Thursday, April 10, 2008

candle light, blue flames green flames, lead me home

i am sinking into depression because i cant clear the 'A' for my standing broad jump.
of cos i'm kidding,
but only about me being depressed.

i wrote two horrible pieces into my lit-collection excercise book today,
outrageously boring ones.
i cant tear the pages out though, i dont like those jagged untorn bits which are still stuck on the bind.
after all (you're my wonderwall), i'm a perfectionist (i wish).

i want to write pretty poems and punny (not puny) paragraphs but i've got zero inspiration. you know, like zero coke (or coke zero).

i was unluckily picked by ms chew to present my personal response question (answer) using the visualiser. i spent half the lesson rumaging through all my stuff but i couldnt find it, and was thus utterly humiliated by that vertically challenged, unusually witty teacher. she said i ate my homework up.
tsk, first she used me as a subject for the example on the word *relegate (ms chew said, "sarah was relegated to a toilet cleaner." then stinkyyyy bolun said "but, that's a promotion!" oh dang the whole class laughed.), then this.
*relegate means to give a less important or authorative role or title to someone/opposite of promote
but optimistic as i am, i'll take it as an honour yo.

i think i shall go around speaking in euphemisn (and get so impatient with myself and saw my head off).

i have never watched a horror in my entire life. should i watch my first (three) by attempting the hannibal trilogy? someone watch with me!
anything recommended by ms chew should be good.

anyw, after ten million years i finally spoke to mr leumas eew yesterday.

life sucks when you're broke (or worst negative value eh). okayi maybe only during break/lunchtime/dinnertime whaatever blah as long as you get my drift.

i lent my camera to my aunt and she spoilt it :(
buying me sweets from that-country-i-forgot-which does not make me feel less murderous (haha).
i am crossing my fingers that my olympus is still under warantee!

i never cease to amaze myself with my all-round stunts and feats.
i think i hurt my ankle (again) while pushing open the glass door at yew tee macdonalds (where cleo bought me an apple pie). i have no idea how i mananged that.
but to think of it my ankle has not yet fully recovered, grrrrrrr

i felt so useless. why wont you let me share your pain? :'(
epiphany song,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello! :D