Saturday, May 10, 2008

in baseball, three strikes and you're out

in life, we seem to get millions of chances but if you really think hard, we've never really made the best out of any of them, have we?

first base, second base, third base, fourth base... homerun(?).

now it seems as if there is nothing hidden between us, like you peel through all the layers of cloth on me bit by bit till all that is left is me and genuinely me.
and i actually like that fact, or the sound of it.

back to the tenth circle, and thinking about life.

i am still in the midst of getting used to a more advanced phone and its multi-functions.
sometimes, simplicity's the best, leave out the rest.

maybe we do get lucky,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heyo, you copied my simplicity's the best thing! Ha credits but oh well, since it's on my birthday!

PS I'll be here when you need me.