Sunday, December 7, 2008

she turns heads like its the right thing to do

but they don't know that's the only thing she is capable of doing.

so last night was a blast. really.
i was right at home, as a matter of fact in my bed, but it was still fking awesome!
okayi i'll spill it all out in a jiffy before your imagination deviates from the right path.

i was in dangerously low spirits at first, like i was crying river mississippi. but that's not the point.

i slept at like 2.30 in the morning. then at 3.45AM singapore time i got a call all the way from UK and you guessed it right it was momocleotineo! that woman who chose her boyf over her bestf (and should be hanged for such an unpardonable offence).
yes i'm still mad at you dont you dare think you'll get away with it just like that

we talked for barely thirty seconds and i went online shortly after.

we had a video call all the way till 6AM.
oh and things got a little kinky. cos my boldness increases with my magnitude of happiness. we had exciting, orgasmic cybersex
no of cos not, what in the world were you thinking!

then i pretended to slp for 10mins before getting awoken by my dad, who didnt find anyth amiss although situations in which i get up right after being whacked hard on the thighs are as rare as silver bananas.

hahaha i'm not the least tired right now, though.

8AM service's sermon spoke heaps to me.
i shall share a little something:

Financial crisis.

Terrorist attacks and the lost of lives.

Relationship problems and conflicts.


When all these mentioned befall on us, do we ask ourselves if God is really thr? Does our faith in Him waiver?

We have to understand that God allows such trials and tribulations into our lives because he wants to make us all stronger and better Christians who turn to him in times of need.
He wants us to know that he is thr to guide us and to lead us out of the darkest tunnels, and that men cannot work alone.

Do you realise that it's so easy to trust in Him when everything is smooth-sailing and when life is like a bed of roses?
We enjoy the blessings he bestow on us, sometimes we even take it for granted.
But when trouble strikes and the storm brews, it takes so so much to place our trust in God.


Remember the story of Job. His life was going downhill downhill downhill and downhill even though he was a righteous man who found favour in the Lord's eyes.
He lost his monetary assets, his family, his wife, his friends, and his health too was failing him.
These were all Satan's work.
But never did Job once complain or groan, or curse the Lord for letting all these bad things happen in his life.
He accepted both the good and the bad, he endured.
Because he had faith in the Lord, because he trusted him.
Never did he curse the Lord.
Neither did he question.

If we look behind the scenes, we read that Satan had asked God for permission to make Job miserable. God agreed, on the one condition that Satan must not touch nor harm Job's body.

When Satan turned Job's world upside down, Job still loved the Lord like he did before.

So Satan asked God for permission to harm his body, too.
God agreed, but he said that Satan must not take Job's life.

So Job was tormented and tested. But his faith was still strong as ever.

So from this we learn that God will never allow Satan to make you suffer more than you can take.
We'll just have to tackle our everyday problems with the right attitude.
We'll just have to believe. Trust. Love.
Because at the end of it all we emerge Champions, good, better and best.

If Job can do it, so can we.

To all those who are on the verge of breaking down, never give up. For God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good. To us.

yes i'm really hungry now k bye!

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