Sunday, January 13, 2008

i wore a skirt today (to church) cos i felt like it.
matt said i looked nice, and that i should do it more often.
seating beside him and jeremy somehow equals to dhoby surround effect haha.
told matt abt rvnb and all that, so yeah.

met jotay on the way to my grandma's house.
made a super impromptu and sudden descision to get on a cable car like, the stop before vivo.
he said that skirts are my thing, lol.
anyw i'm feeling really guilty now.
cos even though he was with andrius chew and the gang,
he decided to go with me - and we didnt even go on the cable car.
gah, when we were queueing for the bus,
i just told him super suddenly that my grandma wanted me to rush home.
which was in fact a lie.
i dont know lei, i just, didnt want to take it at that time.
you know there are times you just dont feel like it, like really, or maybe there was someone else you wanted to take it with,i guess that was what happened.
its not fickle-mindedness.
its.. a different kind of feeling.
gahhhh, neverminddddd.
i feel guilty :( sorry kid.

yesterday didnt turn out as bad as i thought it would've.
mp told _______ before training,
and ___ _____ a lil and all,
but i think you took it really well.
really really really.
i just hope that you werent breaking down and crying like shit inside.
you deserve a place more than anyone else actually,
but well, gahhhh. some things,
i dont know what to say.
if you need i'm always here bah.
i stood strong so that i could be there for you.
you didnt know i almost cried in front of mk.
its not cos i was over-emotional.
but well i saw how you trained,
the effort you put in,
your everyday shooting,
and just that day before, you me and fish staying back for extra stuff.
and esp how excited you were over the jerseys and season itself.
your every tear was like every sweat you put in.
but look on the brighter side yeah,
cos you'll still with us!
its still eleven, no, twelve, no, thirteen, yes
as a team or nun (monk).
think of it this way - you're like our motivation,
and whatever we have/will get/anyth
is yours as much as it is ours.
you are important.
i hope what we are gonna do on thurs will make you feel better.
this is the love yeah.
cdiv/rvnb is hot.

i cant wait for thursday.
trik and i - porn commercial.
and __ ___ for _______.
lets all get hyped up for friday.

ate with my maid and fish.
then took really long bus rides.
sat at the back and away from my maid,
then we sang all those emo songs,
and all that, then talked.
concluded that fish and i are both overly possesive people.
but its like, cant stop it,
some feelings and emotions just come from the heart that kinda thing.
sing our hearts out manzxc.

nothing gets in the way please.

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