Monday, January 21, 2008

okayi today was a happy hyper day - i smiled like shit in the morning and (i dont know why but) hueychyi my grade B+ boyfriend's such as idiot. nevermind, i like. hahahaa ultimate gayness, but yes everyone should be happy all the time. no more plastic smiles, please - they melt in the heat when tested. tsk, genuine smiles are contagious yeah.

home econs! baked some nestum buns/cookies/biscuit. and i spent like half my time trying to shape the star and the heart and yes, i didnt have enough time for the rest. so i super randomly made fishes and "S"s for salicia hahahaha. tsk i tried so hard to keep them away from those greeedyyyyy people (haha jk) and saved them up for you. but my star was rejected D:
anyw they were edible okayi (from what i know thus far) so yes this is another someth worth being happyyyy abt. and i have to say that my boyfriend bullies me hell lot in the kitchen, tskkkkkkk.

didnt swim (couldnt and i didnt feel like it anyw) - so boyfriend and i literally walked the whole six rounds (to make up for not swimming) blasting her samsunggggg phone.

and and and it was super fun/funny/hyper after snr's match yeah. haahhah, self-enacted scenes are the bomb man. from morning assembly to some noobass concert, tsk, such entertainment ah hahahha. yes and hail all, better be green with envy cos your ou xiang (idol) is my boyfriend. hahhah. reallllyyyy eh, fish can be such an idiot sometimes, but yes her speech/one-word-lyric song made us laughhh like crazzaayyeeeee.

tmr's match against zhenghua. i really want to do well. i need to prove myself to mp yeah. and i've gotta prove myself to myself. yayness i want tmr to be another dang hyper day. singingggg all the way. and everythinggg else.
i'll do it when i have the chance to/feel the surge to/have the courage to. for now, tskkkk.

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