Saturday, February 2, 2008

like finally, took a cable car! no luh, i wish yeah. i took a picture (two actually) of the cable cars.

to-morning's game against commonwealth, yayness and well done cdiv :D
and well, (heh, this is for me) its finally worth it. and i like this feeling pretty much. round two, yeah. rvnb all the wayyyy whoooshhhhhh!

lunched at pastamania then, dad picked me up. bathed over at ggrand's and headed to town with my parents. its beeeeen a longgg lonnggg time since we had family time tgt. and i'll say that shopping today was very very productive. i bought another edc shirt (its long!). then, got my black longs altered, yayness. walked over to borders from orchard point (netburners are strictly courtwear, dont try to shop in them cos sore feet is what you get yeah-) and bought my romeo and juliet shakespeare paperback play (ya-da-ya-da-ya-da i'm going to turn littttttt). quite some time since i went book-hunting in borders (or anywh else actually, havent been reading). set my eyes on a new trilogy book: the twilight series (twilight, new moon, eclipse -in order, fyi-). but the whole set costs like a hundred bucks and the one by itself book has an ugly cover. heard that its pretty addictive yeah. oh and yes! i feel so cheated please. i think my parents no longer have cash flow problems cos they were spending like crazy just now. i've been scrimping all weeek and i hardly pulled through the days cos i was gastric-ing and dying of no-energy and everyth. whoa, so much for that. not going to starve myself anymore (diet still counts though), i'm gonna stick out my hand and ask for money and thats that manzxc. hahahha.

and super early reunion dinner at grandma's place. and dang did my teppanyaki beef taste good. i can cook alright (on a hot plate given the correct ingredients and no oil nor cutting, just fun and flipping food over). am really full now. i think i'm gonna grow soooo fat and be overweight or someth cos i ate a lot - like really a lot. first person to start last person to end - thats how much. had so much kick cooking! and the adults were drinking so much wtpri and bacardi but they wouldnt share. how horrible. and yes i got scalded a thousand and one times cos everyone was just throwing the food into the steamboat thing and all that. i love big big family gatherings where its noisy and heartwarming and i get the warm tingy feeling, you know. awwwww :D

and! i cannnnttt believe it. jotay is so unromantic hahaha. not that i am awaiting/am despo for some sorta romance, but still. he has everyth planned out for v day! and he went like, "i meet you at harbourfront after your class and we can take a cable car and we can go for dinner at vivo after that. if you cant go home late, then can cab home and you will reach before 7.30pm. can?" ahhhh! like, so not mysterious and not exciting anymore. cos you know what exactly will happen! and 7.30pm means, no stars, no moon, no nothing! and the worst thing is.. .. ..i dont know how to say uh, no when he has everyth planned out to the smoothest detail alr. gahhhhhhh. he didnt even ask me in advance. like, he assumed that i would go with him or someth. yyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaammmmmmmm seeeeenggggggggggggggggggggggggggg! congratulations (and hahah celebrations) how? :(

integrity. your integrity is wrapped by this layer of someth. everytime you do someth bad, or anyth against your principals or morals, this layer become thinner. is it worth it to make someth as precious and invaluable as it so vulnerable and so easily taken away from you- with just ten dollars? integrity is priceless. i would have lost ten dollars, but you would have lost someth way more impt.
yes my two cents worth, how chim.
eat sleep eat sleep. i feel like a pig. sigh, tmr's sunday.. church.. and.. yeah. sighhhh.
to end off, i love great matches and insane family outings and i wish i had told ya some stuff. goodnight!

xoxo, ciao.

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