Friday, February 27, 2009

you're my favourite old pair of dentures

this is for the one lovely person i miss incessantly, who gave up the vastness of the entire united kingdom for my contrite, sin-stained, petty little heart.


Then I spotted her. It was just a glimpse of that familiar looking eyes set on a beautiful face bobbing among many others, but I instantaneously recognized her.

I fixed my vision on her, never looking away even as words, voices and sounds swarmed into my ears. I stood alone - straight, stiff, tall, - in the middle of teary-eyed, happily rejoicing, reunited families, couples and friends.

The crowds around her, tour groups i presume, started to disperse, and I could feel my heart pound the beat of my increasing excitement. I could see her ever more clearly now.

She heaved her bright red luggage from the conveyor belt and wheeled it towards the arrival gate, heading in my direction.
She was still, true to her dancing origins, as graceful as ever. Her dark tresses lay over her shoulders, sashaying from side to side along with her hips.
"What a woman she's become," I thought.

Suddenly, abruptly, she stopped short in her tracks. Her mouth flew open, gaping wide. She had seen me. We stood there. We still stood there. God made the world in seven days but my world stopped just right there in a matter of seven seconds. Nothing else seemed to matter the very instant we locked eyes. It was a timeless moment.

Something in my chest - something in my heart - was building up so intensely i thought i was bursting anytime soon. There was only one glass door between us now.

"Sarah." she mouthed. I did nothing but look straight back at her. Previously, when we were literally half the globe apart from each other, I had a million things to tell; I had so much to say I thought it would have taken me an entire lifetime. Yet now, when she was right there before me, meters away, almost within reach, I was lost for words and all actions.

She ran, pulling along her luggage, into me - not towards, but into. She didn't stop when she was already directly in front of me, not even when a centimeter was all the gap of space between us. The impact of her affection had me stumbling two steps back.

She threw her build on me, wrapping her arms around my relatively smaller frame.
"This is what it feels like to be back," she whispered in my ear.
She shut her eyes tight, as if the light of the world would tear us apart.
A tear trickled down the side of my cheek, completing the canvas of unspeakable happiness.

"Yeah," I replied. I dropped everything on hand - my phone, my bag, the rose - and hugged her back as tightly as I could. "Yeah."


just so you know, the brilliancy of that moment is inexplicable, not even in words.
nothing comes close to describing that joy, like my heart was set ablaze.
i love you.

welcome back to singapore, cleo tang.
welcome back to being my best friend forever in the whole wide world :)


Anonymous said...

hey! new url, just so you know. :D

unrevealed love said...

to ly:
okaaayi i'll relink you :) :)