Monday, February 4, 2008

twilight. is so wonderfully addictive. the emotional torment, the anguish, temptations, everyth was portrayed so piercingly sharp it went right through my heart. the pain edward felt, him loving bella yet having to distant himself from her. his urge to protect and shield her from all disasters and everyth bad, him just wanting to hold her and pull her close and keep her in his embrace. him trying to hold back his thirst for her blood. edward is a vampire purified by the complexities of love. bella, saying that it didnt matter if he was even a human at all. sigh, their love is not extraordinary. no love can be described as 'extraordinary'; the word itself alr is, love is extraordinary in its own rights. their love is inhumane. not that edward was human in the first place, but its so strong, it cant be penetrated through. the yearns, the needs, the wants, the dreams vs reality, cold and hard. how they try to not put each other in a difficult position, both self-sacrificing, wanting the other to just be safe, yet at the same time longing for the touch, the closeness. love is so beautiful it scares me.

and, how can i forget romeo and juliet. read and studied deeper into the play, and i've arrived at an open-ended half conclusion. this whole play is about sex, sex, sex, and more sex, and a little rape here and there. like how shakespeare intended the capulet manservants to rape the montague maids and not kill them as i thought he originally wanted when he wrote "thrust upon the upright the maidenheads". shakespeare is a much more a sick genius than i thought he probably would have been. i bet ms chew intentionally avoided those dialogues and explained as less detailed as she could. so much hidden sexual tension, please.

and i read this on one of the blogskins yesterday. i dont know why it still has me thinking about it, yeah. how sweet:
If you be my star
I'll be your sky
you can hide underneath me
and come out at night
when I turn jet black
and you show off your light
I live to let you shine

played a while with nanhua cdiv people after senior's match. they're rather nice, and i see rvcdiv building ties with nhcdiv alr.

you all will always be the ones i(we) look up to, champion team forever in our hearts. its not the end, cos there is still a lonnnggg way to go for you guys. all the coming challenges, matches, games, seasons, etc - you've got each other.
though you(all) prolly wont see this, juniors will always be supportingggg and screaming and everyth. jiayou!
whoa, why do i feel like i'm saying too much? like i'm a first hand experiencer or someth, lol. go rivervalleynetballteam.
and although you dont want me to be around and all, i still hope that you are fine (better if you are more than that, but if you are at this point of time, it might show that you've got a personality disorder/you've gone hysterical/crazy/gaga). take care, and jiayou (esp,)
so many questions, so much i dont understand. but would it be any better if i understood?


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