2008

hey you you you you you that's right you

hey you, we're a 1/3 band (not half lah actually) looking for new blood.
we need a bassist, maybe keyboardist, or if you play anything else, and are interested,
will be great (absolutely) if you drop me a message at
haras_hog@hotmail.com or 92274454 (singapore lah).
or i suppose you could (also) contact alex at alygobi@hotmail.com
ahya, simply leave a kiss (comment) alright.
preferred genres include progressive rock, soft core metal, alternative, emo rock, pop.
we can do both originals and covers (like there is anything else, haha).
all the more welcome if you have a tad experience, and have no problem with gigging for income (this holiday).
oh and here's an incentive, i cant promise anything but you might get free booze!
please spread the word around yeah.

thanks a whole lot, coolio.

and i dont care this is my third post in a day.


Anonymous said...

ahah, you and your wink!
haha, i'll play the keyboard. haha.

Anonymous said...

hey honey