Tuesday, February 26, 2008

they kissed four times and then exchanged wedding vows, mind you they didnt know each other till the day before

romeo and juliet, aye. cont'ed watching the movie today, and whoaa things were getting real hot *sweats*.

stayed back in school for a whilee, then crazayeee people, we took off our shoes and flunkk them like, awayy. then we played barefooted/shoeless and laughed like such asses. street netball with yearfour seniors after thaaat. tsk, tried to go watch the juniors train but ms loo chased us away immediately after we sat down.
there's like this bigggg (and i mean big) patch of uh, bruise on my left knee and it hurts a lot okayi. and my muscles are still not looooose. and everything, and everything, and everything, oh dang. we've got like a friendly against SSS tomorrow. how sudden can things gettttttt manzxc aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!

and bully gang (+/- yuyan) went on our first missionn today. we attempted to stalk (guess who?) ms chen! tsk, failed (horribly and terribly and vegeetably). i mean, we were hardly starting on it and yet she saw us alr. tttssssskkkkkkkkkkk. so well, everyone went home.

reached home (relatively) early today. daddyy appeared rather pleased at this when i was on the phone with him just now.
hopefully (cross my fingerrrs) he'll be pleased enough to buy me that portable baking oven! i have been wanting to bake since a hundred years ago (actually just today during cid cos i was texting tarzan about cakes and muffins and everything). ohyes, i am mad at tarzan D:

yayyyyy i got my fourth sunflower. and this time withhh a hint too.
i'm gettinggggg.. closeeeeeee(r) (i hope).

anyw, realised that i have been eating all sorts of junkie (and hardly any staples at all), but yesssss this is good, i've successfully lost like, half a kilooogrammmmm.

xoxo, (it was pretty cold today lei)

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