Friday, February 1, 2008

commonwealth's game was postponed (to tmr). gah, i was praying hard that it wouldnt rain, but sheesh. and ms puva's leaf spell didnt work either (not that i really believed whole-heartedly or anyth). t'was really like, looking forward to receiving my cert and commendation award tmr. i mean, LWS and DL, not just some small music figure or anyth! but i wont have a chance, dang. cry, people, cry.

anyw cos it rained and i was free in the afternoon, did some catching up with jam dearest(s). sigh, another gone for a while. but then again it will be so totally cool if he comes back with a slang - he has that really really quit-staring-i-know-i-dont-look-asian-the-least-bit look. went for really early dinner at cafe cartel. hoorayy, my dad's whatever card entitled me to a two bucks meal (but i actually had to borrow that two bucks, anyw). talked a lot, laughed a lot, attracted a lot of stares cos we were being utmost stupid, and yes that waiter (whose name is matthew tng - what a coincidence right he is not my angel fyi) was so like, trying to strike a conversation with us. no, not anyone and everyone can join in our little social circle talk okayi, please. then had this little walk along the back alley and it was so scary. it wasnt dark, but there was just someth scary abt it, i dont know. and then we started singing. i started singing the melody and the rest hummed/sang the harmony. then after that we started free-styling and switching. then suddenly everyone was singing the harmony. it was pure funny. all that so called falsetto training and bass building. cleo recorded the harmonized parts down. ahhhh, it felt good. i didnt realise how much i really missed us until today. until sereno asked if/when i was going back. what a longgg break, hur. then joonghan was saying that they needed a half alto for the next gig, and all that. i know i want it, but at the same time, i dont know if i will make the wrong choice and regret it. like if i committed, trainings would clash and everyth will all get stressed up again. at the end of the day, will it be worth it? i think it will. but am i strong enough to carry all these on my shoulders? the more i think the more i start to doubt myself. and the more uncertain i will be - of my own abilities, of the trust, of the love. but i dont want to rush into it and pull out suddenly again. it would be so irresponsible. just a little more time, i hope i can give you guys the answer you all want. even though i'm a 101% sure you jam people will never see this,

hahhhh, we are so cool please - the bully gang.
trik and fish are our dai gor dais (da ge das), liv and i are like the small fry(s). no luh, i mean we are impt too. what are two triad leaders without their followers manzxc? yayness i want our family potrait! cant wait for livia lim to come online and send it overrrrrr.
*clenches fist, thumbs on left chest twice, point out finger, and POWER*
act man, hiong.

i need to play well tmr. need.

i dont like coming home early on fridays my grandaunt will be sitting on watch in the living room waiting to pounce on me as soon as i get back. sigh, sigh, sigh.

and i am dang hungry. diet plans never last for more than two days. perseverance yeah.

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