Thursday, October 23, 2008

silence breaks the heart and bends the will

defense is guilty passions out of control.


UPDATE @ 8.30PM has awesome stuff.


zomg LOMO cameras are the bomb.
its a must to check them out.


i overslept this morning. reached school slightly before 8AM even though i cabbed all the way from home.

thr is something i have to clarify. we were watching frankenstein during art lesson and someone screaaaaaaaaaamed rly rly loudly during one of the scarier scenes.
whoever that person was, it wasnt me !!!
i'm maligned
own up now whoever the heck is trying to tarnish my poise reputation.

had to stay back to talk to ms yu after classes. thank goodness it was no big deal/nothing much.
anticipation almost killed me.
teachers petrify me at times.

then i went off to meet kristal lois and trik at vivo's subway.
saw yeyun with another friend too!
stayed thr for a while to discuss MK's farewell party/netball camp stuff
before going to build-a-bear workshop.
hahahha a few months back kristal and i made a pact to buy a bear for each other during christmas!
its my all-time fav festival and i cant wait! though i'll prolly miss out on all the seasonal parties cos i'll be celebrating it in melbourne sigh
anyw, it was a blithe yet intoxicating hangout :)

after they left i spent about ten minutes in the mall "buying encouragement."
hahahah go figure!

i found a stash of two-dollar bills in my wadrobe (um actually its only twenty six bucks)! so weird cos i dont rmb hiding any money anywhr. plus i dont have that kinda habit.
anyw, shall make up a list of people whose money i havent returned.

people whom i havent repaid monetarily
  1. tanya - a few dollars.
  2. alfred - i dont know how much, i think i'll be eternally indebted to him oh no.
  3. matthew - my fabulous angel (from the angel-mortal game) who, like alfred, is always "paying first." he says i'll owe him like a few hundred dollars each year.
  4. yeyun - a few bucks. she lent me money to force me to eat, i havent forgotten.
  5. weijie - four bucks. hamster cage hahaha
  6. kristal - ten bucks. hueychyi's brazillian flip flops
  7. ian - five bucks from a pretty long time ago.
  8. rachel - i'm not quite sure. but i think i do.
  9. tse yin - hahaha a few dollars from first class outing, a few bucks here and thr and three dollars and fifty cents for ytd's cab fare!
  10. joong - fifty five cents! hahahaha
my oh my.
what a freaking longgggggg list.
hahhaha at least my brother owes me eighty bucks :)
i promise to return in full amount every single cent (to those who study in RV) by the end of school term hohoho.

take me home.


Anonymous said...

Merry christmas?oo?

unrevealed love said...
