Friday, February 6, 2009

living in twilight.

it feels so awesome to be a good kid. today's good albeit the fact i was late for school because of averil soh from class 3I hahaha. i handed in more than half of all the homework i owe, and for the first time since i came into secondary school, i learnt my ting xie :) :)

after school us year3s trained the new juniors for a while. yeyun and i left at 4pm to rush for basketballer's match! mr keith gave us a ride so we saved on cab fare and everyth!

left for bpp in yeyun's car after that. walked around with ximin (in bpp, not yy's car duh) for a little while then had my own quiet time in the lib :)
my life's been so busy (with i dont know what actually) and it feels like i'm always on the go meeting random people at random times; so much that i havent felt this peaceful, so undisturbed,
in a very long time.

after being by myself for an hour i felt more socially inclined so i braved the rain and walked all the way to T's place to surprise visit! but no one was home so feeling rather dejected (not really luh hahah) i left for home.

going down to meet T for dinner in a while :D :D

life is simple so try not to complicate things.

i hope tmr is as exciting as it sounds because i really cant wait !! two cny visitations at teachers' homes back to back.

sometimes i wonder
sometimes i think
if you hear the thoughts running through my mind
if you listen to them screaming your name
do you look at me
do you see me
have you fallen in love?

oh btw chem practicals are getting more interesting because aside from the boring white ppt we usually get, we have bright yellow ones every now and then !!
bio is exciting too because the magnified cells turn me on. hahah of cos not, i just think it's amazing how those structures are, complex or simple, god's beautiful creations.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HEY! i've found another similarity between us(:
we both have rather deformed little fingers. hahah

unrevealed love said...

to toyingwithlove:

hello :) :) :) you owe me one

to gail:

hello my not-so-little junior :D
it's not really someth to be proud of but whtvr hahaha

Anonymous said...

haha. no lor, its unique! :D