Monday, April 7, 2008

swing swing swing from the tangles of -

i am such a (insert word), i haven been reading through the archives of this random stranger i linked from some xanga blog.
well i cant help it cos that person's so interesting and funny in an awfully smart way, though she's (most probably) some rich brat who has showy cashcards and epilates almost every day.

i dont know why my recent responses have been so kinky, flirtatious (and at times downright outrageous) and really loud.

i'm happy today! i visted my greatgrand's.
being there in that cosy apartment makes me feel like a (little) kid. i find myself behaving stupidly or doing very childish stuff, but the point is they all laugh at it at a good, old, kind way.
i feel so accomplished when they smile (like i had just made their day). makes me feel self-actualized, like, see i am not that useless after all.
thus, i have decided to visit them on a weekly basis (when i have nothing to do in the while i am waiting for my evol).

CID cluster (ancient chinese mathematics) said stuff about some chinese legend/chinese lunar calender/chinese stuff that raked up some memories.
i used to be crazy over this series called my date with a vampire. i have like all three complete boxsets which are currently sitting on my desk collecting dust.
ooofs, now there's this overbearing urge to watch them all over again!
i am even thinking of sacrificing tonight's beauty sleep just so i can start (as soon as possible).
all hong kong (canto speaking) serials are addictive, i (still) find that dialect very intriguing and i imagine myself speaking as fluently in one of the hk directed serials one day (add canto actress to my to-be-when-i-grow-up-list!).
and note, today's was so cool time passed so fast, i was taken by surprise when mr ong chun ling announced the end of his lesson, yo.

i like to feel shielded/protected.

our first weights training starts tmr and oh boo, it is quite anticipating (you would agree with me).
and i have no idea where all my towels are! the pink one, the yellow/baige one, the purple floral one, the esprit coolt one, the winnie the pooh one, the src challenge one, the unity primary one!
tell me, how do all seven of your towels go missing overnight!
i mean, tomtom's disappearing act is understandable considering that it has legs and walks, but towels! hur.
anyw i must have faith in tomtom's search party.
i miss tomtom.

plan plan plan plan plan plan plan plan make you feel so whateverish beside me hahaha.

i want my camera back!
feels weird without my mini olympus. hey i am a to-be photographer yo (or not).

i'm a legend,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i stole the yellow one! :]]