Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the ultimate diet day :D

you read it right.

  1. walked to school from commonwealth MRT station with tseyin this morning !! it took us 45 minutes and we were almost late for assembly. (grr i can't really risk being unpunctual anymore because all it takes is one more yellow slip and i'll need to clock in corrective work order !!)
    anyw yuching saw us walking when she was on board a bus hahaha

  2. had school training in the afternoon! RVNB's play seems to be a bit unfamiliar to me now but overall i think it was quite a workout :) :)

  3. rushed to the warrens (at cck) right after that! reached at about 6.40PM and had a super duper short gym session with melanzzo! 3 sets x arms, 3 sets x legs, a bit of everything else!

  4. got a bit bored and started playing (or in my case, learning to play) tennis !!!

    do you believe those are my tennis rackets in the blue nike bag! no? well, me neither. oh and take note that the sky was bright at first

    well he was my coach and i am proud to say that i can HIT THE BALL. although it is very small. OVER THE NET.
    it was so x 1000000000000000000000000000 fun we stayed thr from 7 to 8+pm :D :D :D
    however, it was very very very very very very very very very very dark.

why? because someone apparently forgot to book the courts so the lights weren't turned on for us.
thanks to superb night vision i could still return about 1/4 of his serves :) :)
btw that picture was taken with flash.

got a ball stuck very high up and we couldn't get it down. sadly, not even the ever-tall me managed to.

i'm gonna become ideally slim just watch me.

okaaaaayi. so who's that someone?
this one lor.


Anonymous said...

Please trust that i know how much it means for you to take this step.

unrevealed love said...

to anon:

hell yeh. i really x 100000000000000000000 wish i didnt.