Wednesday, February 20, 2008

right all along from the very start (i guess)

my drug and my drug's drug.
i think i've been given up on.
going insane thinking about this and that and everything.
maybe i've been right all along.
i have no idea why i feel this way.
hidden blogs here and there yet i cant truly express myself even so.
and that's because i dont know what to say.
i dont know how i really feel. all i feel is the want and the need.
even the strongest words seem insufficient at times.
sometimes what i say dont come out as what i mean.
sometimes i just shoot my mouth off and i say stuff that i live to regret.
i've tried to take a step back, no make it a hundred steps back.
but everyth goes step by step, and i've never made it past step three.
or maybe i didnt want to.
i just couldnt. like, i dont know, really.
i'm not good with words. i'm really not articulate. what can i say to let you know how i feel? how i feel when ___ ____ __ __ _____, __ _____. when ___ ____ __ ____. when ___ ____ __ ___ ____ __. when _ ___ _ ____ ___.
steady legs dont fail me now.
if you dont want to see me ever, just say.
if thats what you want, i'll stay away.
leave you alone, i'll make it a point to, okay.
steady legs dont fail me now.
i should shut down all my hidden blogs and erase all the memories along with them.
steady legs dont fail me now.
i dont know why this is so great an impact.
i dont feel right for nanyang's game. i think i wont be ready tmr. sorry.

mystery sunflower anonymous, come out please?


Anonymous said...

(: yes?
cheer up, k!
y get so upset over someone whn u have sunflower anonymous rite here with u?

unrevealed love said...

D: i want to know who you are!

Anonymous said...

u can guess, bt i dun think u will ever think of me.
ur sun, rmb? (:

unrevealed love said...

do you think it's really exciting talking here like that where the whole world sees it all?
why dont you call me/message me/talk to me online or something?
:( i'm not in the mood for guessing games.

Anonymous said...

haha, so many kisses, happier?
<(^^)< >(^^)>

Anonymous said...

i send u anode sunflower soon, k
at least just so u know tht someone is willing to do a lt of things for u (:

unrevealed love said...


Anonymous said...

dun sad le, wait for ur 2nd sunflower n keep keep guessing!!
u got game tmr isit?
(: jiayou slp early (: