Wednesday, January 30, 2008

sigh to the world, sigh.
i was unhappy/sad/whatever today because of you. you cried, then you pushed me away, and i had like, no idea what was going on. all i could do was like, randomly guess that you were missing __ _____, or that someth had happened, or what, i dont know. then when i thought abt it, it finally dawned on me that alot could very well be nothing, gahhhhhhh man.
sigh. i'm tired and famished and broke to the (apple) core.
but this is genuine. what comes from my heart is genuine.
langgg aarrttts testttt tmr, screammmm man.
know what, someday i'll be able to point out all the stars. someday - just watch me. (resolution)

pictures of you, pictures of me, hung upon the wall for the world to see.
pictures of you, pictures of me, reminds us all of what we used to be.
push me away for the first time, oh,
i can see this would be just another landslide,
push me away for the last time,
and i'm over it but in the meantime
push me away for the last time.

the last goodnight is such an awesome band.


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