Sunday, February 8, 2009

you don't have to read this.

i'm serious. no not really, i'm sarah :)

the millionth person (just joking!) asked me what i wanted for valentines day today, and i said "a mug."
a bit shocking isn't it! like i personally think that mugs (along with photo-less-frames soaps and cheap chocolates) are cliche and insincere gifts but here i am requesting for one this time.

reason being: five mins ago my very cute (and rather new, if i might add) yellow smiley-faced mug slipped off my hands and fell onto the floor, breaking into two very clean halves. it is what i call a clean break.

i don't know if CNY is over, so just to be safe i said "luo4 di4 kai1 hua1" like liang2 lao3 shi1 instructed us to if we were to break anything.

okayi now back to typing my script for LA presentation.
it's hard being a good kid, but what to do?

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