Saturday, February 9, 2008

the new doesnt come till the old goes

did someth to my blog, and notice that i've got a title to this post! my first ever title, actually. dont think too deeply into its content.

i'm into a blogg readinggg frennzzyyyy. well not exactly, i've just been reading joanna and shona's blogs for like, the past three hours. / . those adventures half an earth away at edinburgh/london wherever, cambridge, ah. they're really fortunate things who have learnt how to survive (i really mean survive) and have fun all at the same time - abroad.
i yearn to go to some faraway university campus someday (actually just five or six more years), but goodness knows if my grades/monetary issues can make it. and whether i can let go of all these delicacies and the friendship (or ha, perhaps more) bonds forged over the years here in singapore.

i'm getting really bored here, stiffled and stiffened to my new hand-me-down chair typing and blog-viewing and reading kissed by an angel all at once. i need to get out and feel some shineeeee. i think i'm going to grow mouldy, haaaaa.
i think i shall go to some gv cinema soon to collect my membership card. then drop by at delifrance to get those fruit tarts. or maybe chocolate crinkles at savours, i've been craving for them. feels pretty good having money right at hand, cos i dont have to limit my indulgence. but thats a pretty bad thing too cos i have no self control (money wise, and well what goes into my stomach).

been thinking, people do change and feelings do fade. so yes i think i've thought myself into another fear. i'm afraid of changes. i dont want to one day wake up to another world. where overnight, the people i trust most have turned into some other stranger i hardly recognise. i dont want to part, or know that someday i'll not be a part of that person's life, or that we will be apart. i have no idea why i'm thinking about all these relatively unpleasant stuff now. sigh, sigh.

i'm fickle, i admit. about a lot of stuff, clothes especially. just last year (okay, months ago - bad attempt to make it sound like a longggg time ago cos its cny anyw) i was all into sunny shorts and a long tee. you'll never guess whats in my closet now. yes, the sbs still stay (please). but i've got a pinafore dress (no its not my school uniform)! and another skirt! and someth rather, classy/sophisicated/retro-ish/girl, just someth i thought i would never have laid hands on. hiak hiak hiak, and diy manicures. and rings, and bracelets, chains, necklaces, pins - suddenly they dont seem like such a bad idea. hahhaa, if this is getting too much for you, i'll stop.

sometimes when there's only one thing left to say,
p.s. i love you

xoxo, ciao.

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