Sunday, March 15, 2009

i wouldn't trade today for the world

no, not a chance.
-MC news alert!-

started out by rushing to church. wore a rather mismatched outfit because we were already running late. after bible class i left for my grandma's house, then i went to buy baking ingredients at redhill!
after that i spent 15 minutes looking for a bus stop which 131 goes to, then rode to trish's place.
we baked MC a marshmallow chocolate devil's food cake. well, at least we tried to.

sadly, it turned out like some starburst baby gummy. the kind with a liquid centre. even though we'd baked it for nearly an hour already.

like poo poo, but shhhh don't tell us.
thank goodness we managed to bake really small choc chip cupcakes which were quite nice-tasting! decided to give those to MC instead as our very last resort.
by that time it was already 3.20PM or thereabout, so we had to rush down to jurong east sports hall for NSL.
trish and i braved the rain,
almost got knocked down by a car,
nearly fell down... but we successfully lugged MC's bulky birthday presents all the way there! :) :)
was in time for the last three minutes of her game too hahaha

this is her really fantastic gift! an ikea laundry bag + a big yellow carebear (like my tseyin) + a furry doraemon + 9 hairbands of different colours + a handwritten foolscap letter poem + poo poo cupcakes :D

we (kris trik yeyun lois and i) were there, standing in two rows like a couple of losers, waiting for her to finish her ice-bath.

the co-founders who had the honour to present MC with her new toys!

when she emerged all of us shouted "MISS CHEN !!!" in unison! jinx! double jinx! triple jinx! quadripal jinx! game over! jinx! HAHAHA inside joke
she was peering inside the laundry bag very curiously :)

we talked and joked and laughed heartily for a good more-than-five minutes! then we took individual shots! so exciting i know! grrrr mcfc where were the rest of you?
presenting ...

we "walked" her out of the place after that. as in, we opened the doors for she and her friends and stuff like that. it was so super awesome x 1000000000000000 there's no way i can reproduce those feelings and few minutes in words.


anyw, we took forever to walk from the stadium to the MRT station cos we were like HAHAHA-ing all the way. all that talk about the zoo-trip, the jinxing and what not.

this is trish, in cheers, behaving like a sneaky thief!

my dad fetched us (minus yeyun) to IMM. first stop was PHOTO HUNT MACHINE AND WE GOT A TOP SCORE ON OUR VERY FIRST TRY
we are the awesomest.
btw its supposed to be MCFC loves CHF

we had MOS. mmz clam chowder soup + natsumi teriyaki. am glad to say that i didnt overeat for dinnerrrrrr :)

then we rushed back to the PHOTOHUNT machine where we got more high scores! very very very very very very very satisfying





and here you can see we finally secured the NUMBER ONE position with the highest score :) :) :)
and it was not like we spent a lot of money on that game!
at that point in time we were jumping in joy and cheering self-awarenesslessly
shall we go conquer the rest of the machines? hahaha

explored IMM had icecream played lame ps2 games dropped the controller close your eyes thingy laugh a lot watsons traced back our steps to look for my hersheys chocolate syrup untouched bottle but it was never found we suspect someone stole it charter bus jurong east train reach home

those who didnt come you missed out so plentiful


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