Monday, February 11, 2008

its no longer a want, it has become a need

silver pavements, misty lights and starlit trees.
and, some people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. and livia lim yun, you must must must never forget the bully gang. cos no matter what, we stand by you. hyungs, yeah. if anyone dares bully you (horror horror cos only the bully gang bullies okay - squat, now!), tsk tsk tsk (so courageous get him/her to join our gang eh), you know (haha). die!

training was alrighties today, just that the last part of it was a little gah-ish, you know (actually you dont). and i trained with the defenders today - ms puva said i had good feet. sigh, i missed the whole session the attackers had with ms chen (the cute cartoon). but its okay, i'm gonna have a good dayyy (ta-da, the ta-da, the ta-da).
oh, after that had dinner with the two (loveable) asses and came back home only to find a really super-sumptous chicken stew portion (specially kept for me) on the dining table. grr, i'm on the verge of bursting from all that.. ice kachang. see, i said that my diets never last more than two days (sighhh).

i brought home two of the cupcakes i baked during home econs. and i told daddy and mommy i left it for them, and they sounded happy (like, really). and i feel great (hahha). i gave awayy the cupcakes i made yesterday too! and well, my chocolate-marshmallow ones were finger-licking-good and not that bad okayi. they didnt look as appealing, but you see, you never know till it goes into your mouth. i cant wait to bake again! which, most probably will be like, on saturday cos its our dearest rae foo's birthday. and kungfu dunk after that! well what a shallow movie (i want my ps i love you!), haha. somehow the picture of jay chou dribbling that orange ball doesnt seem that interesting (at least, not to me). i've decided, that (as much as i can) i'm goinggg to bake on everyone's (not exactly everyone, actually) birthdays! whaaat a sweeeeet ebab, i know.

and there's this very important decision i have to make.
about my hair.
i'm so going to spend the next half an hour weighing this out: to clip or not to clip?
cheery? bright? dark? dull? emo? oooooooh manzxc, who cares actually? (i do)
i'm becoming so, i dont know, girl (perhaps its just been in me all along). skirts and dresses and chains and necklaces and lengthys and dangles and rings and diamonds and heart shapes and stars and loves and dreams and armours and knights and tights and hair and nails and everyth else.

sigh, i dont have a high forehead. just a receeding hairline. and thats very sad.


barney is hot! like, purple hot yeah. lois knows all the barney songs i know and its great fun singing them aloud with her. its not just the i-love-you-you-love-me-song fyi.
its - oh dang it i just forgot the song.
well nevermind i shall post the lyrics when i remember (gosh), its such a pretty song.
i honestly didnt feel a thing when you told me who you liked. i sort of expected it. and i'm totally over it alr.

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